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Influence of physical and cognitive capacity on task prioritization during the gait-related dual-task performance in elderly: A comparison
Corresponding Author(s) : Nimesh Gupta
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -2
Purpose and objective
To find influence of cognitive and physical capacity of elderly on task prioritization during dual-tasking as there is conflicting evidence about whether the elderly prefer posture first or cognition first strategy while doing dual-tasking.
164 elderly were divided into 4 groups as per their physical and cognitive capacity using MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and TUG (Time Up and Go) scores (1-balance affected and cognition normal (BACN), 2 -balance normal and cognition affected (BN CA), 3- balance normal and cognition normal (BN CN), 4- balance affected and cognition affected (BA CA). They were evaluated with n-back test and Time up and go cognitive (TUG-COG) for dual-tasking in motor and cognitive domain respectively. The interference pattern was analyzed for each group.
Mutual interference was observed in each group.
Motor and Cognitive capacity of an individual does not affect task prioritization in the elderly.
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[11]. Woollacott M, Shumway-Cook A. Attention and the control of posture and gait: A review of an emerging area of research. Gait and Posture. 16, 2002, 1–14.
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[16]. Yogev-Seligmann G, Hausdorff JM, Giladi N. Do we always prioritize balance when walking? Towards an integrated model of task prioritization. Movement Disorders. 27, 2012, 765–70.
[17]. Yogev-Seligmann G, Rotem-Galili Y, Mirelman A, Dickstein R, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM, et al. How does explicit prioritization alter walking during dual-task performance? Effects of age and sex on gait speed and variability. Phys Ther. 90(2), 2010, 177–86.
[18]. Schaefer S. The ecological approach to cognitive�motor dual-tasking: findings on the effects of expertise and age. Front Psychol. 14, 2014, 5.
[19]. Liebherr M, Schubert P, Schiebener J, Kersten S, Haas CT. Dual-tasking and aging—About multiple perspectives and possible implementations in interventions for the elderly. Cogent Psychol. 3(1), 2016, 1–14.Available from:
[20]. Jonides J, Marshuetz C, Smith EE, Reuter-Lorenz PA, Koeppe RA, Hartley A. Age differences in behavior and PET activation reveal differences in interference resolution in verbal working memory. J Cogn Neurosci. 12(1), 2000, 188–96.
[21]. Abernethy B. Dual-task methodology and motor skills research: Some applications and methodological constraints. J Hum Mov Stud. 14(3), 1988, 101–32.
[22]. Hausdorff JM, Schweiger A, Herman T, Yogev-Seligmann G, Giladi N. Dual-task decrements in gait: Contributing factors among healthy older adults. Journals Gerontol - Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci. 63(12), 2008, 1335–43.
[23]. Simoni D, Rubbieri G, Baccini M, Rinaldi L, Becheri D, Forconi T, et al. Different motor tasks impact differently on cognitive performance of older persons during dual task tests. Clin Biomech. 28(6), 2013, 692–6.
[24]. Koenraadt KLM, Roelofsen EGJ, Duysens J, Keijsers NLW. Cortical control of normal gait and precision stepping: An fNIRS study. Neuroimage. 85, 2014, 415–22.
[25]. Walshe EA, Patterson MR, Commins S, Roche RAP. Dual-task and electrophysiological markers of executive cognitive processing in older adult gait and fall-risk. Front Hum Neurosci. 17(9), 2015, 1–13.
[26]. Lacour M, Bernard-Demanze L, Dumitrescu M. Posture control, aging, and attention resources: Models and posture-analysis methods. Neurophysiologie Clinique. 38, 2008, 411–21.
[2]. Van Helden S, Wyers CE, Dagnelie PC, Van Dongen MC, Willems G, Brink PRG, et al. Risk of falling in patients with a recent fracture. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 8, 2007.
[3]. Kumar A, Verma A, Yadav M, Srivastava AK. Review research paper fall: The accidental injury in Geriatric population. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2011.
[4]. Ganz DA, Bao Y, Shekelle PG, Rubenstein LZ. Will my patient fall? J Am Med Assoc. 297(1), 2007, 77–86.
[5]. Baker SP, Harvey AH. Fall injuries in the elderly. Vol. 1, Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 1985, 501–12.
[6]. Kumar S, Medicine P, George K. Relationship Between Fear of Falling, Balance Impairment and Functional Mobility in Community Dwelling Elderly. Falls Balanc Elder. 19(2), 2008, 48–52.
