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December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022
The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with QS. Ar-Rahman Audio Accompaniment On Serotonin Levels and Premenstrual Syndrome Score
Corresponding Author(s) : Fina Nurul Azizah
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022): 2022 Volume -10 - Issue 4
Background: The prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in Indonesia in 2019 was 80.6%. Premenstrual syndrome is caused by fluctuations in ovarian hormones that can reduce serotonin, causing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Progressive muscle relaxation audio murottal QSAr.Rahman was the way to overcome this syndrome.
Objective: To prove an increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in premenstrual syndrome scores after being given progressive muscle with audio Murottal Qs. Ar-Rahman with a volume of 50-60 db for 15 minutes duration for 5 consecutive days.
Research Methods: This study used true experiment, pretest posttest control group design. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling, and obtained 20 respondents in each group. The intervention group was given a progressive muscle relaxation video with murottal QS. Ar-Rahman, volume 50-60 db for 15 minutes duration and the control group did rest/sleep and usual activities for 5 consecutive days. The respondents filled characteristics and SPAF questionnaires. Researchers took morning urine samples and examined using Serotonin ELISA KIT.
Results: In the intervention group, the mean pretest serotonin level was 67.02 mg/mL, posttest 111.57 mg/mL, serotonin levels increased 39.93% (p value: 0.001). The mean score of premenstrual syndrome pretest was 27, posttest was 20, decreased premenstrual syndrome was 25.92% (p value: 0.001). Different test between groups on serotonin levels obtained p value: 0.001(effect size: 1.22) and the premenstrual syndrome score p value: 0.001 (effect size : 0.98).
Conclusion: There was an increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in premenstrual syndrome scores after being given progressive muscle relaxation video with murottal audio murottal Ar-Rahman volume 50-60 dB duration 15 minutes for 5 days. The next study suggested adding eating habits as a confounding variable.
Objective: To prove an increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in premenstrual syndrome scores after being given progressive muscle with audio Murottal Qs. Ar-Rahman with a volume of 50-60 db for 15 minutes duration for 5 consecutive days.
Research Methods: This study used true experiment, pretest posttest control group design. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling, and obtained 20 respondents in each group. The intervention group was given a progressive muscle relaxation video with murottal QS. Ar-Rahman, volume 50-60 db for 15 minutes duration and the control group did rest/sleep and usual activities for 5 consecutive days. The respondents filled characteristics and SPAF questionnaires. Researchers took morning urine samples and examined using Serotonin ELISA KIT.
Results: In the intervention group, the mean pretest serotonin level was 67.02 mg/mL, posttest 111.57 mg/mL, serotonin levels increased 39.93% (p value: 0.001). The mean score of premenstrual syndrome pretest was 27, posttest was 20, decreased premenstrual syndrome was 25.92% (p value: 0.001). Different test between groups on serotonin levels obtained p value: 0.001(effect size: 1.22) and the premenstrual syndrome score p value: 0.001 (effect size : 0.98).
Conclusion: There was an increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in premenstrual syndrome scores after being given progressive muscle relaxation video with murottal audio murottal Ar-Rahman volume 50-60 dB duration 15 minutes for 5 days. The next study suggested adding eating habits as a confounding variable.
Premenstrual Syndrome, Serotonin, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Ar Rahman
Fina Nurul Azizah, Sri Sumarni, Suryati Kumorowulan. The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with QS. Ar-Rahman Audio Accompaniment On Serotonin Levels and Premenstrual Syndrome Score. Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];10(4):471-6. Available from:
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1. Aizid R. Tartil Al Quran untuk Kecerdasan dan Kesehatanmu. Yogyakarta: Diva Press; 2016.
2. Anwar M, Baziad A, Prabowo RP. Ilmu kandungan. 3rd ed. Jakarta: P T. Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirodihardjo; 2011.
3. Appleton SM. Premenstrual syndrome: evaluation and treatment. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2018;00(00).
4. Arafa AE, Senosy SA, Helmy HK, Mohamed AA. Prevalence and patterns of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome among Egyptian girls (12-25 years). Middle East Fertil Soc J. 2018;23(4):486-90. doi: 10.1016/j.mefs.2018.01.007.
