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Amplitude of homoeopathy in abdominal colic for paediatric age
Corresponding Author(s) : Neha aggarwal
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 11 No. 4 (2023): 2023 Volume -11 - Issue 4
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. B. Jain publishers; 2002.
- Allen JH. The chronic miasms. B. Jain Publishers; 1998.
- Close S. The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy. In: The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy 1981. B Jain Publishers.
- Robert HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy. New Delhi, India: B.
- Patel RP. Chronic miasms in homoeopathy and their cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Kent’s repertory.
- Chimthanawala K.. Textbook of miasms.
- Ortega PS. Notes on the miasms. New Delhi: National homoeopathic pharmacy; 1980. p. 58-60.
- Salim SM, SathishKumar V, Chandraja CV, Sisir PR, Sugathan NV. Retrospective study of effectiveness of homoeopathic constitutional remedies in treating children with delayed speech. Int Res Med Health Sci. 2021 Jun 22;4(3):14-24.
- Constitution and Constitutional Approaches in Homoeopathy / National Health Portal of India. Available from:
- Available from:
- Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi, India: Indian Books and Periodical Publishers; 2010.
- Available from:
- Campbell A, FFHOM. The concept of constitution in homoeopathy. 1981. Homeopathy. 2011;100(1-2):79-82. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2011.02.011, PMID 21459300.
- Close S. The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy. Indian Books and Periodical Publishers; 2010.
Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. B. Jain publishers; 2002.
Allen JH. The chronic miasms. B. Jain Publishers; 1998.
Close S. The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy. In: The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy 1981. B Jain Publishers.
Robert HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy. New Delhi, India: B.
Patel RP. Chronic miasms in homoeopathy and their cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Kent’s repertory.
Chimthanawala K.. Textbook of miasms.
Ortega PS. Notes on the miasms. New Delhi: National homoeopathic pharmacy; 1980. p. 58-60.
Salim SM, SathishKumar V, Chandraja CV, Sisir PR, Sugathan NV. Retrospective study of effectiveness of homoeopathic constitutional remedies in treating children with delayed speech. Int Res Med Health Sci. 2021 Jun 22;4(3):14-24.
Constitution and Constitutional Approaches in Homoeopathy / National Health Portal of India. Available from:
Available from:
Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi, India: Indian Books and Periodical Publishers; 2010.
Available from:
Campbell A, FFHOM. The concept of constitution in homoeopathy. 1981. Homeopathy. 2011;100(1-2):79-82. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2011.02.011, PMID 21459300.
Close S. The genius of homoeopathy: lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy. Indian Books and Periodical Publishers; 2010.