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The application of band pass filter technique for metal artifacts reduction on the quality of anatomical image in paranasal sinuses (PNS) MSCT
Corresponding Author(s) : Ike Mayasari
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 5 No. 4 (2017): 2017 Volume 5- Issue -4
Background The current development of the medical world is very rapid especially radiodiagnostics field has begun to change into the era of computerization or digitization of medical images. One use of the most advanced modalities in radiodiagnostics is CT Scan which has been widely used in hospitals. There are some 16 slices CT Scans which do not have software artifact correction, then the application of spatial filter technique on CT Scan image processing can be done by using matlab programming with band pass filter for metal artifacts reduction. Matlab (matrix laboratory) programming is a program for image processing and image analysis using raw data or image results already obtained.
Study objective (s)
Identify the difference of image results with anatomical image quality analysis on PNS MSCT before and after band pass spatial filter using Matlab.
Study design
The type of study used here was quasi experiment with Pre Test- Post Test only Group Design. This study aims to determine the changes before and after the treatment (post-test). There was 1 treatment group which used spatial filter technique.
There was a significant difference in the treatment group before and after spatial filter use to the anatomical assessment with p value of <0.05 or p value of 0.000. This showed the optimal quality of Paranasal Sinuses (PNS) MSCT image and the reduction of metal artifacts which could help to establish anatomical diagnosis.
There was a reduction of metal artifacts after reduction with the use of spatial filter. Then Band Pass filter could be used to reduce metal artifacts in PNS MSCT examination.
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