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Effect of Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise on pre exam anxiety in Healthy Physiotherapy students.
Corresponding Author(s) : Vaishnavi Raut Raut
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): 2020 Volume - 8 Issue-3
Anxiety is a normal response to specific stress. It is a state of uneasiness and apprehension of fear. Medical students usually experience anxiety during viva examination, seminars and presentations as they are the main focus of attention. Such anxiety affects their confidence level, performance in the oral exam and ability to focus during the exam.
To evaluate the effect of alternate nostril breathing exercise on pre exam anxiety in healthy physiotherapy student
Materials and Method
132 healthy male and female physiotherapy students were asked to fill Beck anxiety inventory before and after a session of alternate nostril breathing exercise during their oral examination. Difference in score was documented and studied. Considerable reduction in the anxiety levels were found after performing alternate nostril breathing exercise just before the oral exam.
Study concludes that alternate nostril breathing exercise helps in reducing pre exam anxiety levels in Physiotherapy students.
Keywords: Beck anxiety inventory, Alternate nostril breathing exercise, Anxiety.
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- N. K. Subbalakshmi, S. K. Saxena, Urmimala, and U. J. A.D’Souza, “Immediate effect of‘nadishodhana pranayama’ onsome selected parameters of cardiovascular, pulmonary, andhigher functions of brain,”Thai Journal of Physiological Sciences,vol. 18, pp. 10–16, 2005.
- Upadhyay-Dhungel K1, Sohal A2, Physiology of nostril breathing breathing exercise and its probable relation with nostril and cerebral dominance: A theoretical research on literature, Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2013) vol.1 (1):38-47.
- R. D. Srivastava, N. Jain, and A. Singhal, “Influence of alternatenostril breathing on cardiorespiratory and autonomic functionsin healthy young adults,” Indian Journal of P P.
- K UpadyayDhungel, V Malhotra, D Sarkar and R Prajapati” Effect of alternate nostril breathing exercise on cardiorespiratory function” Nepal med coll J, vol. 10,no. 1, pp.25-27, 2008
- P. Raghuraj, A. G. Ramakrishnan, H. R.Nagendra, and S. Telles,“Effect of two selected yogic breathing techniques on heart ratevariability,” Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, vol.42, no. 4, pp. 467–472, 19
- Ashwin Kamath,1 Rathnakar P. Urval,2 et. al; “Effect of Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise on ExperimentallyInduced Anxiety in Healthy Volunteers Using the SimulatedPublic Speaking Model: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study’’BioMed
- Research InternationalVolume 2017, Article ID 2450670, 7 pages
- B. Pahwa, S. Goyal, K. Srivastava, D Saldanha, D Bhattacharya “A Study Of Exam Related Anxiety Amongst Medical Students”Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 2008, 17(1),pp. 46-48
- Beck, A.T.,Epstein,N.,G.,&Steer,R.A.(1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,56,893-897.
- P. Subramanya and S. Telles, “Effect of two yoga-based relaxationtechniques on memory scores and state anxiety,” BioPsychoSocialMedicine, vol. 3, article 8, 2009.
- G. Kirkwood, H. Rampes, V. Tuffrey, J. Richardson, andK. Pilkington,“Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the researchevidence,” British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 39, no. 12, pp.884–891, 2005.
- S. Telles, N. Singh, and R. Puthige, “Changes in P300 followingalternate nostril yoga breathing and breath awareness,” BioPsychoSocialMedicine, vol. 7, no. 1, article no. 11, 2013.
- Narottam Kumar, Balaram Pradhan1“Immediate Role of Two Yoga‑Based Breathing Technique on StateAnxiety in Patients Suffering from Anxiety Disorder: A Self as ControlPilotStudy.Int J Yoga – PhilosopPsycholParapsychol 2017;5:18-23.
- H. Cramer, R. Lauche, P. Klose, J. Langhorst, and G. Dobos,“Yoga for schizophrenia: a systematic review and metaanalysis,”BMC Psychiatry, vol. 13, article no. 32, 2013.
- Karamjit singh, Hemant bhargav,et al. “Effect of uninostril yoga breathing on brain hemodynamics: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study”.Int J Yoga. 2016 jan-jun; 9(1): 12-19.PMC4728953.
N. K. Subbalakshmi, S. K. Saxena, Urmimala, and U. J. A.D’Souza, “Immediate effect of‘nadishodhana pranayama’ onsome selected parameters of cardiovascular, pulmonary, andhigher functions of brain,”Thai Journal of Physiological Sciences,vol. 18, pp. 10–16, 2005.
Upadhyay-Dhungel K1, Sohal A2, Physiology of nostril breathing breathing exercise and its probable relation with nostril and cerebral dominance: A theoretical research on literature, Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2013) vol.1 (1):38-47.
R. D. Srivastava, N. Jain, and A. Singhal, “Influence of alternatenostril breathing on cardiorespiratory and autonomic functionsin healthy young adults,” Indian Journal of P P.
K UpadyayDhungel, V Malhotra, D Sarkar and R Prajapati” Effect of alternate nostril breathing exercise on cardiorespiratory function” Nepal med coll J, vol. 10,no. 1, pp.25-27, 2008
P. Raghuraj, A. G. Ramakrishnan, H. R.Nagendra, and S. Telles,“Effect of two selected yogic breathing techniques on heart ratevariability,” Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, vol.42, no. 4, pp. 467–472, 19
Ashwin Kamath,1 Rathnakar P. Urval,2 et. al; “Effect of Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise on ExperimentallyInduced Anxiety in Healthy Volunteers Using the SimulatedPublic Speaking Model: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study’’BioMed
Research InternationalVolume 2017, Article ID 2450670, 7 pages
B. Pahwa, S. Goyal, K. Srivastava, D Saldanha, D Bhattacharya “A Study Of Exam Related Anxiety Amongst Medical Students”Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 2008, 17(1),pp. 46-48
Beck, A.T.,Epstein,N.,G.,&Steer,R.A.(1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,56,893-897.
P. Subramanya and S. Telles, “Effect of two yoga-based relaxationtechniques on memory scores and state anxiety,” BioPsychoSocialMedicine, vol. 3, article 8, 2009.
G. Kirkwood, H. Rampes, V. Tuffrey, J. Richardson, andK. Pilkington,“Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the researchevidence,” British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 39, no. 12, pp.884–891, 2005.
S. Telles, N. Singh, and R. Puthige, “Changes in P300 followingalternate nostril yoga breathing and breath awareness,” BioPsychoSocialMedicine, vol. 7, no. 1, article no. 11, 2013.
Narottam Kumar, Balaram Pradhan1“Immediate Role of Two Yoga‑Based Breathing Technique on StateAnxiety in Patients Suffering from Anxiety Disorder: A Self as ControlPilotStudy.Int J Yoga – PhilosopPsycholParapsychol 2017;5:18-23.
H. Cramer, R. Lauche, P. Klose, J. Langhorst, and G. Dobos,“Yoga for schizophrenia: a systematic review and metaanalysis,”BMC Psychiatry, vol. 13, article no. 32, 2013.
Karamjit singh, Hemant bhargav,et al. “Effect of uninostril yoga breathing on brain hemodynamics: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study”.Int J Yoga. 2016 jan-jun; 9(1): 12-19.PMC4728953.