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Study of carotid intima media thickness in patients of Non diabetic chronic kidney disease
Corresponding Author(s) : Mohamed Azeem Sherfudeen
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): 2018 Volume 6- Issue -1
Background Patients with chronic kidney disease are at high risk for developing cardiovascular complications. Cardiovascular diseases are major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients of chronic kidney disease due to accelerated atherosclerosis. Measuring the CIMT is a useful marker of atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease patients. Coronary artery atherosclerosis can also be correlated with CIMT thickness. Aims and objectives This study focuses on assessing the carotid intima media thickness in patients of non-diabetic kidney disease among the patients admitted in medical wards of saveetha medical college hospital, Chennai. Materials and methods
This was a prospective study of carotid intima media thickness in patients of non-diabetic CKD, done in the Department of Medicine, saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Chennai. A total of 50 patients of non-diabetic CKD were enrolled. Measurement of intima media thickness was done bilaterally in the common carotid arteries and higher value of CIMT of any one carotid artery was recorded using Doppler Ultrasound.
Out of 50 patients of CKD, 42 were males and 8 were females. 22 patients belonged to Stage 3 CKD, 18 patients belonged to stage 4 and stage 5 CKD was observed in 10 patients. CIMT in CKD patients was between 0.9 to 1.0mm. The mean age was 52.6(35-74) years. Hypertension was observed in 38 patients and Dyslipidaemia in 15 patients.
CIMT measurement was done in our study population of 50 patients and CIMT was found to be increased in patients of non-diabetic chronic kidney disease irrespective of the stage of CKD. Patients with High mean blood pressure had high CIMT values as compared to patients having low mean blood pressure. Patients with dyslipidaemia were found to have high levels of CIMT. It is concluded in our study that CIMT was higher in patients with chronic kidney disease irrespective of the stage in Non-diabetic patients.
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[2]. Kumar K S, Lakshmi A Y, Srinivasa Rao P, Das G C, Kumar V S. Carotid intima-media thickness in patients with end-stage renal disease. Indian J Nephrol 19, 2009, 13-4
[3]. TIWARI, Dharmendra et al. Study of Carotid Intima Media Thickness In Patients Of Chronic Kidney Disease. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(6), 2018, 11-14,
[4]. Chhajed N, Subhash Chandra B J, Shetty MS, Shetty C. Correlation of carotid intimal-medial thickness with estimated glomerular filtration rate and cardiovascular risk factors in chronic kidney disease. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 25, 2014, 572-6
[5]. Kim, J. K., Song, Y. R., Kim, M. G., Kim, H. J., & Kim, S. G. Clinical significance of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis and its relationship with echocardiographic parameters in non-diabetic chronic kidney disease patients. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 13(1), 2013, 96.
[6]. Kumar S, et al. Study of Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness in Chronic Kidney Disease at Rural Teaching Hospital. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 7, 2017, 76-80 How to cite this article: Mohamed Azee