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Application "senyum gigiku" android based media promotion as prevention caries dental knowledge and attitudes toward increasing the mother mother in district banyudono PKK
Corresponding Author(s) : Aditya Nurrochman
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -1
Aditya Nurrochman
Applications "SENYUM GIGIKU" as the android-based caries prevention media campaigns to improve the knowledge and attitude of the PKK in the District Banyudono
Dental caries is one of the problems of the oral cavity which can cause pain and interfere with the activity and reduce the quality of life of patients. Dental caries prevention can be done by improving the knowledge of individuals with dental health education (DHE). The success of dental health education can not be separated from the methods and media used. Application of Augmented Reality is currently under development in the world of education.
Establishment of Application "SENYUM GIGIKU" As Android-Based Dental Caries Prevention Media Campaign Against Increasing Knowledge and Attitudes Mothers PKK
Quasy experiment with pre-test post-test non-equivalent control group design. 24 research subjects in the intervention group and 24 in the control group. Variables examined knowledge and attitudes. The analysis is, Friedman test, Man Whitney, Repeat Measure Anova, Independent T-test, Manova.
Test the feasibility of application "SENYUM GIGIKU" prosentast results obtained with 85.2% (Good) and material aspects of the due diligence with a percentage of 87% (Good). On the measurement of knowledge using the application "SENYUM GIGIKU" gained a significant difference with p value = 0.000, while the provision of attitude formation Applications "SENYUM GIGIKU" there is a significant difference with p value = 0.000. On the measurement of the use of Application "SENYUM GIGIKU" with the use of methods of demonstration using props, there is a significant difference with p value = 0.000.
It has been composed Applications "SENYUM GIGIKU" android-based and can effectively improve the knowledge and attitude of the PKK in the prevention of cavities. Use of Applications "SENYUM GIGIKU" is more effective than konvensonal health promotion.
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