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A review on study of katphala (Myrica Esculenta) W. S. R. to Tamaka shvasa (Bronchial Asthma)
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. Harshad D. Gulhane
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): 2016 Volume 4- Issue -2
At present many chronic recurrent airway disorders are increasingly seen all over the glob. Ayurveda has described Tamaka Shvasa (Bronchial asthma) as one of such disorders. Bronchial asthma is allergic hyper responsivness of trecheo bronchial tree initiated by immunological mechanism and Katphal (Myrica esculenta, family- myricaceae) is known Ayurvedic traditionally medicine possess anti asthmatic property. Asthma affect more than 300 million people worldwide and it has been estimated that a further 100 million will be affected by 2025. Plants are always an exemplary source of drugs; in fact many of the currently available drugs were derived either directly or indirectly from them. Many experimental research proven the efficacy of Myrica esculenta as anti-asthmatic, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties. Myrica esculenta are widely used for preparation of Ayurvedic formulation like churnas, Asav-arishta, oils, tablets etc. The bark constitute gallic acid, myricanol, myricanone, epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate, two prodelphinidin dimmers [epigallocatechin-(4??8)-epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate and 3- O galloylepigallocatechin-(4??8)-epigallocatechin3-O-gallate], hydrolysable tannin castalagin. Prodelphinidin units with 2,3-cisconfiguration having average of 5000 mean molecular weight (Mr) were found in the higher mean molecular weight (Mr) fractions. Theterminal unit of the polymer has epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate, theextender units were also known to have galloyl group at C-327.Gallic acid, lupeol, oleanolic acid and stigmasterol were evaluated by HPTLC in bark extract. Present study review information about use of myrica esculenta in bronchial asthma.
Keywords: Katphal, Myrica Esculenta, Bronchial Asthma.
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[2]. C. Seth landefeld et. al. Current Geriatric Diagnosis & Treatment, edited by Landefeld Seth, McGraw-Hill publication, 1st edition, section III, chap. 22, 2004, 205.
[3]. S. Ushasri*, J. Ranjith kumar, CH. Sudha Bhargavi, L. Spoorthi and A. Pushpa Sai- Anti Asthmatic Herbal Drugs- A compilation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical science, Vol. 2(1), 2013, 384-392.
[4]. Prashant Y. Mali, Premna integrifolia L: A review of its biodiversity, tradition uses and phytochemestry, Ancient science of life/July-sept-2015/vol 35/issue 1.
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[6]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol-III, page no. 92, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH.
[7]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, Vol. III, International book distributors; 1999. 1699.
[8]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd; 1, 2002, 871.
[9]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, page no. Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
Harshad D G et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-4(2) 2016 [302-309]
[10]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol-II, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
[11]. Singh J et al., Pharmacognostic evaluation of Katphala (The bark of Myricaesculenta Buch –Ham) Ancient Science of Life, 2, 1986, 85-87
[12]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
[13]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97
[14]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97
[15]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, International book distributors; 3, 1999, 1699.
[16]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2002, 871.
[17]. Patel KG, Rao NJ, Gajera VG, Bhatt PA, Patel KV and Gandhi TR. Antiallergic activity of stem bark of Myrica esculenta Buch. Ham. (Myricaceae). J Young Pharm 2(1), 2010, 74-78.
[18]. Patel KG, Bhalodia PN, Patel AD and Patel KV Gandhi. Evaluation of bronchodilator and antianaphylactic activity of Myrica sapida’, Iranian Biomedical Journal. 2(3), 2008, 191-196.
[19]. Semwal RB, Semwal DK, Kapoor P, Dyeing Properties of BerberisaristataDC with Natural and Synthetic Mordants, Trends Applied Sci Res, 7(5), 2012, 392-399.
[20]. Pala NA, Negi AK, Todaria NP Traditional uses of medicinal plants of PauriGarhwal, Uttrakhand, Nat. Sci, 8(6), 2010, 57-61.
[21]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, Vol. III, International book distributors; 1999. , 1699.
[22]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd; 2002, 871.
[23]. S. Ushasri*, J. Ranjith kumar, CH. Sudha Bhargavi, L. Spoorthi and A. Pushpa Sai- Anti Asthmatic Herbal Drugs- A compilation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical science, Vol. 2(1), 2013, 384-392.
[24]. Patel KG, Bhalodia PN, Patel ADand Patel KV Gandhi. Evaluation of bronchodilator and antianaphylactic activity of Myrica sapida’, Iranian Biomedical Journal. 12(3), 2008, 191-196.
