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Grant of beverages sari peanut (Arachis Hypogaea l) on the improvement albumin body and future index (BMI) pregnant KEK (chronic energy deficiency) Siwuluh health case study in work area district health department brebes)
Corresponding Author(s) : Sri Utami Subagio
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -3
Impact of pregnant women who have nutritional problems are health conditions and safety of the mother and baby as well as the quality of the babies born muscle quality problems at the time of birth would even interfere with the development to the growth of the fetus, it can even cause some health problems in adulthood. The Ministry of Health, said the provision of maternal pmt pmt SEZ besides the manufacturer may also management of the local food-based PMT PMT which would create not only meet the energy needs alone, but affordable, easily accessible, and safe.peanuts as one of the local wisdom, nutritious, economically valuable and easily found in various regions in Indonesia. Objective: To determine the effect of peanut juice beverage on levels of albumin and BMI at KEK pregnant women. Methods: The experiment with the design quasy nonequivalen control group design, pre post test in the form of body mass index and levels of albumin, with a sample of 15 control group and the intervention group were given 15 to 300 ml (1 bottle) peanut juice for 28 days. Results and Discussion :Statistical test results the difference in average BMI after giving peanut juice drinks and biscuits layered between the intervention and control groups obtained p value of 0.022 is less than 0.05. It gives the sense that there is a difference in the average BMI after giving peanut juice drinks and biscuits layered between the intervention and control groups. Results of statistical test with paired t test, showed no difference between the average levels of albumin before giving peanuts juice and biscuits layered with average levels of albumin after administration peanut juice and biscuit layer (t = -4.495; p = 0.001 )
Conclusions and recommendations
Peanut juice can increase body mass index (BMI) and Albumin Levels KEK pregnant women. The health worker can motivate people and pregnant women who have Chronic Energy Deficiency in order to make peanuts as an alternative to the extra food cheap and readily available that can reduce the risk of chronic energy deficiency.
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