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Irritable bowel syndrome causes, diet and treatment
Corresponding Author(s) : Prof.D.N.Tripathi
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): 2015 Volume 3- Issue -2
The presence of a GATE in the colon that permits organisms of SIBO go up the portal system into liver and the bile ducts due to heavy infection that can be ascertained from the stool immediately, in a microscope under low power This path was created due to the presence of Hyaluronidase produced by amoeba in the large gut at the site of an ulcer thereof that persisted at times due to incomplete treatment or follow up. Sometimes a segment of the ascending colon may be infected simultaneously with symptoms of mild functional obstruction detected by auscultation and palpation of a fremitus over the caecum with a ‘painful spasm’. We carried out about 6-9 cases of right hemicolectomy, We could follow only 3 cases and stopped further to assess long term results of liver function that did not improve in the three aged patients whom we operated earlier.
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[1] Manson’s Tropical Diseases; Gorden Cook, 20th.edn.;W.B.Saunders, E.L.B.S. Edition.1996.
[2] Cecil Text Book of Medicine, Goldman Bennett, Vol.I & II; W.B.Saunders, Harcourt Asia 21st.Edn. 2000.
[3] Diseases of Gastro-Intestinal Tract and Liver; Edited by Shearman Finlyason, Camillen and Carter,3rd edn, 1997, Churchill Livingstone.
[4] Oxford Textbook of Clinical Hepatology, vol.I & II; 1999, 2nd.edn. Oxford Medical Publications.
[5] Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases.Sleisenger and Fordtran’s 6th edn, 1989, vol. I & II; W.B.Saunders.
[6] Surgery of the Anus, Rectum and Colon, by John Goligher, 5th.edn, Vol. I & II, Balliere Tindall.
[7] Textbook of Medical Physiology; Guyton and Hall;10th.edn. W.B.Saunders, Harcourt Asia.
[8] Diseases of Liver and Biliary System; Shella Sherlock and James Dooley,11th.edn.;Blackwell.
[9] Towards Positive Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel ;A.P. Manning, W.G.Thompson, K.W.Heaton, A.P. Morris; Brit. Med. Journal,1978,2, 653. New Discovery on the Causes of IBS 75
[10] W.G.Thompson, Canadian Medical Association Journal 1974;111,1240.
[11] Enteric Escherichia coli Infection; Richard Guerrant; Cecil Text book of Medicine, Goldmann Bennett.
[12] Tony Lembo and Emeran A. Meyer; Clinical Practice of Gastroenterology, vol. I & II., p.605; Lawrence J. Brandt, Churchill Livingstone 1999.
[13] Gastro-Intestinal and Hepatic Infections; Surawicz Owen Saunders 1995.
[14] Human Nutrition and Dietatics; J.S.Ganow W.P.T. James 9th.edn., Churchill Livingstone.
[15] Textbook of Natural Medicine; Joseph E. Pizzomo Jr. and Michael T. Murray; 2nd.edn. vol. I; Churchill Livingstone,1999.
[16] Textbook of Surgery; Davis-Christopher, 11th. Asian edn. Saunders Igaku Shoin; 1978.
[17] Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Edited by M.Sadlar et al In four volumes; Academic Press,1997, San Diego, U.S.A.
[18] New Discovery on the Causes of IBS and Flatus by Prof. D.N.Tripathi, Graphic Art Offset Press, Nuapatna,, Cuttack, 753001, INDIA.;December 2013.
[2] Cecil Text Book of Medicine, Goldman Bennett, Vol.I & II; W.B.Saunders, Harcourt Asia 21st.Edn. 2000.
[3] Diseases of Gastro-Intestinal Tract and Liver; Edited by Shearman Finlyason, Camillen and Carter,3rd edn, 1997, Churchill Livingstone.
[4] Oxford Textbook of Clinical Hepatology, vol.I & II; 1999, 2nd.edn. Oxford Medical Publications.
[5] Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases.Sleisenger and Fordtran’s 6th edn, 1989, vol. I & II; W.B.Saunders.
[6] Surgery of the Anus, Rectum and Colon, by John Goligher, 5th.edn, Vol. I & II, Balliere Tindall.
[7] Textbook of Medical Physiology; Guyton and Hall;10th.edn. W.B.Saunders, Harcourt Asia.
[8] Diseases of Liver and Biliary System; Shella Sherlock and James Dooley,11th.edn.;Blackwell.
[9] Towards Positive Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel ;A.P. Manning, W.G.Thompson, K.W.Heaton, A.P. Morris; Brit. Med. Journal,1978,2, 653. New Discovery on the Causes of IBS 75
[10] W.G.Thompson, Canadian Medical Association Journal 1974;111,1240.
[11] Enteric Escherichia coli Infection; Richard Guerrant; Cecil Text book of Medicine, Goldmann Bennett.
[12] Tony Lembo and Emeran A. Meyer; Clinical Practice of Gastroenterology, vol. I & II., p.605; Lawrence J. Brandt, Churchill Livingstone 1999.
[13] Gastro-Intestinal and Hepatic Infections; Surawicz Owen Saunders 1995.
[14] Human Nutrition and Dietatics; J.S.Ganow W.P.T. James 9th.edn., Churchill Livingstone.
[15] Textbook of Natural Medicine; Joseph E. Pizzomo Jr. and Michael T. Murray; 2nd.edn. vol. I; Churchill Livingstone,1999.
[16] Textbook of Surgery; Davis-Christopher, 11th. Asian edn. Saunders Igaku Shoin; 1978.
[17] Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Edited by M.Sadlar et al In four volumes; Academic Press,1997, San Diego, U.S.A.
[18] New Discovery on the Causes of IBS and Flatus by Prof. D.N.Tripathi, Graphic Art Offset Press, Nuapatna,, Cuttack, 753001, INDIA.;December 2013.