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Clinical study of Bhunimbadya Churna in the management of Grahani with special reference to irritable bowel syndrome
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -1
Functionally weak Agni i.e. Mandagni causes improper digestion of ingested food which leads to Grahani Dosha, In Grahani Roga, Dushit Jathragni hampers the digestion of food producing “Ama”. This hampers the nourishment of whole body and produce symptoms like Pakwa-ama-Mala Pravriti, Atisrista Mala, Bibandha or Drava mala, Arochaka, etc. Defective digestion produces Ama. Ama initiate the disease process of Grahani causing vitiation of doshas. These very much resembles the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a chronic relapsing disorder of gastrointestinal function; the main features are abdominal pain associated with an altered bowel habit (may present with diarrhoea or constipation or intermittently both). In Charaka Bhunimbadya churna mentioned in Grahani Chikitsa is highly effective, promote appetite, digestion and remove Ama Dosha from the system by increasing the power of Agni. Hence it is the need of the hour to establish a firm clinical research based scientific data for classical treatments. It is presumed that Bhunimbadya churna is effective in case of Grahani & effectively control the clinical condition associated with this disease. Total 20 patients of Grahani were registered for clinical trial of 45days. Result of the study revealed that Bhunimbadya churna produced significant results in almost all cases barring a few patients who were suffering from longer period.
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