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Critical review of samprapti and shatkriyakal in kitibha kushtha (psoriasis)
Corresponding Author(s) : Anita Sinha
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -4
Twak is formed like the Sansthanika over the boiling milk. (The same manner in which the layer are formed and deposited on the surface of milk). In the uterus during the course of development of Garbha differentiation of the layers of the skin takes place and is caused by all three Doshas, Particularly by the pitta Dosha. Twak is said to be an Upadhatu of mamsa. The description of "Kushtha roga" in texts covers almost all skin diseases including "Kitibha". The word "Kushtha" is a broad term which involves a whole community of skin diseases. Kushtha is in the one which causes vitiation as well as discoloration of the skin. The clear cut description regarding the layers of skin in relation to Katibha not given in Ayurvedic classics but the site of Tamra twak to be the layer or skin can be taken as the site or Kitibha. In Kushtha the provoked doshas setting themselves in vitiated body elements and after getting localized generate skin lesions. If treatment is not available at this stage dosha further vitiates to all the Sapta dhatus. Like Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Maja and Sukra and produce Krimis, which produces decay of Mamsa, Asthi etc.
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