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Implementation of Continuous Toddler Mother Classes for Toddlers 1 to 2 Years Old in South Klaten-Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Triwik Sri Mulati
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): 2024 Volume -12 - Issue 2
Background: It is very important to prepare mothers of toddlers for the period of being parents of toddlers and provide adequate support during the period of being parents of toddlers because some mothers of toddlers experience ignorance about caring for toddlers, especially children aged 1-2 years. The preparation of the toddler's mother includes the readiness of the toddler's mother with the knowledge and skills for becoming a toddler's parent and providing support that can be provided by her husband, family and health workers. The knowledge and the skill regarding caring for children aged 1-2 years are really needed by a toddler's mother so that the toddler's mother has confidence in facing the period of being a toddler's parent and can adapt well so as to reduce the incidence of depression when becoming a toddler's parent.
Aim: This study aims to prove the effect of toddler mother classes on increasing knowledge and skills regarding caring for toddlers aged 1-2 years.
Method: The design of this research was a quasi-experimental with a pre-test post-test group design without control with a sample of 51 mothers who had children aged 1 – 2 years at Danguran Village, in South Klaten District. Data analysis used statistical tests, namely the Paired-Sample T-Test, to determine the effect of toddler mothers' classes on knowledge and skills regarding caring for toddlers aged 1-2 years.
Results: There is an influence of toddler mother classes for children aged 1-2 years on increasing knowledge about caring for children aged 1-2 years with p value = 0.000. There is an influence of toddler mother classes for children aged 1-2 years on increasing skills regarding caring for children aged 1-2 years with a p value = 0.008.
Conclusion: There is an influence of toddler mother classes on knowledge and skills regarding caring for toddlers aged 1-2 years.
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R. Depkes, Ibu Balita PFK, Direktorat jenderal Bina Ind kesehatan masyarakat, Jakarta, 2009.
S. Saleha, Asuhan Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas, Salemba Medika, jakarta, 2009.
Kristianto, The Factors That Influence Mother ’ S Behavior in Giving Complementary Feeding, J. Stikes. 6 (2018) 99–108.
C.L. Thompson, A.L. McCann, E.D. Schneiderman, Does the Texas First Dental Home Program Improve Parental Oral Care Knowledge and Practices?, Pediatr Dent. 39 (2017) 124–129.
K.F. Yu, W. Wen, P. Liu, X. Gao, E. Lo, M. Wong, Effectiveness of Family-Centered Oral Health Promotion on Toddler Oral Health in Hong Kong, Sage Journals. 101 (2021).
N. Boswell, Complementary feeding methods—a review of the benefits and risks, Int J Env. Res Public Heal. 18 (2021).
J. Chadare, E. Madode, F. Fogny, M. Kindossi, J. Ayosso, S. Honfo, Indigenous food ingredients for complementary food formulations to combat infant malnutrition in Benin: a review, J Sci Food Agric. 98 (2018) 439–455.
V. Grote, M. Theurich, V. Luque, D. Gruszfeld, E. Verduci, A. Xhonneux, Complementary feeding, infant growth, and obesity risk: timing, composition, and mode of feeding, Karger J. 89 (2018) 93–103.
L. Gonah, J. Mutambara, Determinants of Weaning Practices Among Mothers of Infants Aged Below 12 Months in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, Ann. Glob. Heal. 82 (2016) 875–884.
E. Novianti, G.G. Ramdhanie, D. Purnama, Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP ASI) Dini – Studi Literatur, J. Kesehat. Bakti Tunas Husada J. Ilmu-Ilmu Keperawatan, Anal. Kesehat. Dan Farm. 21 (2021) 344.
S. Lestiarini, Y. Sulistyorini, Perilaku Ibu pada Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MPASI) di Kelurahan Pegirian, J. PROMKES. 8 (2020) 1.
A. Ahmad, S. Madanijah, C.M. Dwiriani, R. Kolopaking, Pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi ibu, dan praktik pemberian MP-ASI pada anak usia 6-23 bulan: studi formatif di Aceh, J. Gizi Klin. Indones. 16 (2019) 1.
E.A. Frongillo, S. Kulkarni, S. Basnet, F. De Castro, Family Care Behaviors and Early Childhood Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, J. Child Fam. Stud. 26 (2017) 3036–3044.
R. Peter, K.A. Kumar, Mothers’ caregiving resources and practices for children under 5 years in the slums of Hyderabad, India: A cross-sectional study, WHO South-East Asia J. Public Heal. 3 (2014) 254–265.
J.T. Hatzell, S.A. Gioia, L.A. Francis, Unmet health care needs in children of parents with poor self-rated mental health: justification for a “think-family” approach, Child. Heal. Care J. 53 (2024) 113–130.•
Elfiadi, Bermain dan Permainan Bagi Anak Usia Dini, Itqan J. Ilmu-Ilmu Kependidikan. 7 (2016) 51–60.
S.N. Hayati, K.Z. Putro, Bermain Dan Permainan Anak Usia Dini, Gener. Emas. 4 (2021) 52–64.