[7]. Mann R, Birks Y, Hall J, Torgerson D, Watt I. Exploring the relationship between fear of falling and neuroticism: A cross-sectional study in community-dwelling women over 70. Age Ageing. 35(2), 2006, 143–7.
[8]. Kannus P, Palvanen M, Niemi S, Parkkari J. Alarming rise in the number and incidence of fall-induced cervical spine injuries among older adults. Journals Gerontol - Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci. 62(2), 2007, 180–3.
[9]. Lajoie Y, Teasdale N, Bard C, Fleury M. Upright Standing and Gait: Are There Changes in Attentional Requirements Related to Normal Aging? Exp Aging Res. 22(2), 1996, 185–98.
[10]. Neider MB, Gaspar JG, McCarley JS, Crowell JA, Kaczmarski H, Kramer AF. Walking and Talking: Dual-Task Effects on Street Crossing Behavior in Older Adults. Psychol Aging. 26(2), 2011, 260–8.
[11]. Woollacott M, Shumway-Cook A. Attention and the control of posture and gait: A review of an emerging area of research. Gait and Posture. 16, 2002, 1–14.
[12]. Yogev-Seligmann G, Hausdorff JM, Giladi N. The role of executive function and attention in gait. Movement Disorders. 23, 2008, 329–42.
[13]. Downton J. Wenn alte Menschen stürzen. Ursachen und Risiko. Pflege und Prävention. Ernst Reinhardt, München Basel. 1995
[14]. Lundin-Olsson L, Nyberg L, Gustafson Y. ?Stops walking when talking? as a predictor of falls in elderly people. Lancet. 349(9052), 1997, 617.
[15]. Plummer P, Eskes G. Measuring treatment effects on dual-task performance: A framework for research and clinical practice. Front Hum Neurosci. 28(9), 2015.
[16]. Yogev-Seligmann G, Hausdorff JM, Giladi N. Do we always prioritize balance when walking? Towards an integrated model of task prioritization. Movement Disorders. 27, 2012, 765–70.
[17]. Yogev-Seligmann G, Rotem-Galili Y, Mirelman A, Dickstein R, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM, et al. How does explicit prioritization alter walking during dual-task performance? Effects of age and sex on gait speed and variability. Phys Ther. 90(2), 2010, 177–86.
[18]. Schaefer S. The ecological approach to cognitive�motor dual-tasking: findings on the effects of expertise and age. Front Psychol. 14, 2014, 5.
[19]. Liebherr M, Schubert P, Schiebener J, Kersten S, Haas CT. Dual-tasking and aging—About multiple perspectives and possible implementations in interventions for the elderly. Cogent Psychol. 3(1), 2016, 1–14.Available from:
[20]. Jonides J, Marshuetz C, Smith EE, Reuter-Lorenz PA, Koeppe RA, Hartley A. Age differences in behavior and PET activation reveal differences in interference resolution in verbal working memory. J Cogn Neurosci. 12(1), 2000, 188–96.
[21]. Abernethy B. Dual-task methodology and motor skills research: Some applications and methodological constraints. J Hum Mov Stud. 14(3), 1988, 101–32.
[22]. Hausdorff JM, Schweiger A, Herman T, Yogev-Seligmann G, Giladi N. Dual-task decrements in gait: Contributing factors among healthy older adults. Journals Gerontol - Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci. 63(12), 2008, 1335–43.
[23]. Simoni D, Rubbieri G, Baccini M, Rinaldi L, Becheri D, Forconi T, et al. Different motor tasks impact differently on cognitive performance of older persons during dual task tests. Clin Biomech. 28(6), 2013, 692–6.
[24]. Koenraadt KLM, Roelofsen EGJ, Duysens J, Keijsers NLW. Cortical control of normal gait and precision stepping: An fNIRS study. Neuroimage. 85, 2014, 415–22.
[25]. Walshe EA, Patterson MR, Commins S, Roche RAP. Dual-task and electrophysiological markers of executive cognitive processing in older adult gait and fall-risk. Front Hum Neurosci. 17(9), 2015, 1–13.
[26]. Lacour M, Bernard-Demanze L, Dumitrescu M. Posture control, aging, and attention resources: Models and posture-analysis methods. Neurophysiologie Clinique. 38, 2008, 411–21.