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December 28, 2019
Effects of Neoprene Knee Orthosis an Adjunct to Exercises In Persons Having Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis Comparision of Outcome Measures in Moderate Grade
Corresponding Author(s) : Tonape Manisha Madhukar
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): 2019 Volume 7- Issue -4
Treatment of OA incorporates patient training, weight the executives, prescriptions, restorative activity, actual modalities, orthosis, and surgery. A total of 51 individuals were enrolled in the study after signing consent form. Out of which, 40 individuals diagnosed as chronic knee OA completed the whole interventional program which lasted for 4 weeks and the data for them was analyzed statistically. From the 40 individuals, 20 who were not using knee sleeve previously were assigned to group A which were only given strengthening exercises. The remaining 20 in group B who were using neoprene knee sleeve with patella relief. The questions ask in this part of KOOS was about lifestyle modification to avoid potential damage to the knee, about lack of confidence in your knee and difficulty faced with your knee and how often the individual is aware of their knee problems. As we discussed before, 55% individuals could not modify which indirectly hampered their level of confidence and the difficulty face were increased while walking. When score on the last day was compared between group A & B, pain, symptoms, Neoprene knee sleeve with patella relief could not add any extra effect to improve balance in individuals with chronic knee OA. Strengthening exercises given in both the group has improved balance but no additional effect of neoprene knee sleeve with patella relief is seen in group B. In the exercises group (A) only strengthening exercises were given. These exercises have helped to reduce pain, improve proprioception, balance and functional activity.
knee osteoarthritis, Exercises, Moderate grade, Neoprene knee orthosis
Tonape Manisha Madhukar, & Satyendra Singh. (2019). Effects of Neoprene Knee Orthosis an Adjunct to Exercises In Persons Having Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis Comparision of Outcome Measures in Moderate Grade . International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 7(4), 1345–1358.
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1. Lawrence RC, Helmick CG, Arnett FC, Deyo RA, Felson DT, Giannini EH, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and selected musculoskeletal disorders in the United States. Arthritis Rheum. 1998;41:778.e9.
2. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, Arnold LM, Choi H, Deyo RA, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States: Part II. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(1):26-35. doi: 10.1002/art.23176, PMID 18163497.
3. Ge C. ejku ML, Charles G, Helmick CG, Popovic JR. Hospitali- zations for arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Med Care. 2003;41:1367e73.
4. Altman R, Asch E, Bloch D, Bole G, Borenstein D, Brandt K, et al. Development of criteria for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis: classification of osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Rheum. 1986;29:1039e49.
5. Block JO, Shakoor N. Lower limb osteoarthritis: biomechanical alterations and implication for surgery. Curr Opin Rheum. 2010;22:544.e50.
6. Miyazaki T, Wada M, Kawahara H, Sato M, Baba H, Shimada S. Dynamic load at baseline can predict radiographic disease progression in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2002;61(7):617-22. doi: 10.1136/ard.61.7.617, PMID 12079903.
7. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, et al. 2012 recommendations for the use of nonpharmacologic and phar- macologic therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;64:455.e74.
8. Fransen M, McConnell S, Harmer AR, Van der Esch M, Simic M, Bennell KL. Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee: a Cochrane systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(24):1554-7. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-095424, PMID 26405113.
9. Jevsevar DS, Brown GA, Jones DL, Matzkin EG, Manner PA, Mooar P, et al. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons evidence-based guideline on: treatment of osteoar- thritis of the knee. Bone Joint Surg. 2013;95(20):1885e6.
10. McAlindon TE, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, Arden NK, Berenbaum F, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2014;22(3):363-88. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.01.003, PMID 24462672.
11. Briem K, Ramsey DK. The role of bracing. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2013;21(1):11-7. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e31827562b5, PMID 23314263.
12. Pollo FE, Otis JC, Backus SI, Warren RF, Wickiewicz TL. Reduction of medial compartment loads with valgus bracing of the osteoarthritis knee. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(3):414-21. doi: 10.1177/03635465020300031801, PMID 12016084.
13. Anderson IA, MacDiarmid AA, Harris ML, Gillies RM, Phelps R, Walsh WR. A novel method for measuring medial compartment pressures within the knee joint in-vivo. J Biomech. 2003;36:1391e5.
14. Self BP, Greenwald RM, Pflaster DS. A biomechanical analysis of a medial unloading brace for osteoarthritis in the knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2000;13:191.e7.
15. Matsuno H, Kadowaki KM, Tsuji H. Generation II knee bracing for severe medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1997;78(7):745-9. doi: 10.1016/s0003-9993(97)90083-6, PMID 9228878.
16. Komistek RD, Dennis DA, Northcut EJ, Wood A, Parker AW, Traina SM, et al. An in vivo analysis of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace during heel strike. J Arthroplasty. 1999;14:738.e42.
17. Nadaud MC, Komistek RD, Mahfouz MR, Dennis DA, Anderle MR. In vivo three-dimensional determination of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace: a multiple brace analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87;Suppl 2:114-9. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.E.00482, PMID 16326730.
18. Kirkley A, Webster-Bogaert S, Litchfield R, Amendola A, MacDonald S, McCalden R. The effect of brace on varusgo- narthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1999;81:539.e48.
19. Draper RC, Cable JM, Sanchez-Ballester J, Hunt N, Robinson JR, Strachan RK. Improvement in function after valgus bracing of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg. 2000;82B(7):1001e5.
20. Hurley ST, Hatfield Murdock GL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. Is there a dose response for valgus unloader brace usage on knee pain, function, and muscle strength? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012;93(3):496-502. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.09.002, PMID 22244248.
1. Lawrence RC, Helmick CG, Arnett FC, Deyo RA, Felson DT, Giannini EH, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and selected musculoskeletal disorders in the United States. Arthritis Rheum. 1998;41:778.e9.
2. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, Arnold LM, Choi H, Deyo RA, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States: Part II. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(1):26-35. doi: 10.1002/art.23176, PMID 18163497.
3. Ge C. ejku ML, Charles G, Helmick CG, Popovic JR. Hospitali- zations for arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Med Care. 2003;41:1367e73.
4. Altman R, Asch E, Bloch D, Bole G, Borenstein D, Brandt K, et al. Development of criteria for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis: classification of osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Rheum. 1986;29:1039e49.
5. Block JO, Shakoor N. Lower limb osteoarthritis: biomechanical alterations and implication for surgery. Curr Opin Rheum. 2010;22:544.e50.
6. Miyazaki T, Wada M, Kawahara H, Sato M, Baba H, Shimada S. Dynamic load at baseline can predict radiographic disease progression in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2002;61(7):617-22. doi: 10.1136/ard.61.7.617, PMID 12079903.
7. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, et al. 2012 recommendations for the use of nonpharmacologic and phar- macologic therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;64:455.e74.
8. Fransen M, McConnell S, Harmer AR, Van der Esch M, Simic M, Bennell KL. Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee: a Cochrane systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(24):1554-7. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-095424, PMID 26405113.
9. Jevsevar DS, Brown GA, Jones DL, Matzkin EG, Manner PA, Mooar P, et al. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons evidence-based guideline on: treatment of osteoar- thritis of the knee. Bone Joint Surg. 2013;95(20):1885e6.
10. McAlindon TE, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, Arden NK, Berenbaum F, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2014;22(3):363-88. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.01.003, PMID 24462672.
11. Briem K, Ramsey DK. The role of bracing. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2013;21(1):11-7. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e31827562b5, PMID 23314263.
12. Pollo FE, Otis JC, Backus SI, Warren RF, Wickiewicz TL. Reduction of medial compartment loads with valgus bracing of the osteoarthritis knee. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(3):414-21. doi: 10.1177/03635465020300031801, PMID 12016084.
13. Anderson IA, MacDiarmid AA, Harris ML, Gillies RM, Phelps R, Walsh WR. A novel method for measuring medial compartment pressures within the knee joint in-vivo. J Biomech. 2003;36:1391e5.
14. Self BP, Greenwald RM, Pflaster DS. A biomechanical analysis of a medial unloading brace for osteoarthritis in the knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2000;13:191.e7.
15. Matsuno H, Kadowaki KM, Tsuji H. Generation II knee bracing for severe medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1997;78(7):745-9. doi: 10.1016/s0003-9993(97)90083-6, PMID 9228878.
16. Komistek RD, Dennis DA, Northcut EJ, Wood A, Parker AW, Traina SM, et al. An in vivo analysis of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace during heel strike. J Arthroplasty. 1999;14:738.e42.
17. Nadaud MC, Komistek RD, Mahfouz MR, Dennis DA, Anderle MR. In vivo three-dimensional determination of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace: a multiple brace analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87;Suppl 2:114-9. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.E.00482, PMID 16326730.
18. Kirkley A, Webster-Bogaert S, Litchfield R, Amendola A, MacDonald S, McCalden R. The effect of brace on varusgo- narthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1999;81:539.e48.
19. Draper RC, Cable JM, Sanchez-Ballester J, Hunt N, Robinson JR, Strachan RK. Improvement in function after valgus bracing of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg. 2000;82B(7):1001e5.
20. Hurley ST, Hatfield Murdock GL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. Is there a dose response for valgus unloader brace usage on knee pain, function, and muscle strength? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012;93(3):496-502. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.09.002, PMID 22244248.
2. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, Arnold LM, Choi H, Deyo RA, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States: Part II. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(1):26-35. doi: 10.1002/art.23176, PMID 18163497.
3. Ge C. ejku ML, Charles G, Helmick CG, Popovic JR. Hospitali- zations for arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Med Care. 2003;41:1367e73.
4. Altman R, Asch E, Bloch D, Bole G, Borenstein D, Brandt K, et al. Development of criteria for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis: classification of osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Rheum. 1986;29:1039e49.
5. Block JO, Shakoor N. Lower limb osteoarthritis: biomechanical alterations and implication for surgery. Curr Opin Rheum. 2010;22:544.e50.
6. Miyazaki T, Wada M, Kawahara H, Sato M, Baba H, Shimada S. Dynamic load at baseline can predict radiographic disease progression in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2002;61(7):617-22. doi: 10.1136/ard.61.7.617, PMID 12079903.
7. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, et al. 2012 recommendations for the use of nonpharmacologic and phar- macologic therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;64:455.e74.
8. Fransen M, McConnell S, Harmer AR, Van der Esch M, Simic M, Bennell KL. Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee: a Cochrane systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(24):1554-7. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-095424, PMID 26405113.
9. Jevsevar DS, Brown GA, Jones DL, Matzkin EG, Manner PA, Mooar P, et al. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons evidence-based guideline on: treatment of osteoar- thritis of the knee. Bone Joint Surg. 2013;95(20):1885e6.
10. McAlindon TE, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, Arden NK, Berenbaum F, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2014;22(3):363-88. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.01.003, PMID 24462672.
11. Briem K, Ramsey DK. The role of bracing. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2013;21(1):11-7. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e31827562b5, PMID 23314263.
12. Pollo FE, Otis JC, Backus SI, Warren RF, Wickiewicz TL. Reduction of medial compartment loads with valgus bracing of the osteoarthritis knee. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(3):414-21. doi: 10.1177/03635465020300031801, PMID 12016084.
13. Anderson IA, MacDiarmid AA, Harris ML, Gillies RM, Phelps R, Walsh WR. A novel method for measuring medial compartment pressures within the knee joint in-vivo. J Biomech. 2003;36:1391e5.
14. Self BP, Greenwald RM, Pflaster DS. A biomechanical analysis of a medial unloading brace for osteoarthritis in the knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2000;13:191.e7.
15. Matsuno H, Kadowaki KM, Tsuji H. Generation II knee bracing for severe medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1997;78(7):745-9. doi: 10.1016/s0003-9993(97)90083-6, PMID 9228878.
16. Komistek RD, Dennis DA, Northcut EJ, Wood A, Parker AW, Traina SM, et al. An in vivo analysis of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace during heel strike. J Arthroplasty. 1999;14:738.e42.
17. Nadaud MC, Komistek RD, Mahfouz MR, Dennis DA, Anderle MR. In vivo three-dimensional determination of the effectiveness of the osteoarthritis knee brace: a multiple brace analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87;Suppl 2:114-9. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.E.00482, PMID 16326730.
18. Kirkley A, Webster-Bogaert S, Litchfield R, Amendola A, MacDonald S, McCalden R. The effect of brace on varusgo- narthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1999;81:539.e48.
19. Draper RC, Cable JM, Sanchez-Ballester J, Hunt N, Robinson JR, Strachan RK. Improvement in function after valgus bracing of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg. 2000;82B(7):1001e5.
20. Hurley ST, Hatfield Murdock GL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. Is there a dose response for valgus unloader brace usage on knee pain, function, and muscle strength? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012;93(3):496-502. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.09.002, PMID 22244248.