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Radiotherapy of Cervical Cancer at Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Corresponding Author(s) : Endah Kurniati
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 2
This study aims to determine the procedure of cervical cancer radiation at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, because cervical cancer sufferers have increased every year, and attack anyone regardless of age limit. The results showed that there were no special preparations for cervical cancer irradiation. The cervical cancer radiation procedure goes through several stages, namely the stage of diagnosis and consultation, the positioning stage, immobilization and CT simulator, the counturing stage, the treatment planning system, the verification stage and the radiation stage. Radiation is carried out by Linac modality using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) so that the maximum dose is obtained for the tumor and the minimum dose for healthy tissue with a total dose of 50Gy.
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