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September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022
Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge Regarding Abg Interpretation And Selected Nursing Interventions Among Newly Joined Nursing Staffs Working In Critical Care Units Of Selected Hospitals In Bangalore
Corresponding Author(s) : Thirumoorthy D
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2022): 2022 Volume -10 - Issue 3
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is one of the most basic tests of pulmonary function, performed routinely in hospitals throughout the world. The proper application of the concepts of acid base imbalance will help the health care provider not only to follow the progress of the patient but also to evaluate the effectiveness of care being provided. Accurate assessment of the relationship between abnormal blood gas findings and a patient’s overall clinical condition is a common challenge for critical care nurses. To meet this challenge, nurses must understand the mechanisms underlying acid-base balance and the common causes of acid-base imbalance. Considering this major problem, a study was carried out with a purpose of identifying the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding ABG interpretation and selected nursing interventions among newly joined nursing staffs working in critical care units of selected hospitals in Bangalore. Evaluative approach was used to conduct the study. The design for the study was one group pretest posttest, quasi experimental design. The sample size comprised of 30 staff nurse who met the inclusive criteria were selected by convenient sampling technique The tool consists of Demographic data, self - administered Structured questioner. The data was collected over a period of 4 weeks at selected urban areas Bangalore, pretest was conducted for 45 minutes. Immediately after the pretest, information booklets were given on an individual basis. After seven days posttest was done. The same procedure was continued up to 30 samples. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The finding shows after the administration of information booklet that 90% of staff nurse have adequate knowledge regarding ABG analysis.
ABG analysis, staff nurse.
Thirumoorthy D, Premakumari J, Kavitha Parthasarathy, R. Aroun Prasath, & Lakshmi Devi R. (2022). Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge Regarding Abg Interpretation And Selected Nursing Interventions Among Newly Joined Nursing Staffs Working In Critical Care Units Of Selected Hospitals In Bangalore. International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 10(3), 340–345.
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1. Lewis LS, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR, Brien O. Medical surgical nursing; Assessment and management of clinical Problems. 7th ed. Elsevier’s; 2011. p. 333-8.
2. Brunner S. Medical Surgical nursing. South Asian ed. Wolters Kluwer publishers; 2018: 237-41.
3. Sharma SK. Nursing Research and statistics. 3rd ed. Elsevier publishers; 2019.
4. Machi LA, McVoy BT. The literature Review. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Corwin publishers.
5. Polit FD, Hungler PD. Nursing research principles and methods. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1999.
6. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [internet]. Edinburg: Wikipedia foundation, Inc: [cited 2020 Oct]. Available from. Wikipedia. Available from:
7. Krishna B, Sriram S, Sriram S, Krishna B. Clinical utility of arterial blood gas test in an intensive care unit: an observational study. Indian J Crit Care Med;25(2):172-5. [serial online] Jan 2021; Available from. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23719, PMID 33707895.
8. Al-Moamany MS, Jahdali H. Appropriateness of arterial blood gas measurement in acute care general wards. [serial online] March; 1999; Available from. Available from:
9. Rodriguez S, Poza P, Freigang S, Zubizarreta-Ormazabal I, Paz-Martín D, Holl E. Automatic real-time analysis and interpretation of arterial blood gas sample for Point-of-care testing: clinical validation. Available from. PLoS One. 2021;16(3):e0248264. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248264, PMID 33690724.
10. Padma K, Anju Priya S, Dr Indira. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation of ABG results among staff nurses. [Serial online]; 2015. Available from:
11. Singh V, Khatana S, Gupta P. Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg.[ serial online] Dec. 2013; Available from;4(2):136-41. doi: 10.4103/0975-5950.127641, PMID 24665166.
12. Haldar D, Kumar A. Arterial blood gas analysis among chronic respiratory patients. Int J Sci Res.[serial online] June. 2019;
13. Salam A, Smina Mihai, Gada P, Tillukhdharry L. The effects of arterial blood gas values on extubation decisions. 2003; 48(11). Available from:
14. Park JJ, Choi DJ, Yoon CH. The prognostic value of arterial blood gas analysis in high risk acute heart failure patients. [Serial online] June; 2015. Available from:
15. Khanal S. Utilization if arterial blood gas measurements. Journal of anesthesia and critical care. 2016; 6(2). Available from; Available from:
16. Hohmann C, Pfister R, Kuhr K, Merkle J, Hinzmann J, Michels G. Determination of electrolytes in critical illness patients at different pH ranges: whom shall we believe, the blood gas analysis or the laboratory AutoAnalyzer? Crit Care Res Pract. Available from. 2019;2019:9838706. doi: 10.1155/2019/9838706, PMID 31396417.
17. Enezi FAl, Anazi AAl. Arterial and venous estimation of hemoglobin. Journal of hematology. p. 187-92. [ serial online]Sep; 2015; Available from. ISSN. Available from:
18. Yee K, Shetty AL, Lai K. ABG needle study. Emerg Med J: ISSN.[serial online] 2021;
19. O’Conner TM, Barry PJ, Jahangir A. Comparison of arterial and venous blood gases and the effects of analysis delay and air contamination.[serial online]; 2010; Available from. Available from: .
20. Frutiger A, Brunner JX. Computerized blood gas interpretation as tool for classroom and ICU. [ serial online]. Intensive Care Med. 2014; Available from;19(4):209-14. doi: 10.1007/BF01694772, PMID 8366229.
21. Vahedian A, Rahimi F. Effect of the Specific Training Course for Competency in doing arterial blood gas Sampling in the Intensive Care Unit. [serial online] Feb 2021; Available from. Available from:
22. Samuel R. A graphical tool for arterial blood gas interpretation. Indian journal of medical biochemistry. [serial online]. 2018;22(1):85-9.
23. Kaur A, Charan GS. A study to assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge and practice regarding ABG among ICU nurses. [serial online]; 2016; Available from. Available from:
24. Jeeva S. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation among staff nurses. [serial online] Aug; 2018; Available from. Available from:
25. Swami DK. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge of ECG among second year B.Sc. nursing students. [ serial online] Dec; 2017; Available from. Available from:
26. Dr Kaur P. Assessment of impact of training in improving knowledge of blood transfusion among clinicians. Tranfus Med Hemother [online]. Vol. 41. p. 222-6. Available from; 2014. Available from:
27. Amal K, Aziza L. Impact of educational program in developing knowledge and attitude of psychiatric nurses. [ Serial online]; 2015.
28. Haffiz R, night Haffiz Reshi, Shugusha Maqbool. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding the legal responsibilities. Asian J Nurs Educ Res. [Serial online]. 2016.
1. Lewis LS, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR, Brien O. Medical surgical nursing; Assessment and management of clinical Problems. 7th ed. Elsevier’s; 2011. p. 333-8.
2. Brunner S. Medical Surgical nursing. South Asian ed. Wolters Kluwer publishers; 2018: 237-41.
3. Sharma SK. Nursing Research and statistics. 3rd ed. Elsevier publishers; 2019.
4. Machi LA, McVoy BT. The literature Review. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Corwin publishers.
5. Polit FD, Hungler PD. Nursing research principles and methods. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1999.
6. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [internet]. Edinburg: Wikipedia foundation, Inc: [cited 2020 Oct]. Available from. Wikipedia. Available from:
7. Krishna B, Sriram S, Sriram S, Krishna B. Clinical utility of arterial blood gas test in an intensive care unit: an observational study. Indian J Crit Care Med;25(2):172-5. [serial online] Jan 2021; Available from. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23719, PMID 33707895.
8. Al-Moamany MS, Jahdali H. Appropriateness of arterial blood gas measurement in acute care general wards. [serial online] March; 1999; Available from. Available from:
9. Rodriguez S, Poza P, Freigang S, Zubizarreta-Ormazabal I, Paz-Martín D, Holl E. Automatic real-time analysis and interpretation of arterial blood gas sample for Point-of-care testing: clinical validation. Available from. PLoS One. 2021;16(3):e0248264. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248264, PMID 33690724.
10. Padma K, Anju Priya S, Dr Indira. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation of ABG results among staff nurses. [Serial online]; 2015. Available from:
11. Singh V, Khatana S, Gupta P. Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg.[ serial online] Dec. 2013; Available from;4(2):136-41. doi: 10.4103/0975-5950.127641, PMID 24665166.
12. Haldar D, Kumar A. Arterial blood gas analysis among chronic respiratory patients. Int J Sci Res.[serial online] June. 2019;
13. Salam A, Smina Mihai, Gada P, Tillukhdharry L. The effects of arterial blood gas values on extubation decisions. 2003; 48(11). Available from:
14. Park JJ, Choi DJ, Yoon CH. The prognostic value of arterial blood gas analysis in high risk acute heart failure patients. [Serial online] June; 2015. Available from:
15. Khanal S. Utilization if arterial blood gas measurements. Journal of anesthesia and critical care. 2016; 6(2). Available from; Available from:
16. Hohmann C, Pfister R, Kuhr K, Merkle J, Hinzmann J, Michels G. Determination of electrolytes in critical illness patients at different pH ranges: whom shall we believe, the blood gas analysis or the laboratory AutoAnalyzer? Crit Care Res Pract. Available from. 2019;2019:9838706. doi: 10.1155/2019/9838706, PMID 31396417.
17. Enezi FAl, Anazi AAl. Arterial and venous estimation of hemoglobin. Journal of hematology. p. 187-92. [ serial online]Sep; 2015; Available from. ISSN. Available from:
18. Yee K, Shetty AL, Lai K. ABG needle study. Emerg Med J: ISSN.[serial online] 2021;
19. O’Conner TM, Barry PJ, Jahangir A. Comparison of arterial and venous blood gases and the effects of analysis delay and air contamination.[serial online]; 2010; Available from. Available from: .
20. Frutiger A, Brunner JX. Computerized blood gas interpretation as tool for classroom and ICU. [ serial online]. Intensive Care Med. 2014; Available from;19(4):209-14. doi: 10.1007/BF01694772, PMID 8366229.
21. Vahedian A, Rahimi F. Effect of the Specific Training Course for Competency in doing arterial blood gas Sampling in the Intensive Care Unit. [serial online] Feb 2021; Available from. Available from:
22. Samuel R. A graphical tool for arterial blood gas interpretation. Indian journal of medical biochemistry. [serial online]. 2018;22(1):85-9.
23. Kaur A, Charan GS. A study to assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge and practice regarding ABG among ICU nurses. [serial online]; 2016; Available from. Available from:
24. Jeeva S. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation among staff nurses. [serial online] Aug; 2018; Available from. Available from:
25. Swami DK. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge of ECG among second year B.Sc. nursing students. [ serial online] Dec; 2017; Available from. Available from:
26. Dr Kaur P. Assessment of impact of training in improving knowledge of blood transfusion among clinicians. Tranfus Med Hemother [online]. Vol. 41. p. 222-6. Available from; 2014. Available from:
27. Amal K, Aziza L. Impact of educational program in developing knowledge and attitude of psychiatric nurses. [ Serial online]; 2015.
28. Haffiz R, night Haffiz Reshi, Shugusha Maqbool. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding the legal responsibilities. Asian J Nurs Educ Res. [Serial online]. 2016.
2. Brunner S. Medical Surgical nursing. South Asian ed. Wolters Kluwer publishers; 2018: 237-41.
3. Sharma SK. Nursing Research and statistics. 3rd ed. Elsevier publishers; 2019.
4. Machi LA, McVoy BT. The literature Review. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Corwin publishers.
5. Polit FD, Hungler PD. Nursing research principles and methods. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1999.
6. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [internet]. Edinburg: Wikipedia foundation, Inc: [cited 2020 Oct]. Available from. Wikipedia. Available from:
7. Krishna B, Sriram S, Sriram S, Krishna B. Clinical utility of arterial blood gas test in an intensive care unit: an observational study. Indian J Crit Care Med;25(2):172-5. [serial online] Jan 2021; Available from. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23719, PMID 33707895.
8. Al-Moamany MS, Jahdali H. Appropriateness of arterial blood gas measurement in acute care general wards. [serial online] March; 1999; Available from. Available from:
9. Rodriguez S, Poza P, Freigang S, Zubizarreta-Ormazabal I, Paz-Martín D, Holl E. Automatic real-time analysis and interpretation of arterial blood gas sample for Point-of-care testing: clinical validation. Available from. PLoS One. 2021;16(3):e0248264. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248264, PMID 33690724.
10. Padma K, Anju Priya S, Dr Indira. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation of ABG results among staff nurses. [Serial online]; 2015. Available from:
11. Singh V, Khatana S, Gupta P. Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg.[ serial online] Dec. 2013; Available from;4(2):136-41. doi: 10.4103/0975-5950.127641, PMID 24665166.
12. Haldar D, Kumar A. Arterial blood gas analysis among chronic respiratory patients. Int J Sci Res.[serial online] June. 2019;
13. Salam A, Smina Mihai, Gada P, Tillukhdharry L. The effects of arterial blood gas values on extubation decisions. 2003; 48(11). Available from:
14. Park JJ, Choi DJ, Yoon CH. The prognostic value of arterial blood gas analysis in high risk acute heart failure patients. [Serial online] June; 2015. Available from:
15. Khanal S. Utilization if arterial blood gas measurements. Journal of anesthesia and critical care. 2016; 6(2). Available from; Available from:
16. Hohmann C, Pfister R, Kuhr K, Merkle J, Hinzmann J, Michels G. Determination of electrolytes in critical illness patients at different pH ranges: whom shall we believe, the blood gas analysis or the laboratory AutoAnalyzer? Crit Care Res Pract. Available from. 2019;2019:9838706. doi: 10.1155/2019/9838706, PMID 31396417.
17. Enezi FAl, Anazi AAl. Arterial and venous estimation of hemoglobin. Journal of hematology. p. 187-92. [ serial online]Sep; 2015; Available from. ISSN. Available from:
18. Yee K, Shetty AL, Lai K. ABG needle study. Emerg Med J: ISSN.[serial online] 2021;
19. O’Conner TM, Barry PJ, Jahangir A. Comparison of arterial and venous blood gases and the effects of analysis delay and air contamination.[serial online]; 2010; Available from. Available from: .
20. Frutiger A, Brunner JX. Computerized blood gas interpretation as tool for classroom and ICU. [ serial online]. Intensive Care Med. 2014; Available from;19(4):209-14. doi: 10.1007/BF01694772, PMID 8366229.
21. Vahedian A, Rahimi F. Effect of the Specific Training Course for Competency in doing arterial blood gas Sampling in the Intensive Care Unit. [serial online] Feb 2021; Available from. Available from:
22. Samuel R. A graphical tool for arterial blood gas interpretation. Indian journal of medical biochemistry. [serial online]. 2018;22(1):85-9.
23. Kaur A, Charan GS. A study to assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge and practice regarding ABG among ICU nurses. [serial online]; 2016; Available from. Available from:
24. Jeeva S. A study to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis and interpretation among staff nurses. [serial online] Aug; 2018; Available from. Available from:
25. Swami DK. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge of ECG among second year B.Sc. nursing students. [ serial online] Dec; 2017; Available from. Available from:
26. Dr Kaur P. Assessment of impact of training in improving knowledge of blood transfusion among clinicians. Tranfus Med Hemother [online]. Vol. 41. p. 222-6. Available from; 2014. Available from:
27. Amal K, Aziza L. Impact of educational program in developing knowledge and attitude of psychiatric nurses. [ Serial online]; 2015.
28. Haffiz R, night Haffiz Reshi, Shugusha Maqbool. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding the legal responsibilities. Asian J Nurs Educ Res. [Serial online]. 2016.