[25]. Kushavaha Harish, Charak Samhita of Charaka, chikitsasthan, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17 (45), 2010, 452
[26]. Michael E. Hanley, Carolyn H. Welsh, Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine, entitled Diseases of Airways, Published by McGraw-Hill, 2(6), 2003
[27]. Kushavaha Harish, Charak Samhita of Charaka, chikitsasthan, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17(48), 2010, 468
[28]. Yadavjitrikamji acharya, Charak Samhita with Chakrapani commentary, Chikitsa sthana, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17 (147150), 2011, 539.
[29]. Rastogi R.P, Compendium of Indian medicinal plants National institute of science communication, New Delhi, 1, 1985, 491
[30]. Bamola A, Flavonoid glycosides from Myricaesculenta leaves Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 86(5), 2009, 535-536
[31]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97.
[2]. C. Seth landefeld et. al. Current Geriatric Diagnosis & Treatment, edited by Landefeld Seth, McGraw-Hill publication, 1st edition, section III, chap. 22, 2004, 205.
[3]. S. Ushasri*, J. Ranjith kumar, CH. Sudha Bhargavi, L. Spoorthi and A. Pushpa Sai- Anti Asthmatic Herbal Drugs- A compilation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical science, Vol. 2(1), 2013, 384-392.
[4]. Prashant Y. Mali, Premna integrifolia L: A review of its biodiversity, tradition uses and phytochemestry, Ancient science of life/July-sept-2015/vol 35/issue 1.
[5]. AAA
[6]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol-III, page no. 92, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH.
[7]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, Vol. III, International book distributors; 1999. 1699.
[8]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd; 1, 2002, 871.
[9]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, page no. Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
Harshad D G et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-4(2) 2016 [302-309]
[10]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol-II, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
[11]. Singh J et al., Pharmacognostic evaluation of Katphala (The bark of Myricaesculenta Buch –Ham) Ancient Science of Life, 2, 1986, 85-87
[12]. The Ayurved Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH 2, 90.
[13]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97
[14]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97
[15]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, International book distributors; 3, 1999, 1699.
[16]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2002, 871.
[17]. Patel KG, Rao NJ, Gajera VG, Bhatt PA, Patel KV and Gandhi TR. Antiallergic activity of stem bark of Myrica esculenta Buch. Ham. (Myricaceae). J Young Pharm 2(1), 2010, 74-78.
[18]. Patel KG, Bhalodia PN, Patel AD and Patel KV Gandhi. Evaluation of bronchodilator and antianaphylactic activity of Myrica sapida’, Iranian Biomedical Journal. 2(3), 2008, 191-196.
[19]. Semwal RB, Semwal DK, Kapoor P, Dyeing Properties of BerberisaristataDC with Natural and Synthetic Mordants, Trends Applied Sci Res, 7(5), 2012, 392-399.
[20]. Pala NA, Negi AK, Todaria NP Traditional uses of medicinal plants of PauriGarhwal, Uttrakhand, Nat. Sci, 8(6), 2010, 57-61.
[21]. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition, Vol. III, International book distributors; 1999. , 1699.
[22]. Dr. Nadkarni’s KM. Indian Materia Medica, 3rd revised edition, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd; 2002, 871.
[23]. S. Ushasri*, J. Ranjith kumar, CH. Sudha Bhargavi, L. Spoorthi and A. Pushpa Sai- Anti Asthmatic Herbal Drugs- A compilation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical science, Vol. 2(1), 2013, 384-392.
[24]. Patel KG, Bhalodia PN, Patel ADand Patel KV Gandhi. Evaluation of bronchodilator and antianaphylactic activity of Myrica sapida’, Iranian Biomedical Journal. 12(3), 2008, 191-196.
[25]. Kushavaha Harish, Charak Samhita of Charaka, chikitsasthan, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17 (45), 2010, 452
[26]. Michael E. Hanley, Carolyn H. Welsh, Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine, entitled Diseases of Airways, Published by McGraw-Hill, 2(6), 2003
[27]. Kushavaha Harish, Charak Samhita of Charaka, chikitsasthan, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17(48), 2010, 468
[28]. Yadavjitrikamji acharya, Charak Samhita with Chakrapani commentary, Chikitsa sthana, Shvasa Chikitsa, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series 17 (147150), 2011, 539.
[29]. Rastogi R.P, Compendium of Indian medicinal plants National institute of science communication, New Delhi, 1, 1985, 491
[30]. Bamola A, Flavonoid glycosides from Myricaesculenta leaves Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 86(5), 2009, 535-536
[31]. Shobharam Sahu et al. ‘Review on Myrica Esculenta A Popular Himalayan Region’ Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, April-June 6(2), 2013, 93-97.