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Torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus L) leaves extract as an alternative to increase breast milk production and prolactin hormone level among normal postpartum women (studyin the work area ofbergascommunity health center Semarang district)
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2018): 2018 Volume 6- Issue -3
There are many causes of failure in exclusive breastfeeding, one of them is that the feeling of insufficient breast milk production which can inhibits the breastfeeding activity.
This study aims to prove torbangun leaves (Coleus amboinicusLour) extract as an alternative to increase breast milk production and prolactin hormone level among Normal Postpartum women in the work area of Bergas CommunityHealthCenter Semarang District.
This study was an experimental study with randomized pre-post with control group designthat used consecutive sampling method. The number of sample was 32 respondents assigned equally in the control group and intervention group with 16 respondents in each group. The dependent variable in this study was breast milk productionand prolactin hormone level as an intermediate variable. The independent variable in this study wastorbangun leaves (coleusamboinicus L) extract with a dose of @ 500 mg taken 3x a day.
Themean of prolactin hormone level in the intervention group after treatment was 152.69 ng/ml while in the control group was 131.06 ng/ml with pvalue of 0.03. The mean infant weight in the intervention group was 3229.69 grams while in the control group was 2980 grams with pvalue of 0.000. The mean ofdefecationamong infants in the intervention group after treatment was 3.56 times/day whereas the mean of defecation among infants in the control group was 3.00 times/day with p value of 0.043. The mean of urination among infants in the intervention group after treatment was 9.44 times/day whereas the mean of urination among infants in the control group was 8.81 times/day with pvalue of 0.019. The mean of infants sleep duration in the intervention group after treatment was 11.63 hours/day whereas the mean of infantssleep duration in the control group was 10.94 hours/day with pvalue of 0.003.
It was evidenced that the consumption of torbangun leavescould increase breast milk production and prolactin hormone level.
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