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Clinical study of brihat panchamool tail katibasti in the management of gridhrasi (SCIATICA)
Corresponding Author(s) : Anil Kumar Singh
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -4
A variety of Vatavyadhi described in Charaka Samhita are divided into Samanyaja and Nanatmaja group. Gridhrasi comes under 80 types of NanatmajaVatavyadhi though, occasionally there is Kaphanubandha. The name itself indicates the way of gate shown by the patients due to extreme pain just like a Gridhra (vulture), it is clear that this disease not only inflicts pain but also causes difficulty in walking, which is very much frustrating and embracing to the patient. In Ayurvedic classics, our Acharyas have given so many special therapeutically procedures for specific disease along with thousands of medicaments. Panchakarma is a very unique therapeutic procedure because of its preventive, promotive, prophylactic and rejuvenate properties as well as providing a radical cure. Kati Basti is a treatment for the Gridhrasi andlower back pain. It is the most famous among Ayurvedic Physicians. Total 10 patients were registered from O.P.D. and I.P.D. of Dhanvantari Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Ujjain. Result of the study revealed that Katibasti effective in reducing the sign & symptoms of disease as well as physical assessment.
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