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Strength of scapular stabilizers in shoulder pain male population with and without scapular dyskinesis
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. Kiran Sharma
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -2
Background and aim
A majority of the chronic shoulder pain population suffer from scapular dyskinesis. In scapular dyskinesis the scapular stabilizers i.e., the serratus anterior, middle trapezius and lower trapezius muscles are most likely to undergo weakness. The isometric strength testing of the scapular stabilizers will provide an objective measure of assessment and if the scapular dyskinesis has any additive effect on the strength of scapular stabilizers in shoulder pain population. Thus, the aim of the study is to measure the strength of scapular stabilizers in shoulder pain population with and without scapular dyskinesis.
100 shoulder pain subjects were recruited and divided into two groups. Group 1consisted of 50 subjects without scapular dyskinesis and Group 2 consisted of 50 subjects with scapular dyskinesis as assessed by Scapular Dyskinesis Test (SDT). Strength of serratus anterior (SA), middle trapezius (MT) and lower trapezius (LT) were measured in both the groups.
Independent t-test was used for between group analyses. Group 2 subjects were found to have statistically significant weak serratus anterior muscle, weak middle trapezius muscle and weak lower trapezius muscle (p<0.05) as compared to Group 1 subjects.
The shoulder pain patients with scapular dyskinesis hadweak serratus anterior, middle trapezius and lower trapezius as compared to shoulder pain patients without scapular dyskinesis.
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[2]. Cools AM, Struyf F, De Mey K, Maenhout A, Castelein B, Cagnie B. Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis: from the office worker to the elite overhead athlete. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48(8), 2014, 692-7.
[3]. López-Vidriero E, López-Vidriero R, Rosa LF, Gallardo E, Fernández JA, Arriaza R, Ballesteros J. Scapular Dyskinesis: Related Pathology. International Journal of Orthopaedics. 2(1), 2015, 191-5.
[4]. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. Current concepts: scapular dyskinesis. British journal of Sports Medicine. 44(5), 2010, 300-5.
[5]. Kibler WB, Ludewig PM, McClure PW, Michener LA, Bak K, Sciascia AD. Clinical implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury: the 2013 consensus statement from the „Scapular Summit?. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47(14), 2013, 877-85.
[6]. Kibler BW, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder pain. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 11(2), 2003, 142-51.
[7]. Hannah DC, Scibek JS, Carcia CR. Strength profiles in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. International journal of sports physical therapy. 12(3), 2017, 305.
[8]. Postacchini R, Carbone S. Scapular dyskinesis: diagnosis and treatment. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine. 1(2), 2013, 20.
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[10]. Voight ML, Thomson BC. The role of the scapula in the rehabilitation of shoulder injuries. Journal of athletic training. 35(3), 2000, 364.
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[12]. Bhawna , Multani N K, Kundu Z S. Shoulder muscle strength in adults with and without shoulder pain. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research. 4(4), 2016, 1616-21
[13]. Azarsa MH, Shadmehr A, Jalaei S. The effect of the loading on dynamic stability and scapular asymmetry. 2014, 12-16
[14]. McClure P, Tate AR, Kareha S, Irwin D, Zlupko E. A clinical method for identifying scapular dyskinesis, part 1: reliability. Journal of athletic training. 44(2), 2009, 160-4.
[15]. Uhl TL, Kibler WB, Gecewich B, Tripp BL. Evaluation of clinical assessment methods for scapular dyskinesis. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery. 25(11), 2009, 1240-8.
[16]. Clarsen B, Bahr R, Andersson SH, Munk R, Myklebust G. Reduced glenohumeral rotation, external rotation weakness and scapular dyskinesis are risk factors for shoulder injuries among elite male handball players: a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48(17), 2014, 1327-33.[17]. Hislop HJ, Montgomery J. Daniels and Worthingham?s muscle testing: techniques of manual examination 6th edition.
[18]. Kendall FP, McCreary EK, Provance PG, Rodgers M, Romani WA. Muscles, testing and function: with posture and pain. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1993.
[19]. Han KJ, Cho JH, Han SH, Hyun HS, Lee DH. Subacromial impingement syndrome secondary to scapulothoracic dyskinesia. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 20(10), 2012, 1958-60.
[20]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus weakness in overhead athletes with scapular dyskinesis: strength assessment before and after restoration of scapular musculature balance. Musculoskeletal surgery. 94(3), 2010, 119-25.
[21]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Sperling JW, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Infraspinatus strength assessment before and after scapular muscles rehabilitation in professional volleyball players with scapular dyskinesis. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 19(8), 2010, 1256-64.
[22]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Infraspinatus scapular retraction test: a reliable and practical method to assess infraspinatus strength in overhead athletes with scapular dyskinesis. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 11(2), 2010, 105-10.
[23]. Kibler WB, Sciascia A, Dome D. Evaluation of apparent and absolute supraspinatus strength in patients with shoulder injury using the scapular retraction test. The American journal of sports medicine. 34(10), 2006, 1643-7.
