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February 2, 2023
February 8, 2023
Monitoring The Growth And Development Of Toddlers Aged 1-24 Month Using The Android-Based Bigmom Application
Corresponding Author(s) : Nina Artika Dewi
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): 2023 Volume -11 - Issue 1
BACKGROUND: The current nutritional situation in Indonesia is still problematic with being underweight, stunting, and wasting, so children's growth and development must continuously be monitored, especially during the Golden Age. Monitoring the growth and development using the BigMom application is expected to help make it easier for mothers to monitor the growth and development of their children. This application can also be the right technology for millennial mothers, most of who currently use smartphones because they are efficient and can be used anywhere and anytime.
AIM: This study aims to create the BigMom application, which is an application to monitor the nutritional status of toddlers' growth and development based on Android smartphones.
METHOD: This research method uses Research and Development (R&D) and accuracy tests on the system. The study subjects used 96 respondents of mothers who had toddlers children at the Pudak Payung Health Center, Central Java, Indonesia.
RESULT: The trial of the application system using the accuracy test showed an accuracy of 96.8%, as shown from the results of the comparison of manual monitoring with the KMS graph in the KIA book, and the application 93 data had been declared appropriate from 96 data that had been tested.
CONCLUSION: The toddler growth and development monitoring application for ages 1-24 months using the android-based BigMom application has proven to be suitable for mothers with toddler children to monitor the growth and development of their children.
AIM: This study aims to create the BigMom application, which is an application to monitor the nutritional status of toddlers' growth and development based on Android smartphones.
METHOD: This research method uses Research and Development (R&D) and accuracy tests on the system. The study subjects used 96 respondents of mothers who had toddlers children at the Pudak Payung Health Center, Central Java, Indonesia.
RESULT: The trial of the application system using the accuracy test showed an accuracy of 96.8%, as shown from the results of the comparison of manual monitoring with the KMS graph in the KIA book, and the application 93 data had been declared appropriate from 96 data that had been tested.
CONCLUSION: The toddler growth and development monitoring application for ages 1-24 months using the android-based BigMom application has proven to be suitable for mothers with toddler children to monitor the growth and development of their children.
BigMom Application
Growth Monitoring
Growth and Development Nutritional Status
Dewi NA, M. Choiroel Anwar, Tri Susilowati. Monitoring The Growth And Development Of Toddlers Aged 1-24 Month Using The Android-Based Bigmom Application. Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];11(1):27-33. Available from:
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[1] Al Rahmad AH, Junaidi J, et al. Effectiveness of Using Android-Based Applications for Nutrition Monitoring of Toddlers in Banda Aceh. Open Access Macedonia Journal of Medical Science 2022;10:444–51. Doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2022.7599
[2] Amaliah N. The Use of the "Healthy Toddlers" Mobile Application Increases Mothers' Knowledge and Attitudes in Monitoring the Growth and Development of Toddlers. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 2018;46:155–68.
[3] Liliana L, Absari DT. Utilization Of Information Technology In Supporting Posyandu Related To Child Growth And Development. Teknika 2018;7:122–8.
[4] Inggriani DM, Rinjani M, Susanti R. Early Detection of Growth and Development of Children Aged 0-6 Years Based on Android Applications. Wellness Health Magazine 2019;1:115–24.
[5] UNICEF, WHO, World Bank. Levels and trends in child malnutrition: Key findings of the 2020 Edition of the Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates. Geneva WHO 2020;24:1–16.
[6] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Ministry of Health Performance Report 2020. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2021 2021:1–224.
[7] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Basic Health Research Results in 2018. Kementrian Kesehat Republik Indonesia 2018:1–100.
[8] Gunawan R, Wijayanti AE, Febriani H. The Relationship between Cadres' Knowledge about Toddlers' Towards Health Card (KMS) with the Ability to Fill Out Cards Towards Health (KMS) by Posyandu Cadres in Donoharjo Village. Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta 2018;5:1–4.
[9] Romzah R, Wibawa YE, Larasati PD. Development of a Web-Based Card Information System towards Healthy (KMS) for Toddlers. Case Study: Posyandu KASIH BUNDA II. Jurnal SISKOM-KB (Sistem Komputer Dan Kecerdasan Buatan) 2021;4:75–81.
[10] Sutabri T, Putrasandi YN, Widodo YB. Designing an Android-Based Digital Posyandu Application. Jurnal Teknologi Informatika Dan Komputer 2020;6:84–92.
[11] Prasetyo DY, Yunita F, Setiawan R. Application of E-posyandu for Maternal and Child Health in Kempas Jaya District. Jurnal Perangkat Lunak 2021;3:136–47.
