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Assess the dietary pattern on early puberty among adolescent girls at selected school
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -3
Precocious puberty is a condition where pubertal changes occur at an age earlier than expected. In girls, these changes generally include the appearance of breast tissue, pubic hair, and menstruation. The onset of puberty is usually triggered by the pituitary, a pea-sized gland located near the base of the brain, and the production of gonadotropins and sex hormones.
Aim of the study
Assess the eating habits leads to early puberty among adolescent girls at selected school.
Quantitative approach descriptive research design were adopted to conduct this study.
60 adolescent girls were selected in Nasarathpetai secondary government school by using convenience sampling technique.
Among 60 adolescents girls 57(95%) of them were in the age group of 13-14 years and majority of them were 60(100%) veg and non- vegetarian with regards to most them were 60(100%) and family economic status is 60(100%) belongs to education. The mean valve are the median valves are and the standard deviations.
Majority of the adolescent girls are regular type of food veg and non- vegetarian most them are limited property they are occur in early puberty.
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