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Stone quarry of the eye!!
Corresponding Author(s) : AarthiPanneerselvam
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 4 No. 4 (2016): 2016 Volume 4- Issue -4
A female child aged 8yrs presented with history of extrusion of small stone like particles from her lateral canthal region with minimal congestion, irritation and tenderness in her left eye for the past 1 month. Local antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs did not improve the condition. Imaging tests were inconclusive because of periodic expulsion of the stony particles. Thehistopathological results were suggestive of amorphous material organized in lamellae, which confirmed the diagnosis of dacryolith. As the stone particles were spontaneously and periodically extruded, most probably through a ruptured duct to the conjunctival surface at the palpebral area, no active immediate intervention was contemplated. We are presenting this case because of the rarity and interest and hype associated with it.
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