5. Bakay H, U, T, A. The effect of physical activity on the levels of the hormones, serotonin and melatonin in premenstrual syndrome. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2010;37(1).
6. Bamalan OA, Khalili Y. Physiology serotonin. Natl Libr Oof Med. 2020;l.
7. Buddhabunyakan N, Kaewrudee S, Chongsomchai C, Soontrapa S, Somboonporn W, Sothornwit J. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among high school students. Int J Womens Health. 2017;9:501-5. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S140679, PMID 28860863.
8. Darmadi S, Armiyati Y. Murottal and clasical music therapy reducing Pra cardiac Chateterization anxiety. S East Asia Nurs Res. 2019;1(2):52-60. doi: 10.26714/seanr.1.2.2019.52-60.
9. DeRubeis RJ, Strunk DR. The Oxford handbook of mood disorders. Oxford University Press; 2017.
10. Guyton AC, Hall J. extbook of medical physiology (Guyton physiology). saunders; 2000.
11. Joseph, Nugroho M 2011. Catatn Kuliah Ginekologi dan Obstetri (ONSGYN). Yogyakrta: Nuha Medika.
12. Keshavers M et al. The effect of holly Quran recitation on physiological responses of premature infant. Koomesh. 2010;11(3):169.
13. Mubarak WI, Indawati L, Susanto J. Buku ajar ilmu Keperawatan dasar. Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2015.
14. Mukhlis H, Marini M. Pengaruh Terapi Murottal terhadap Denyut Nadi dan Pernafasan pada Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah. Indones Berdaya. 2020;1(1):29-37. doi: 10.47679/ib.202015.
15. Thirupathi S. Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation therapy in reducing the affective symptoms in Pre- menstrual syndrome among the young adult girls. Indian J Contin Nurs Educ. 2017;18(December):92-6.
16. Wirakhmi IN, Utami T, Purnawan I. Comparison of listening Mozart music with Murotal al Quran on the pain of hypertension patients. J Keperawatan Soedirman. 2018;13(3). doi: 10.20884/1.jks.2018.13.3.813.
17. Yana R, Utami S, Safri. ”Efektivitas Terapi Murottal Al-Qur”an terhadap intensitas Nyeri Persalinan kala 1 fase AKTIF. J Online Mahasiswa. 2015;2(2).
1. Aizid R. Tartil Al Quran untuk Kecerdasan dan Kesehatanmu. Yogyakarta: Diva Press; 2016.
2. Anwar M, Baziad A, Prabowo RP. Ilmu kandungan. 3rd ed. Jakarta: P T. Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirodihardjo; 2011.
3. Appleton SM. Premenstrual syndrome: evaluation and treatment. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2018;00(00).
4. Arafa AE, Senosy SA, Helmy HK, Mohamed AA. Prevalence and patterns of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome among Egyptian girls (12-25 years). Middle East Fertil Soc J. 2018;23(4):486-90. doi: 10.1016/j.mefs.2018.01.007.
5. Bakay H, U, T, A. The effect of physical activity on the levels of the hormones, serotonin and melatonin in premenstrual syndrome. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2010;37(1).
6. Bamalan OA, Khalili Y. Physiology serotonin. Natl Libr Oof Med. 2020;l.
7. Buddhabunyakan N, Kaewrudee S, Chongsomchai C, Soontrapa S, Somboonporn W, Sothornwit J. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among high school students. Int J Womens Health. 2017;9:501-5. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S140679, PMID 28860863.
8. Darmadi S, Armiyati Y. Murottal and clasical music therapy reducing Pra cardiac Chateterization anxiety. S East Asia Nurs Res. 2019;1(2):52-60. doi: 10.26714/seanr.1.2.2019.52-60.
9. DeRubeis RJ, Strunk DR. The Oxford handbook of mood disorders. Oxford University Press; 2017.
10. Guyton AC, Hall J. extbook of medical physiology (Guyton physiology). saunders; 2000.
11. Joseph, Nugroho M 2011. Catatn Kuliah Ginekologi dan Obstetri (ONSGYN). Yogyakrta: Nuha Medika.
12. Keshavers M et al. The effect of holly Quran recitation on physiological responses of premature infant. Koomesh. 2010;11(3):169.
