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Mystery of burnt bride and circumstances of death - A Case Report
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. Dinesh Chhillar
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2015): 2015 Volume 3- Issue -4
A scene of crime report helps a lot in autopsy examination. This is part of information, which should be provided with the other inquest papers of a case. In common practice, investigating officer collects this report after the post mortem report. Not only he considered scene of crime report as an unnecessary part of investigation, but also it is not given by the investigating member of the forensic science laboratory team before autopsy examination. A keen investigation officer keeps all the concerned details in his mind and prepares a parallel report of crime scene with the help of drawing and photographs. We report a case of partially burnt female with fatal pressure on the neck and stab injury to the abdomen. A 27 year old newly married woman was found dead in forest near a village. A partially burnt female and a knife with burnt handle were discovered at the scene. Blood stains and broken pieces of ornaments were found around the body and on nearby surrounding region. Autopsy revealed a stab injury to the abdomen extending to the small and large intestine and ligature strangulation at the neck with post mortem burns.
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