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The pelangi school health model as an alternative effort to revitalize UKS for health workers
Corresponding Author(s) : Boby I Sakbana
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -3
Improve community health status still a lot of health problems, especially primary school children. Efforts are being made on elementary school children through the school health program, but in the implementation of each of the provincial average was 13.6%. So, we need a comprehensive model in schools that are able to provide education and public health services, oral health and nutrition. The Pelangi School Health Model is a development of UKS program and implemented by three health workers collaborate among others: nurses, dental therapists and nutrition personnel who have followed training
The Pelangi School Health Model as an alternative effort to revitalize UKS for health workers.
Research and Development (R & D) and testing of the model using experimental quasy tets control group pre-test and post-test design. Health personnel research subjects were divided into 2 groups: 1) intervention Pelangi School Health model and 2) program UKS as controls. The independent variables: training of pelangi school health model and the dependent variable: behavior (knowledge, attitudes and skills) for health professionals. Data were tested using normality test and repeatet measure anova.
This model is effective to increase knowledge of health workers (p<0.001), attitude (p<0.000) and the skills of health service (p<0.006).
The Pelangi School Health Model training as an alternative effort to revitalize UKS for health workers
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