[12] Widyadara MAD, Bilal M. Application of Maternal and Child Health (KIA) E-Health as a Smart City Innovation. Indonesia Jurnal Network Secur 2019;8:28–33.
[13] Hendryani A, Susana E. P Development of an Android-Based Mobile Health Application for Stunting Monitoring and Evaluation. Jurnal Sehat Mandiri 2020;15:24–32.
[14] Dewi MM, Djamil M, Anwar MC. Education M-Health Android-based Smartphone Media Application “Mama ASIX” for Third Trimester Pregnant Women as Preparation for Exclusive Breastfeeding. Jurnal Health Promotion and Behavior 2019;4:98–109.
[15] STATISTIK TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA. Telecommunications statistics. Badan Pusat Statistik; 2020.
[16] Mcaleer M. The Effectiveness of Web-Based Audiovisual Media Applications in Monitoring Children’s Growth to Prevent Stunting. Advances Decision Science 2021;25:46–57.
[17] Yani A. The Use Of Technology In The Field Of Public Health. Promotif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 2018;8:97.
[18] Dwi Puspitasari, Mamluatul Hani’ah, Candra Bella Vista, Ika Kusumaning Putri, Wilda Imama Sabila. Workshop on Utilizing Technology to Monitor Growth and Development and Health of Toddlers. Jurnal Pengabdi Polinema Kepada Masyarakat 2021;8:1–5.
[19] Nathalia J-, Fawzi IL. Evaluation of the benefits of using the Posyandu e-mobile application for posyandu cadres in the Pos Pintar project as a csr program for The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) at Posyandu Pepaya, Rw 16, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial 2018;19:96.
[20] Styawati S, Ariany F. Mobile-Based Monitoring System for Toddlers in the Midst of Covid-19. Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang 2021;5:490.
[21] Nopriansyah U. Development Of Mobile-Based Health Applications For Monitoring Early Detection Of Growth And Development (DDTK) Of Children Aged 4-6 Years Of National Character. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2020;3:98–111.
[22] Izah N, Bakhar M, Andari ID. The Effect of Using Growth and Development Stimulation Applications on Maternal Knowledge and Growth of Toddlers Aged 9 – 24 Months. Siklus: Jurnal Research Midwifery Politeknik Tegal 2018;7:328.
[23] Muliyana. Early Detection of Nutritional Status of Toddlers Using Sisfor Midwife Application Media. Hasanuddin Jurnal of Midwifery 2019;1:46–50. doi: 10.35317/Hajom.V2i2.2692
[24] Nurwulandari T, Arifin T. Expert System to Detect The Growth and Development of Children Aged 0 to 2 Years Based on Android. Jurnal Tekno Insentif 2019;12:30–7.
[25] Cahyani FP, Furqon MT, Rahayudi B. I Identification of Child Growth and Development Deviations With Backpropagation Algorithms. Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer Univ Brawijaya 2018;2:1778–86.
[26] Seyyedi N, Rahimi B, Eslamlou H, Afshar H, Spreco A, Timpka T. Smartphone-Based Maternal Education for the Complementary Feeding of Undernourished Children. Nutrients 2020;12:1–12.
doi: 10.3390/nu12020587
[1] Al Rahmad AH, Junaidi J, et al. Effectiveness of Using Android-Based Applications for Nutrition Monitoring of Toddlers in Banda Aceh. Open Access Macedonia Journal of Medical Science 2022;10:444–51. Doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2022.7599
[2] Amaliah N. The Use of the "Healthy Toddlers" Mobile Application Increases Mothers' Knowledge and Attitudes in Monitoring the Growth and Development of Toddlers. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 2018;46:155–68.
[3] Liliana L, Absari DT. Utilization Of Information Technology In Supporting Posyandu Related To Child Growth And Development. Teknika 2018;7:122–8.
[4] Inggriani DM, Rinjani M, Susanti R. Early Detection of Growth and Development of Children Aged 0-6 Years Based on Android Applications. Wellness Health Magazine 2019;1:115–24.
[5] UNICEF, WHO, World Bank. Levels and trends in child malnutrition: Key findings of the 2020 Edition of the Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates. Geneva WHO 2020;24:1–16.
[6] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Ministry of Health Performance Report 2020. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2021 2021:1–224.
[7] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Basic Health Research Results in 2018. Kementrian Kesehat Republik Indonesia 2018:1–100.