13. Mubarak WI, Indawati L, Susanto J. Buku ajar ilmu Keperawatan dasar. Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2015.
14. Mukhlis H, Marini M. Pengaruh Terapi Murottal terhadap Denyut Nadi dan Pernafasan pada Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah. Indones Berdaya. 2020;1(1):29-37. doi: 10.47679/ib.202015.
15. Thirupathi S. Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation therapy in reducing the affective symptoms in Pre- menstrual syndrome among the young adult girls. Indian J Contin Nurs Educ. 2017;18(December):92-6.
16. Wirakhmi IN, Utami T, Purnawan I. Comparison of listening Mozart music with Murotal al Quran on the pain of hypertension patients. J Keperawatan Soedirman. 2018;13(3). doi: 10.20884/1.jks.2018.13.3.813.
17. Yana R, Utami S, Safri. ”Efektivitas Terapi Murottal Al-Qur”an terhadap intensitas Nyeri Persalinan kala 1 fase AKTIF. J Online Mahasiswa. 2015;2(2).
2. Anwar M, Baziad A, Prabowo RP. Ilmu kandungan. 3rd ed. Jakarta: P T. Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirodihardjo; 2011.
3. Appleton SM. Premenstrual syndrome: evaluation and treatment. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2018;00(00).
4. Arafa AE, Senosy SA, Helmy HK, Mohamed AA. Prevalence and patterns of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome among Egyptian girls (12-25 years). Middle East Fertil Soc J. 2018;23(4):486-90. doi: 10.1016/j.mefs.2018.01.007.
5. Bakay H, U, T, A. The effect of physical activity on the levels of the hormones, serotonin and melatonin in premenstrual syndrome. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2010;37(1).
6. Bamalan OA, Khalili Y. Physiology serotonin. Natl Libr Oof Med. 2020;l.
7. Buddhabunyakan N, Kaewrudee S, Chongsomchai C, Soontrapa S, Somboonporn W, Sothornwit J. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among high school students. Int J Womens Health. 2017;9:501-5. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S140679, PMID 28860863.
8. Darmadi S, Armiyati Y. Murottal and clasical music therapy reducing Pra cardiac Chateterization anxiety. S East Asia Nurs Res. 2019;1(2):52-60. doi: 10.26714/seanr.1.2.2019.52-60.
9. DeRubeis RJ, Strunk DR. The Oxford handbook of mood disorders. Oxford University Press; 2017.
10. Guyton AC, Hall J. extbook of medical physiology (Guyton physiology). saunders; 2000.
11. Joseph, Nugroho M 2011. Catatn Kuliah Ginekologi dan Obstetri (ONSGYN). Yogyakrta: Nuha Medika.
12. Keshavers M et al. The effect of holly Quran recitation on physiological responses of premature infant. Koomesh. 2010;11(3):169.
13. Mubarak WI, Indawati L, Susanto J. Buku ajar ilmu Keperawatan dasar. Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2015.
14. Mukhlis H, Marini M. Pengaruh Terapi Murottal terhadap Denyut Nadi dan Pernafasan pada Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah. Indones Berdaya. 2020;1(1):29-37. doi: 10.47679/ib.202015.
15. Thirupathi S. Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation therapy in reducing the affective symptoms in Pre- menstrual syndrome among the young adult girls. Indian J Contin Nurs Educ. 2017;18(December):92-6.
16. Wirakhmi IN, Utami T, Purnawan I. Comparison of listening Mozart music with Murotal al Quran on the pain of hypertension patients. J Keperawatan Soedirman. 2018;13(3). doi: 10.20884/1.jks.2018.13.3.813.
17. Yana R, Utami S, Safri. ”Efektivitas Terapi Murottal Al-Qur”an terhadap intensitas Nyeri Persalinan kala 1 fase AKTIF. J Online Mahasiswa. 2015;2(2).