[24]. Seitz AL, McClelland RI, Jones WJ, Jean RA, Kardouni JR. A comparison of change in 3D scapular kinematics with maximal contractions and force production with scapular muscle tests between asymptomatic overhead athletes with and without scapular dyskinesis. International journal of sports physical therapy. 10(3), 2015, 309.
[25]. Michener LA, Boardman ND, Pidcoe PE, Frith AM. Scapular muscle tests in subjects with shoulder pain and functional loss: reliability and construct validity. Physical therapy. 85(11), 2005, 1128-38.
[2]. Cools AM, Struyf F, De Mey K, Maenhout A, Castelein B, Cagnie B. Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis: from the office worker to the elite overhead athlete. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48(8), 2014, 692-7.
[3]. López-Vidriero E, López-Vidriero R, Rosa LF, Gallardo E, Fernández JA, Arriaza R, Ballesteros J. Scapular Dyskinesis: Related Pathology. International Journal of Orthopaedics. 2(1), 2015, 191-5.
[4]. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. Current concepts: scapular dyskinesis. British journal of Sports Medicine. 44(5), 2010, 300-5.
[5]. Kibler WB, Ludewig PM, McClure PW, Michener LA, Bak K, Sciascia AD. Clinical implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury: the 2013 consensus statement from the „Scapular Summit?. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47(14), 2013, 877-85.
[6]. Kibler BW, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder pain. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 11(2), 2003, 142-51.
[7]. Hannah DC, Scibek JS, Carcia CR. Strength profiles in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. International journal of sports physical therapy. 12(3), 2017, 305.
[8]. Postacchini R, Carbone S. Scapular dyskinesis: diagnosis and treatment. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine. 1(2), 2013, 20.
[9]. Paine R, Voight ML. The role of the scapula. International journal of sports physical therapy. 8(5), 2013, 617.
[10]. Voight ML, Thomson BC. The role of the scapula in the rehabilitation of shoulder injuries. Journal of athletic training. 35(3), 2000, 364.
[11]. Paine RM, Voight M. The role of the scapula. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 18, 1993, 386-391
[12]. Bhawna , Multani N K, Kundu Z S. Shoulder muscle strength in adults with and without shoulder pain. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research. 4(4), 2016, 1616-21
[13]. Azarsa MH, Shadmehr A, Jalaei S. The effect of the loading on dynamic stability and scapular asymmetry. 2014, 12-16
[14]. McClure P, Tate AR, Kareha S, Irwin D, Zlupko E. A clinical method for identifying scapular dyskinesis, part 1: reliability. Journal of athletic training. 44(2), 2009, 160-4.
[15]. Uhl TL, Kibler WB, Gecewich B, Tripp BL. Evaluation of clinical assessment methods for scapular dyskinesis. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery. 25(11), 2009, 1240-8.
[16]. Clarsen B, Bahr R, Andersson SH, Munk R, Myklebust G. Reduced glenohumeral rotation, external rotation weakness and scapular dyskinesis are risk factors for shoulder injuries among elite male handball players: a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48(17), 2014, 1327-33.[17]. Hislop HJ, Montgomery J. Daniels and Worthingham?s muscle testing: techniques of manual examination 6th edition.
[18]. Kendall FP, McCreary EK, Provance PG, Rodgers M, Romani WA. Muscles, testing and function: with posture and pain. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1993.
[19]. Han KJ, Cho JH, Han SH, Hyun HS, Lee DH. Subacromial impingement syndrome secondary to scapulothoracic dyskinesia. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 20(10), 2012, 1958-60.
[20]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus weakness in overhead athletes with scapular dyskinesis: strength assessment before and after restoration of scapular musculature balance. Musculoskeletal surgery. 94(3), 2010, 119-25.
[21]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Sperling JW, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Infraspinatus strength assessment before and after scapular muscles rehabilitation in professional volleyball players with scapular dyskinesis. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 19(8), 2010, 1256-64.
[22]. Merolla G, De Santis E, Campi F, Paladini P, Porcellini G. Infraspinatus scapular retraction test: a reliable and practical method to assess infraspinatus strength in overhead athletes with scapular dyskinesis. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 11(2), 2010, 105-10.
[23]. Kibler WB, Sciascia A, Dome D. Evaluation of apparent and absolute supraspinatus strength in patients with shoulder injury using the scapular retraction test. The American journal of sports medicine. 34(10), 2006, 1643-7.
[24]. Seitz AL, McClelland RI, Jones WJ, Jean RA, Kardouni JR. A comparison of change in 3D scapular kinematics with maximal contractions and force production with scapular muscle tests between asymptomatic overhead athletes with and without scapular dyskinesis. International journal of sports physical therapy. 10(3), 2015, 309.
[25]. Michener LA, Boardman ND, Pidcoe PE, Frith AM. Scapular muscle tests in subjects with shoulder pain and functional loss: reliability and construct validity. Physical therapy. 85(11), 2005, 1128-38.