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The effectiveness of education through videos and lectures about brushing teeth against plaque accumulation in elementary school students in medan sunggal sub-district
Corresponding Author(s) : Herlinawati
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -2
The target to be achieved in this study is elementary school students have good behavior to clean their teeth and mouth. Brushing teeth can prevent caries and periodontal disease. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of education through videos and lectures about brushing teeth plaque accumulation in elementary school children. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest group with a control design. The population is all students in the Elementary School Jl. Balam Sei Sikambing B, Medan Sunggal sub-District with a total of 252 students. While the research sample is class IV and V with a total of 74 students, according to the inclusion criteria. Plaque Index measurements were carried out before and after the intervention. Univariate data analysis, to see the description and characteristics of each variable while the bivariate data using paired-sample t-test and independent-sample t-Test. The results showed in the intervention group through video the difference before and after was 1.73 while the intervention group with a lecture was 0.23. To find out the difference in the average before and after the intervention the t-test was conducted. The statistical test obtained value p= 0,000 (p <0.005) meaning that there is a significant difference between the plaque index before and after the intervention. Education through video reduces the Plaque Index more than education through lectures. Need special attention to instill good and right behavior about brushing teeth in elementary school students.
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[2]. Arsyad A., Learning Media, Jakarta: Rajawali, 2013.
[3]. Blight, in Hisham Z, Mermawi M, Sekar A., Learning Strategies from Active Insan Madani Library, Yogyakarta, 2008.
[4]. Budiarto, E., Biostatistics for Medicine and Public Health, EGC, Jakarta, 2002.
[5]. Medical research methodology, EGC, Jakarta, 2003.
[6]. Budiharjo, Maintenance of Family Dental Health, EGC, Airlangga University, Surabaya, 2009.
[7]. FA Carranza Jr. and Newman MG, ClinicalPeriodontology,8th Edition, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1996.
[8]. Hastono, SP., Data Analysis Module, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2001.
[9]. Herijulianti E, Indriani TS, Artini S., Dental Health Education, EGC, Jakarta, 2002.
[10]. Hongini SY, M Aditiawarman, Dental and Oral Health. Bandung: RekaCipta Library, 2012.
[11]. Hujair AH. Sanaky, Learning Media, Safiria Insani Press. Yogyakarta, 2009.
[12]. Mey Linda, the decrease in plaque index between demonstration and video methods on dental health education for children aged 8-9 years in Jakarta, Thesis, 2011.
[13]. Miftahul, Quantum Teaching Smart Books and Practices, A'la Reader, Jogyakarta, 2010.
[14]. Novriati, M., The Role of Education Using Video to Improve Mother's Behavior in Brushing Children's Teeth in Serpong, Thesis. 2013.
[15]. Notoatmodjo S., Health Promotion and Health Behavior, Rineka Cipta: Jakarta, 2007.
Herlinawati et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-8(2) 2020 [155-163]
[16]. Health education, Rineka Cipta: Jakarta, 2012.
[17]. Pintauli, S., Hamada, T., Towards Healthy Teeth and Mouth, USU Press: Medan, 2008.
[18]. Pratiwi D., Healthy and Beautiful Teeth: Practical Daily Care, Books Cipta: Jakarta, 2009.
[19]. Putri, M H., Eliza, H., Neneng N., Hard Tissue and Dental Support Network Diseases, EGC: Jakarta, 2013.
[20]. Riskesdas, Indonesian Ministry of Health, Health Research and Development Agency, Jakarta, 2018.
[21]. Sadiman, AS, Raharjo, R. Haryono, A., Educational Media: Definition, Development and Utilization, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2005.
[22]. Sastroasmoro, S., Ismail S., Fundamentals of Clinical Research Methodology, Sagung Seto, Jakarta, 2011.
[23]. Setiawan Y., sapuredes,, 2019.
[24]. Sugiyanto, Characteristics Students of Elementary School, Staff> sites> default> files> tmp>, 2019.
[25]. Sugiyono, quantitative, qualitative research methods and R&D, Alfabeta, Bandung, 2011.
[26]. Tambak, S., Lecture Method, Tarbiah Journal, 21, 2014.
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