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Development of tools and compliance test of the X-Ray collimator (Dev-X) based on digital image android programming technology
Corresponding Author(s) : I Made Lana Prasetya
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): 2020 Volume - 8 Issue-3
Background: Technological developments, especially in the field of radiology, is growing rapidly. The quality assurance system for radiology equipment has also developed, one of which is the Collimator Test Tools. The method of testing x-ray beams using this tool has also been developed, such as using film and using IP. The development of Collimator Test Tools by utilizing the nature of x-rays which causes certain materials such as calcium tungstate or zinc sulfide to glow light (luminance) has been done a lot, but there is no study of these products. Purpose: The creation of x-ray collimator test tools based on digital image analysis technology (Dev-X), the results of the field measurement of the x-ray beam will match the results of measuring the area of view using the tool. Measure the analog image-based collimator test tool (TOR ABC).
Methods: This type of experimental research, with the posttest group only design type. Research Location at the Radiology Laboratory of the Academy Technique Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy (ATRO) Bali.
Results: Functional Test of Dev-X Products (hardware and software), all components function properly. The comparison of the collimator suitability value between Dev-X and TOR ABC products, there is no difference in the results of ?X, ?Y, and ?X + ?Y from each tool. However, it cannot be assessed significantly from statistical results.
Conclusion: Hardware and software collimator test tool Dev-X is created and functional on android smartphones and displays the results of the x-ray beam calculation automatically. According to the results of the measurement of the field area of the x-ray beam between the x-ray collimator test tools based on digital image analysis technology (Dev-X) and analog images (TOR ABC) at the Radiology Laboratory of the Academy Technique Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy (ATRO) Bali.
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