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February 22, 2022
February 23, 2022
Effectiveness Combination of Torbangun Leaf and Red Guava Fruit Extract to Changes in Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Erythrocyte and Oxygen Saturation Levels Adolescent Girls Anemia
Corresponding Author(s) : Almas Syauqina Idzni
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): 2022 Volume - 10 Issue - 1
Anemia is a non-communicable disease that can cause various impacts such as decreased body resistance so that it is susceptible to disease, decreased fitness in thinking, decreased learning achievement or work productivity/performance. Efforts that have been made related to anemia are by giving TTD (blood boost tablets) but the incidence of anemia is still relatively high. Therapy that can be given to overcome anemia is a complementary therapy, namely torbangun leaf extract containing 113 mg/1 gram Fe and red guava fruit containing 52 mg/L vitamin C.Torbangun leaves have the advantage that they have a high Fe content, then red guava have a high vitamin C content.
Analyze the effectiveness combination of torbangun leaves extracts and red guava fruit on increasing hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation levels in adolescent girls anemia.
The type of research is true experiment with a simple random sampling technique. The number of samples was 34 adolescent girls, 17 samples were in the control group, and 17 were in the intervention group. This study used a combination of extracts made into powder, namely torbangun leaves (1000 mg) and red guava fruit (500 mg) which were combined into one capsule with a dose of 1.5 grams given 3 x 1 for 14 days. The tool used to measure hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes with a hematology analyzer, and oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter.
There was a significant increase in increasing the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation. Each treatment was assessed from the average difference in the control and intervention groups. Hemoglobin (p=0.000, 0.51±0.30 vs 1.12±0.40), hematocrit (p=0.001, 2.00±0.93 vs 3.76±1.64), erythrocyte (p=0.000, 0.16±0.10 vs 0.40±0.22), Oxygen Saturation (p= 0.000, 0.82±0.63 vs 1.94±0.65).
Giving a combination of torbangun leaf extract and red guava fruit 1.5 grams and Fe tablets are effective in increasing the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation
Anemia is a non-communicable disease that can cause various impacts such as decreased body resistance so that it is susceptible to disease, decreased fitness in thinking, decreased learning achievement or work productivity/performance. Efforts that have been made related to anemia are by giving TTD (blood boost tablets) but the incidence of anemia is still relatively high. Therapy that can be given to overcome anemia is a complementary therapy, namely torbangun leaf extract containing 113 mg/1 gram Fe and red guava fruit containing 52 mg/L vitamin C.Torbangun leaves have the advantage that they have a high Fe content, then red guava have a high vitamin C content.
Analyze the effectiveness combination of torbangun leaves extracts and red guava fruit on increasing hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation levels in adolescent girls anemia.
The type of research is true experiment with a simple random sampling technique. The number of samples was 34 adolescent girls, 17 samples were in the control group, and 17 were in the intervention group. This study used a combination of extracts made into powder, namely torbangun leaves (1000 mg) and red guava fruit (500 mg) which were combined into one capsule with a dose of 1.5 grams given 3 x 1 for 14 days. The tool used to measure hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes with a hematology analyzer, and oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter.
There was a significant increase in increasing the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation. Each treatment was assessed from the average difference in the control and intervention groups. Hemoglobin (p=0.000, 0.51±0.30 vs 1.12±0.40), hematocrit (p=0.001, 2.00±0.93 vs 3.76±1.64), erythrocyte (p=0.000, 0.16±0.10 vs 0.40±0.22), Oxygen Saturation (p= 0.000, 0.82±0.63 vs 1.94±0.65).
Giving a combination of torbangun leaf extract and red guava fruit 1.5 grams and Fe tablets are effective in increasing the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and oxygen saturation
Torbangun Extract
Red Guava
Adolescent Anemia
Hematological Status
Almas Syauqina Idzni, Mardiyono, & Suryati Kumorowulan. (2022). Effectiveness Combination of Torbangun Leaf and Red Guava Fruit Extract to Changes in Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Erythrocyte and Oxygen Saturation Levels Adolescent Girls Anemia. International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 10(1), 71–77.
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1. WHO. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia 1993-2005. Public Health Nutr. 2009;12:444-54.
2. Arnanda QP, Fatimah DS, Lestari S, Widiyastuti S, Oktaviani DJ, Ramadhan SA, et al. Hubungan Kadar hemoglobin, Eritrosit, dan Siklus Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran Angkatan 2016. Farmaka. 2016;17(2).
3. Mansyur A, Hematologi PP. Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. 2015;2015:3-4.
4. Respirologi DD. Jakarta: EGC; 2009.
5. Truman-Rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Belizowsky-Moshe S, Lifshitz L, Ma J, Li W, Kesselman E, Abutbul-Ionita I, Danino D, Gutierrez L, Li H, Li K, Lou H, Regoni M, Poli M, Glaser F, Rouault TA, Meyron-Holtz EG. Ferritin is secreted via 2 distinct nonclassical vesicular pathways. Blood. 2018;131(3):342-52. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-02-768580, PMID 29074498.
6. Kemenkes. Laporan Nasional Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Indonesia tahun 2018. Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018. Badan Penelitian Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2018:182-3.
7. Aulia DM, Kartasurya MI, Rahfiluddin MZ. Hubungan Asupan Zat Gizi dengan Status Gizi dan Kadar hemoglobin pada Remaja Putri Usia 13-15 Tahun dari Keluarga Nelayan (Studi di MTs. Anwar Pemalang Kecamatan Pemalang Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2017. J Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2017;6.
8. Siallagan D, Swamilaksita PD, Angkasa D. