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Application of ASIR and Windowing to Image Anatomical Information of CT Scan Stonography
Corresponding Author(s) : Saifudin
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 5 No. 4 (2017): 2017 Volume 5- Issue -4
One disadvantage CT Scan Stonography is generated imagery has a high noise level. Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASIR) is the latest in image reconstruction method to minimize noise and improve anatomical information of CT Scan. CT Scan image display is also influenced by the setting Windowing.
Assessing optimization ASIR and Windowing on image of CT Scan Stonography to value optimal anatomical information of CT Scan Stonography.
The type of this study was quasi experimental with the post test only design. Samples of study about 10 samples in each treatment group implementation of the application ASIR with Windowing. Assessment anatomical information is conducted independenly by two radiologists, analyzed by using the Kruskal Wallis test and continuing with Mann Whitney test.
There were difference between image anatomical information (p value < 0,001) after the application of ASIR and windowing.
The use combination of ASIR 40% with WW350 and WL64 is the most optimal for the image anatomical information on the image of CT Scan Stonography with mean rank 89,75.
Application of percentage ASIR 40% with WW350;WL64 at the image of CT Scan Stonography can be used to generate the most optimal image quality and anatomical information
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Bombi?sk i, P., Warcho?, S., Brzewski, M., Biejat, A., Dudek warcho?, T., Krzemie?, G., & Szmigielska, A.
Lower dose CT urography ( CTU ) with iterative reconstruction technique in children initial experience and
examination protocol. Polish Journal of Radiology 2014, 137 144.
[2]. Bourne, R. Fundamentals of Digital Imaging in Medicine. Springer London Dordrecht Heidelberg , 2010, 87
[3]. Cook, J., Lamb, B. W., Lettin, J. E., & Graham, S. J. The Epidemiology of Urolithiasis in an Ethnically
Diverse Population Living in The Same Area. Endurology and Stone Disease , 13 (04), 2016, 2754 2758.
[4]. Guzinski, M., Waszczuk, ?., & Marek, J. S. Head CT : Image quality improvement of posterior fossa and
radiation dose reduction with ASiR comparative studies of CT head examinations. 2016. 015 4183 4
[5]. Hartman, R. P., Kawashima, A., & LeRoy, A. J. Helical CT in The Diagnosis of urolithiasis 2006.
Saifudin et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-5(4) 2017 [941-946]
[6]. Joffe, S. A., ServaeJoffe, S. A., Servaes, S., Okon, S., & Horowitz, M. Multi s, S., Okon, S., & Horowitz, M. Multi –– Detector Row CT Urography in the Evaluation of. Detector Row CT Urography in the Evaluation of. RSNARSNA, 2003, 1441, 2003, 1441––1455.1455.
[7]. Leipsic, J., Labounty, T. M., Heilbron, B., Min, J. K., Lin, F. Y., Taylor, C., … Heilbron, B. Adaptive Statistical Leipsic, J., Labounty, T. M., Heilbron, B., Min, J. K., Lin, F. Y., Taylor, C., … Heilbron, B. Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction: AssIterative Reconstruction: Assessment of Image Noise and Image Quality in Coronary CT Angiography. 2010. essment of Image Noise and Image Quality in Coronary CT Angiography. 2010. American Journal of RadiologyAmerican Journal of Radiology,,
[8]. Moussa, S. A., & Mariapan, P. Moussa, S. A., & Mariapan, P. Imaging of the Genitourinary System Imaging of the Genitourinary System -- UrolithiasisUrolithiasis. (S. K. Morcos & H. S. . (S. K. Morcos & H. S. Thomsen, EThomsen, Eds.) (First edit). Sheffield, UK. 2009.ds.) (First edit). Sheffield, UK. 2009.
[9]. Nagatani, Y., Takahashi, M., Murata, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashiro, T., Miyara, T., Noma, S. Lung nodule Nagatani, Y., Takahashi, M., Murata, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashiro, T., Miyara, T., Noma, S. Lung nodule detection performance in five observers on computed tomography ( CT ) with adaptive iterative dose reduction detection performance in five observers on computed tomography ( CT ) with adaptive iterative dose reduction using tusing threehree--dimensional processing ( AIDR 3D ) in a Japanese multicenter study : Comparison between ultradimensional processing ( AIDR 3D ) in a Japanese multicenter study : Comparison between ultra--lowlow--dose CT and lowdose CT and low--dose CT. dose CT. European Journal of RadiologyEuropean Journal of Radiology, , 8484(7), 2015, 1401(7), 2015, 1401––1412. 1412.
[10]. Razali, N. M., & Wah, Y. B. PoRazali, N. M., & Wah, Y. B. Power comparisons of Shapirower comparisons of Shapiro--Wilk , KolmogorovWilk , Kolmogorov--Smirnov , Lilliefors and Smirnov , Lilliefors and AndersonAnderson--Darling tests. Darling tests. Journal of Statistical Modeling and AnalysticsJournal of Statistical Modeling and Analystics, , 22(1), 2011, 21(1), 2011, 21––33.33.
[11]. Sagara, Y., Hara, A. K., Pavlicek, W., Silva, A. C., & Paden, R. G. Abdominal CT: Comparison ofSagara, Y., Hara, A. K., Pavlicek, W., Silva, A. C., & Paden, R. G. Abdominal CT: Comparison of LowLow--Dose Dose CT With Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction and RoutineCT With Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction and Routine--Dose CT With Filtered Back Projection in Dose CT With Filtered Back Projection in 53 Patients. 53 Patients. American Journal of RadiologyAmerican Journal of Radiology, 2010, 713, 2010, 713––719.
[12]. Sugiyono. Sugiyono. Metode Metode PenelitianPenelitian Kuantitatif, KuaKuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & Dlitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2011.. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2011.
[13]. Vardhanabhuti, V., Loader, R. J., Mitchell, G. R., Riordan, R. D., &Vardhanabhuti, V., Loader, R. J., Mitchell, G. R., Riordan, R. D., & Roobottom, C. A. Image Quality Roobottom, C. A. Image Quality Assessment of StandardAssessment of Standard-- and Lowand Low--Dose Chest CT Using Filtered Back Projection, Adaptive Statistical Dose Chest CT Using Filtered Back Projection, Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction, and Novel ModelBased Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms. Iterative Reconstruction, and Novel ModelBased Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms. American Journal of American Journal of RadiologyRadiology , 2013, 545, 2013, 545––552.
[14]. Verdun, F. R., Racine, D., Ott, J. G., Tapiovaara, M. J., Toroi, P., & Bochud, F. O. Image quality in CT : From Verdun, F. R., Racine, D., Ott, J. G., Tapiovaara, M. J., Toroi, P., & Bochud, F. O. Image quality in CT : From physical measurements to model observers. physical measurements to model observers. Physica MedicaPhysica Medica, , 3131(8), 2015, 823(8), 2015, 823––843. 843.
[15]. Wang, J., Lin, W., Wei, C., & Chang, C. Diagnostic Value of Unenhanced Computerized Tomography Wang, J., Lin, W., Wei, C., & Chang, C. Diagnostic Value of Unenhanced Computerized Tomography Urography in The Evaluation of Acute Renal Colic. Urography in The Evaluation of Acute Renal Colic. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical SciencesThe Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, , 1919(10), (10), 2003, 5032003, 503––508.
[16]. XiaoXiao--yun, H. U., Chunyun, H. U., Chun--hong, H. U., Xianghong, H. U., Xiang--ming, F., Xuanming, F., Xuan--jun, Y. A. O., Lerner, A., & Hongjun, Y. A. O., Lerner, A., & Hong--wei, C. Practical wei, C. Practical value of intravenous urography combined with addvalue of intravenous urography combined with add--on, on, 125125(7), 2012, 1287(7), 2012, 1287––1291. 1291.
[17]. Yasui, T., Okada, A., Hamamoto, S., Ando, R., Taguchi, K., Tozawa, K., & Kohri, K. PathophysiologyYasui, T., Okada, A., Hamamoto, S., Ando, R., Taguchi, K., Tozawa, K., & Kohri, K. Pathophysiology--based based treatment of urolithiasis. treatment of urolithiasis. International Journal of UrologyInternational Journal of Urology, 2016, 2016, 1, 1––7.
Lower dose CT urography ( CTU ) with iterative reconstruction technique in children initial experience and
examination protocol. Polish Journal of Radiology 2014, 137 144.
[2]. Bourne, R. Fundamentals of Digital Imaging in Medicine. Springer London Dordrecht Heidelberg , 2010, 87
[3]. Cook, J., Lamb, B. W., Lettin, J. E., & Graham, S. J. The Epidemiology of Urolithiasis in an Ethnically
Diverse Population Living in The Same Area. Endurology and Stone Disease , 13 (04), 2016, 2754 2758.
[4]. Guzinski, M., Waszczuk, ?., & Marek, J. S. Head CT : Image quality improvement of posterior fossa and
radiation dose reduction with ASiR comparative studies of CT head examinations. 2016. 015 4183 4
[5]. Hartman, R. P., Kawashima, A., & LeRoy, A. J. Helical CT in The Diagnosis of urolithiasis 2006.
Saifudin et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-5(4) 2017 [941-946]
[6]. Joffe, S. A., ServaeJoffe, S. A., Servaes, S., Okon, S., & Horowitz, M. Multi s, S., Okon, S., & Horowitz, M. Multi –– Detector Row CT Urography in the Evaluation of. Detector Row CT Urography in the Evaluation of. RSNARSNA, 2003, 1441, 2003, 1441––1455.1455.
[7]. Leipsic, J., Labounty, T. M., Heilbron, B., Min, J. K., Lin, F. Y., Taylor, C., … Heilbron, B. Adaptive Statistical Leipsic, J., Labounty, T. M., Heilbron, B., Min, J. K., Lin, F. Y., Taylor, C., … Heilbron, B. Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction: AssIterative Reconstruction: Assessment of Image Noise and Image Quality in Coronary CT Angiography. 2010. essment of Image Noise and Image Quality in Coronary CT Angiography. 2010. American Journal of RadiologyAmerican Journal of Radiology,,
[8]. Moussa, S. A., & Mariapan, P. Moussa, S. A., & Mariapan, P. Imaging of the Genitourinary System Imaging of the Genitourinary System -- UrolithiasisUrolithiasis. (S. K. Morcos & H. S. . (S. K. Morcos & H. S. Thomsen, EThomsen, Eds.) (First edit). Sheffield, UK. 2009.ds.) (First edit). Sheffield, UK. 2009.
[9]. Nagatani, Y., Takahashi, M., Murata, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashiro, T., Miyara, T., Noma, S. Lung nodule Nagatani, Y., Takahashi, M., Murata, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashiro, T., Miyara, T., Noma, S. Lung nodule detection performance in five observers on computed tomography ( CT ) with adaptive iterative dose reduction detection performance in five observers on computed tomography ( CT ) with adaptive iterative dose reduction using tusing threehree--dimensional processing ( AIDR 3D ) in a Japanese multicenter study : Comparison between ultradimensional processing ( AIDR 3D ) in a Japanese multicenter study : Comparison between ultra--lowlow--dose CT and lowdose CT and low--dose CT. dose CT. European Journal of RadiologyEuropean Journal of Radiology, , 8484(7), 2015, 1401(7), 2015, 1401––1412. 1412.
[10]. Razali, N. M., & Wah, Y. B. PoRazali, N. M., & Wah, Y. B. Power comparisons of Shapirower comparisons of Shapiro--Wilk , KolmogorovWilk , Kolmogorov--Smirnov , Lilliefors and Smirnov , Lilliefors and AndersonAnderson--Darling tests. Darling tests. Journal of Statistical Modeling and AnalysticsJournal of Statistical Modeling and Analystics, , 22(1), 2011, 21(1), 2011, 21––33.33.
[11]. Sagara, Y., Hara, A. K., Pavlicek, W., Silva, A. C., & Paden, R. G. Abdominal CT: Comparison ofSagara, Y., Hara, A. K., Pavlicek, W., Silva, A. C., & Paden, R. G. Abdominal CT: Comparison of LowLow--Dose Dose CT With Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction and RoutineCT With Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction and Routine--Dose CT With Filtered Back Projection in Dose CT With Filtered Back Projection in 53 Patients. 53 Patients. American Journal of RadiologyAmerican Journal of Radiology, 2010, 713, 2010, 713––719.
[12]. Sugiyono. Sugiyono. Metode Metode PenelitianPenelitian Kuantitatif, KuaKuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & Dlitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2011.. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2011.
[13]. Vardhanabhuti, V., Loader, R. J., Mitchell, G. R., Riordan, R. D., &Vardhanabhuti, V., Loader, R. J., Mitchell, G. R., Riordan, R. D., & Roobottom, C. A. Image Quality Roobottom, C. A. Image Quality Assessment of StandardAssessment of Standard-- and Lowand Low--Dose Chest CT Using Filtered Back Projection, Adaptive Statistical Dose Chest CT Using Filtered Back Projection, Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction, and Novel ModelBased Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms. Iterative Reconstruction, and Novel ModelBased Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms. American Journal of American Journal of RadiologyRadiology , 2013, 545, 2013, 545––552.
[14]. Verdun, F. R., Racine, D., Ott, J. G., Tapiovaara, M. J., Toroi, P., & Bochud, F. O. Image quality in CT : From Verdun, F. R., Racine, D., Ott, J. G., Tapiovaara, M. J., Toroi, P., & Bochud, F. O. Image quality in CT : From physical measurements to model observers. physical measurements to model observers. Physica MedicaPhysica Medica, , 3131(8), 2015, 823(8), 2015, 823––843. 843.
[15]. Wang, J., Lin, W., Wei, C., & Chang, C. Diagnostic Value of Unenhanced Computerized Tomography Wang, J., Lin, W., Wei, C., & Chang, C. Diagnostic Value of Unenhanced Computerized Tomography Urography in The Evaluation of Acute Renal Colic. Urography in The Evaluation of Acute Renal Colic. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical SciencesThe Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, , 1919(10), (10), 2003, 5032003, 503––508.
[16]. XiaoXiao--yun, H. U., Chunyun, H. U., Chun--hong, H. U., Xianghong, H. U., Xiang--ming, F., Xuanming, F., Xuan--jun, Y. A. O., Lerner, A., & Hongjun, Y. A. O., Lerner, A., & Hong--wei, C. Practical wei, C. Practical value of intravenous urography combined with addvalue of intravenous urography combined with add--on, on, 125125(7), 2012, 1287(7), 2012, 1287––1291. 1291.
[17]. Yasui, T., Okada, A., Hamamoto, S., Ando, R., Taguchi, K., Tozawa, K., & Kohri, K. PathophysiologyYasui, T., Okada, A., Hamamoto, S., Ando, R., Taguchi, K., Tozawa, K., & Kohri, K. Pathophysiology--based based treatment of urolithiasis. treatment of urolithiasis. International Journal of UrologyInternational Journal of Urology, 2016, 2016, 1, 1––7.