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Phytochemical and Antimicrobial analysis of hulls and nuts of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Ukpa) on pathogenic organisms
Corresponding Author(s) : Ejikeugwu Chika
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016): 2016 Volume 4- Issue -3
Nigeria is well known for various medicinal plants including Tetracarpidium conophorum (upka) that have long been used for the treatment of a handful of infectious diseases. T. conophorum is one of Nigeria’s valuable medicinal plants found in the plant family Euphorbiaceae. This study evaluated the in vitro antimicrobial activity of the hulls and nut (edible) of T. conophorum on pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrobial activities of the extracts from hull and nut of T. conophorum was evaluated on pathogenic species of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Candida albicans, Aspergillus species using the agar well diffusion method. Phytochemical analysis of T. conophorum extracts on aqueous, ethanol and n-hexane showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, reduced compound sugar, carbohydrates, and protein in both hull and nut. Antimicrobial analysis conducted confirmed the anti-bacterial and antifungal potentials of T. conophorum plant. The inhibition zone diameter of the soaked hull of T. conophorum against the bacterial isolates was in the range of 10-18 mm while the IZD of the soaked nut of T. conophorum was in the range of 10-17 mm for the bacterial isolates. The IZD of the plant extracts against the fungal isolates was in the range of 11-13 mm. The ethanol and n-hexane extracts of the soaked nut of T. conophorum plant had little antimicrobial activity on the fungal isolates compared to the bacterial isolates which were more susceptible to the antimicrobial activity of the plant. However, the aqueous extracts of the hull and nut of the T. conophorum plant had inhibitory effect on the bacterial isolates but the aqueous extracts of the nut of T. conophorum plant had no inhibitory activity against the fungal organisms. Further molecular studies are required to characterize the active constituents responsible for the antimicrobial activity of T. conophorum plant.
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[2]. Adesioye, H.O. The effect of processing and storage on the chemical and sensory quality of conophor nut. Nigerian Food Journal 9, 1991, 33-38.
[3]. Ajaiyeoba, E.O. and Fadare, D.A., Antimicrobial potential of extracts and fractions of the African walnut – Tetracarpidium conophorum. African Biotechnology 5, 2006, 2322-2325.
[4]. Chauhan, N., Wang, K.C., Wegiel, J., Malik, M.N. Walnut extract inhibits the Fibrillization of myloid beta-protein and defribrillizes its pre-informed fibrils. Current Alzheimer Resource 1(3), 2004, 183-188
[5]. Cheesbrough, M. District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Cambridge University Press, UK. 2(2), 2010, 143-240.
[6]. Ejikeugwu C, Umeokoli B, Iroha I, Ugwu M, Esimone C Phytochemical and Antibacterial Screening of Crude Extracts from Leaves of Wonderful Kola. American Journal of Life Sciences. Special Issue: Microbiology Research, 3(2), 2015, 5-8.
[7]. Gillen, L.J., Tapsell, L.C. Patch, C.S, Owen, A. Structured dietary advice incoporating walnuts achieves optimal fat and energy balance in patients with type 2 diabete’s mellitus. Journal of American Dietary Association 105 (7), 2005, 1087-96
[8]. Gloor, S.M. Relevance of Na+-K+-ATPase to local extracellular potassium homeostasis and modulation of synaptic transmission. FEBS Letter 412, 1997, 1-4.
[9]. Leudeu B.C.T., TChiengarig, C., Barbe, F., Nicolas, U., and Gueant,J.L. Ricinodendron heutetii (Bail.) or Tetracarpidium conophorum hull. oils feed to male rats lower blood lipids. Nutrition Resource 29 (7), 2009, 503-509.
[10]. Obadoni, B.O., and Ochuko, P.O. phytochemical studies and comparative efficacy of the crude extracts of some homeostatic plants in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. Global. Journal of Pure, land Applied Science 8, 2001, 203-208.
[11]. Obianime, A.W., Uche, F.L. The effects of aqueous extracts of Tetracapiduim conophorum seeds on the hormonal parameters of male guinea pigs, (E-ed) Elesevier, Singapore. 2010.
[12]. Okpero A.O. (2001). The nutritive value of conophor seeds, Ibadan, University of Ibadan Press.
[13]. Oladiji, A.T., Abodunrin, T.P. and Yakubu, M.T. Some physicochemical characteristics of the oil from Tetracarpidium conophorom (Mull. Arg.) nut. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular BioIogy 22(2), 2007, 93-98.
[14]. Tchiegang, C., Kapseu, C. and Parmenter, M. Chemical composition of oil from Teracarpidium conophorum (MulI.Arg) Hucth and Dalz) nuts. Journal of Food Lipids 8(2), 2007, 95-102.
[15]. Trease, G.E and Evans, E.C (1983) Pharamacology. (12th edn). Bailliere Tindall, London.