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Drug utilization 90% in patients with acute hemorrhagic stroke to assess adherence to standard anti-hypertensive treatment
Corresponding Author(s) : Girase GD
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017): 2017 Volume 5- Issue -3
The early management of hypertension in hemorrhagic stroke affects the extent of brain injury and patient suffering’s. This study conducted at civil hospital Nashik, describes antihypertensive treatment in acute hemorrhagic stroke do not adhere to standard treatment, DU 90% not achieved. As in first 30 patients no patients were prescribed with recommended drugs, interim analysis was performed on 16% of sample size. Antihypertensive drugs were prescribed as single drug or in combination, Cap Nifedepin (40%) was most frequently prescribed single drug.. Calcium Channel Blockers were preferred with or without combination with beta-blocker agent; Mean cost per patient treated was 2280?.
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Girase GD et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-5(3) 2017 [724-729]
[3]. Broderick J et al. 2007 Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in adults: 2007 update: a guideline from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council. Jun; 38(6), 2001-23. [4]. Ramandeep Sahni and Jesse Weinberger Management of intracerebral hemorrhage, Vasc Health Risk Manag. 3(5), 2007, 701709. PMCID: PMC22913 [5]. Adnan I Qureshi, MD, A David Mendelow, FRCS, and Daniel F Hanley, MD, Intracerebral haemorrhageLancet. 9, 2009, 373(9675): 1632–1644. PMC3138486 [6]. Donald A. Muzzi, MD, Susan Black, MD, Thomas J. Losasso, MD, and Roy F. Cucchiara, MD 1990 Labetalol and Esmolol in the Control of Hypertension After Intracranial Surgery, Department of Anesthesiology,Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, S.W., Rochester, MN. [7]. Chirag K. Vaidya, MDJason R. Ouellette, MD, 2007, Hypertensive Urgency and Emergency, Turner White Communications, Wayne. [8]. J. David Spence, MD, 2007 Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine New Treatment Options for Hypertension During Acute Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke America. [9]. Andrew R. Haas,& Paul E. Marik, 2006,Current Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Emergency, CRITICAL CARE ISSUES FOR THE NEPHROLOGIST, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [10]. Ms Deborah, Leibbrandt, 1998, RNS Hospital, Sydney Literature review of Antihypertensive treatment; NSW Therapeutic Assessment Group Inc and NSW Health, MSD Formerly RNS Hospital, Sydney. [11]. Strandgaard S, Olesen J, Skinh~jE & Lassen N A. Autoregulation of brain, OCTOBER 5, 1987, circulation in severe arterial hypertension. This Week’s Citation Classic, Department of Neurology, Copenhagen University, Denmark. [12]. Craig S. Anderson The Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage(INTERACT), University of Missouri—Columbia. 2012. [13]. Qureshi AI et. al. 2010 Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage (ATACH) investigators. Crit Care Med. 38(2), 2010 , 637-48. doi: 10.1097/CCM. [14]. Davis S.M., Broderick J., Hennerici M., Brun N.C., Diringer M.N., Mayer S.A., et al. Hematoma growth is a determinant of mortality and poor outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology 66, 2006, 1175–1181
[15]. Ohwaki et al. 2010, Intracerebral haemorrhage: low blood pressure and early neurological deterioration, British Journal of Neurosurgery, 410-414 Published online: 15 Jul 2010
Girase GD et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-5(3) 2017 [724-729]
[3]. Broderick J et al. 2007 Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in adults: 2007 update: a guideline from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council. Jun; 38(6), 2001-23. [4]. Ramandeep Sahni and Jesse Weinberger Management of intracerebral hemorrhage, Vasc Health Risk Manag. 3(5), 2007, 701709. PMCID: PMC22913 [5]. Adnan I Qureshi, MD, A David Mendelow, FRCS, and Daniel F Hanley, MD, Intracerebral haemorrhageLancet. 9, 2009, 373(9675): 1632–1644. PMC3138486 [6]. Donald A. Muzzi, MD, Susan Black, MD, Thomas J. Losasso, MD, and Roy F. Cucchiara, MD 1990 Labetalol and Esmolol in the Control of Hypertension After Intracranial Surgery, Department of Anesthesiology,Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, S.W., Rochester, MN. [7]. Chirag K. Vaidya, MDJason R. Ouellette, MD, 2007, Hypertensive Urgency and Emergency, Turner White Communications, Wayne. [8]. J. David Spence, MD, 2007 Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine New Treatment Options for Hypertension During Acute Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke America. [9]. Andrew R. Haas,& Paul E. Marik, 2006,Current Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Emergency, CRITICAL CARE ISSUES FOR THE NEPHROLOGIST, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [10]. Ms Deborah, Leibbrandt, 1998, RNS Hospital, Sydney Literature review of Antihypertensive treatment; NSW Therapeutic Assessment Group Inc and NSW Health, MSD Formerly RNS Hospital, Sydney. [11]. Strandgaard S, Olesen J, Skinh~jE & Lassen N A. Autoregulation of brain, OCTOBER 5, 1987, circulation in severe arterial hypertension. This Week’s Citation Classic, Department of Neurology, Copenhagen University, Denmark. [12]. Craig S. Anderson The Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage(INTERACT), University of Missouri—Columbia. 2012. [13]. Qureshi AI et. al. 2010 Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage (ATACH) investigators. Crit Care Med. 38(2), 2010 , 637-48. doi: 10.1097/CCM. [14]. Davis S.M., Broderick J., Hennerici M., Brun N.C., Diringer M.N., Mayer S.A., et al. Hematoma growth is a determinant of mortality and poor outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology 66, 2006, 1175–1181
[15]. Ohwaki et al. 2010, Intracerebral haemorrhage: low blood pressure and early neurological deterioration, British Journal of Neurosurgery, 410-414 Published online: 15 Jul 2010