[8] Gunawan R, Wijayanti AE, Febriani H. The Relationship between Cadres' Knowledge about Toddlers' Towards Health Card (KMS) with the Ability to Fill Out Cards Towards Health (KMS) by Posyandu Cadres in Donoharjo Village. Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta 2018;5:1–4.
[9] Romzah R, Wibawa YE, Larasati PD. Development of a Web-Based Card Information System towards Healthy (KMS) for Toddlers. Case Study: Posyandu KASIH BUNDA II. Jurnal SISKOM-KB (Sistem Komputer Dan Kecerdasan Buatan) 2021;4:75–81.
[10] Sutabri T, Putrasandi YN, Widodo YB. Designing an Android-Based Digital Posyandu Application. Jurnal Teknologi Informatika Dan Komputer 2020;6:84–92.
[11] Prasetyo DY, Yunita F, Setiawan R. Application of E-posyandu for Maternal and Child Health in Kempas Jaya District. Jurnal Perangkat Lunak 2021;3:136–47.
[12] Widyadara MAD, Bilal M. Application of Maternal and Child Health (KIA) E-Health as a Smart City Innovation. Indonesia Jurnal Network Secur 2019;8:28–33.
[13] Hendryani A, Susana E. P Development of an Android-Based Mobile Health Application for Stunting Monitoring and Evaluation. Jurnal Sehat Mandiri 2020;15:24–32.
[14] Dewi MM, Djamil M, Anwar MC. Education M-Health Android-based Smartphone Media Application “Mama ASIX” for Third Trimester Pregnant Women as Preparation for Exclusive Breastfeeding. Jurnal Health Promotion and Behavior 2019;4:98–109.
[15] STATISTIK TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA. Telecommunications statistics. Badan Pusat Statistik; 2020.
[16] Mcaleer M. The Effectiveness of Web-Based Audiovisual Media Applications in Monitoring Children’s Growth to Prevent Stunting. Advances Decision Science 2021;25:46–57.
[17] Yani A. The Use Of Technology In The Field Of Public Health. Promotif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 2018;8:97.
[18] Dwi Puspitasari, Mamluatul Hani’ah, Candra Bella Vista, Ika Kusumaning Putri, Wilda Imama Sabila. Workshop on Utilizing Technology to Monitor Growth and Development and Health of Toddlers. Jurnal Pengabdi Polinema Kepada Masyarakat 2021;8:1–5.
[19] Nathalia J-, Fawzi IL. Evaluation of the benefits of using the Posyandu e-mobile application for posyandu cadres in the Pos Pintar project as a csr program for The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) at Posyandu Pepaya, Rw 16, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial 2018;19:96.
[20] Styawati S, Ariany F. Mobile-Based Monitoring System for Toddlers in the Midst of Covid-19. Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang 2021;5:490.
[21] Nopriansyah U. Development Of Mobile-Based Health Applications For Monitoring Early Detection Of Growth And Development (DDTK) Of Children Aged 4-6 Years Of National Character. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2020;3:98–111.
[22] Izah N, Bakhar M, Andari ID. The Effect of Using Growth and Development Stimulation Applications on Maternal Knowledge and Growth of Toddlers Aged 9 – 24 Months. Siklus: Jurnal Research Midwifery Politeknik Tegal 2018;7:328.
[23] Muliyana. Early Detection of Nutritional Status of Toddlers Using Sisfor Midwife Application Media. Hasanuddin Jurnal of Midwifery 2019;1:46–50. doi: 10.35317/Hajom.V2i2.2692
[24] Nurwulandari T, Arifin T. Expert System to Detect The Growth and Development of Children Aged 0 to 2 Years Based on Android. Jurnal Tekno Insentif 2019;12:30–7.
[25] Cahyani FP, Furqon MT, Rahayudi B. I Identification of Child Growth and Development Deviations With Backpropagation Algorithms. Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer Univ Brawijaya 2018;2:1778–86.
[26] Seyyedi N, Rahimi B, Eslamlou H, Afshar H, Spreco A, Timpka T. Smartphone-Based Maternal Education for the Complementary Feeding of Undernourished Children. Nutrients 2020;12:1–12.
doi: 10.3390/nu12020587
[2] Amaliah N. The Use of the "Healthy Toddlers" Mobile Application Increases Mothers' Knowledge and Attitudes in Monitoring the Growth and Development of Toddlers. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 2018;46:155–68.
[3] Liliana L, Absari DT. Utilization Of Information Technology In Supporting Posyandu Related To Child Growth And Development. Teknika 2018;7:122–8.
[4] Inggriani DM, Rinjani M, Susanti R. Early Detection of Growth and Development of Children Aged 0-6 Years Based on Android Applications. Wellness Health Magazine 2019;1:115–24.
[5] UNICEF, WHO, World Bank. Levels and trends in child malnutrition: Key findings of the 2020 Edition of the Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates. Geneva WHO 2020;24:1–16.
[6] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Ministry of Health Performance Report 2020. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2021 2021:1–224.
[7] Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Basic Health Research Results in 2018. Kementrian Kesehat Republik Indonesia 2018:1–100.
[8] Gunawan R, Wijayanti AE, Febriani H. The Relationship between Cadres' Knowledge about Toddlers' Towards Health Card (KMS) with the Ability to Fill Out Cards Towards Health (KMS) by Posyandu Cadres in Donoharjo Village. Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta 2018;5:1–4.
[9] Romzah R, Wibawa YE, Larasati PD. Development of a Web-Based Card Information System towards Healthy (KMS) for Toddlers. Case Study: Posyandu KASIH BUNDA II. Jurnal SISKOM-KB (Sistem Komputer Dan Kecerdasan Buatan) 2021;4:75–81.
[10] Sutabri T, Putrasandi YN, Widodo YB. Designing an Android-Based Digital Posyandu Application. Jurnal Teknologi Informatika Dan Komputer 2020;6:84–92.
[11] Prasetyo DY, Yunita F, Setiawan R. Application of E-posyandu for Maternal and Child Health in Kempas Jaya District. Jurnal Perangkat Lunak 2021;3:136–47.
[12] Widyadara MAD, Bilal M. Application of Maternal and Child Health (KIA) E-Health as a Smart City Innovation. Indonesia Jurnal Network Secur 2019;8:28–33.
[13] Hendryani A, Susana E. P Development of an Android-Based Mobile Health Application for Stunting Monitoring and Evaluation. Jurnal Sehat Mandiri 2020;15:24–32.
[14] Dewi MM, Djamil M, Anwar MC. Education M-Health Android-based Smartphone Media Application “Mama ASIX” for Third Trimester Pregnant Women as Preparation for Exclusive Breastfeeding. Jurnal Health Promotion and Behavior 2019;4:98–109.
[15] STATISTIK TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA. Telecommunications statistics. Badan Pusat Statistik; 2020.
[16] Mcaleer M. The Effectiveness of Web-Based Audiovisual Media Applications in Monitoring Children’s Growth to Prevent Stunting. Advances Decision Science 2021;25:46–57.
[17] Yani A. The Use Of Technology In The Field Of Public Health. Promotif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 2018;8:97.
[18] Dwi Puspitasari, Mamluatul Hani’ah, Candra Bella Vista, Ika Kusumaning Putri, Wilda Imama Sabila. Workshop on Utilizing Technology to Monitor Growth and Development and Health of Toddlers. Jurnal Pengabdi Polinema Kepada Masyarakat 2021;8:1–5.
[19] Nathalia J-, Fawzi IL. Evaluation of the benefits of using the Posyandu e-mobile application for posyandu cadres in the Pos Pintar project as a csr program for The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) at Posyandu Pepaya, Rw 16, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial 2018;19:96.
[20] Styawati S, Ariany F. Mobile-Based Monitoring System for Toddlers in the Midst of Covid-19. Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang 2021;5:490.
[21] Nopriansyah U. Development Of Mobile-Based Health Applications For Monitoring Early Detection Of Growth And Development (DDTK) Of Children Aged 4-6 Years Of National Character. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2020;3:98–111.
[22] Izah N, Bakhar M, Andari ID. The Effect of Using Growth and Development Stimulation Applications on Maternal Knowledge and Growth of Toddlers Aged 9 – 24 Months. Siklus: Jurnal Research Midwifery Politeknik Tegal 2018;7:328.
[23] Muliyana. Early Detection of Nutritional Status of Toddlers Using Sisfor Midwife Application Media. Hasanuddin Jurnal of Midwifery 2019;1:46–50. doi: 10.35317/Hajom.V2i2.2692
[24] Nurwulandari T, Arifin T. Expert System to Detect The Growth and Development of Children Aged 0 to 2 Years Based on Android. Jurnal Tekno Insentif 2019;12:30–7.
[25] Cahyani FP, Furqon MT, Rahayudi B. I Identification of Child Growth and Development Deviations With Backpropagation Algorithms. Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer Univ Brawijaya 2018;2:1778–86.
[26] Seyyedi N, Rahimi B, Eslamlou H, Afshar H, Spreco A, Timpka T. Smartphone-Based Maternal Education for the Complementary Feeding of Undernourished Children. Nutrients 2020;12:1–12.
doi: 10.3390/nu12020587