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The effect of slice thickness variations on the quality of the image and value bleeding volume on DSCT brain examination
Corresponding Author(s) : Ni Putu Rita Jeniyanthi
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -2
Slice thickness is the thickness of the incision or slice of the object that is examined by CT Scan. One component that affects the quality of the image is the selection of slice thickness. Changes in slice thickness can affect artifacts, spatial resolution, image detail and noise. Slice thickness is the thickness of the slices or pieces of the object to be examined, the value is between 1 mm - 10 mm according to clinical needs. In general, a thick size will produce a picture with low detail and vice versa thin size will produce a picture with high detail [1, 3].
Research design used in this study is experiment methods with Posttest Only Design from 10 patients. The research instrument used was a worksheet and questionnaire. Data collection methods used is by direct field observation during the study. Data collection is done by filling the questionnaire by one senior radiographers and one radiologists. In this study, the data that has been obtained is inserted into the table to suit the thickness of slices used is 1,5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm, and made distribution table. Statistically processed using a factor ANOVA test (F test), with (f) 95% table to find the influence of the thickness of the slices with the picture quality and value bleeding, which revealed significant differences limit if (f) count value > from (F) table.
The results showed slice thickness 1,5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm indicates a difference in the value of the volume but no significant bleeding and thick slices also showed variations exist influence The picture quality on axial cuts DSCT Brain.
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