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Utilization of dates extract to suppress stomach and duodenal signal on magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatopgrapy (MRCP)
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2018): 2018 Volume 6- Issue -3
The result of the image of the biliary system on MRCP examination is often disturbed by artifacts due to signal from the stomach and duodenum. To eliminate the gastric and duodenal signal artifacts is required an intra oral negative contrast medium. There are commercial negative contrast media in the market, but this contrast media is expensive and limit of stock. Dates extract has a substance that is paramagnetic in iron material form so it can be used as a substitute for negative contrast media sold on the market.
This type of research was quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test design. The research subjects used 10 samples of healthy volunteers that scanned pre and post contrast 100 ml dates extract administer. T2 HASTE Fat Saturation Thick Breath Hold Rotation was used as scanning protocol. Image score was assessed by 3 Radiologist. Statistical data were tested using Wilcoxon and Friedman Test.
The result showed that there were differences suppression rate of the gastric signal between pre contrast and post contrast. There is no difference in the level of duodenal signal suppression between pre contrast and post contrast.
Administration of 100 ml dates extract to MRCP patient could suppress stomach signal but not for duodenal signal.
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