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A study to assess neonatal outcomes followed by caesarean section at Orotta National Referral Maternity Hospital, Asmara, Eritrea
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. P. Kavitha
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): 2017 Volume 5- Issue -2
Out of the estemated130 million infants born each year worldwide, 4 million die in the first 28 days of life.3/4 of neonatal deaths occur in the first week and more than ¼ occur in the first 24 hours. Neonatal deaths account for 40%of deaths under the age of 5years worldwide. An institutional based Prospective cross sectional descriptive study was used to asses neonatal outcome of mothers delivered by C/S. 115 mothers were selected using convenience sampling technique from November 9, to December 9, 2013. Data were collected using structured questionnaires.
Out of 115 samples common indications for C/S were 19.1% fetal distress and 19.1% previous C/S. out of 119 births 18(15-5 %) had Apgar score of <7 in one minuet and after five minutes14 improved, 4 were<7 and 4 (3.4%) were still birth. Out of 115 live births 14 (11.8%) were admitted to NICU and 2(1.7) were died within 7 days, but one died before admission.
It is evident that fetal distress, previous C/S, prolonged labor, mal presentation, changes in FHR, Emergency C/s, decision to incision time, incision to delivery time and type of anesthesia were the factors which affect the neonatal outcome.
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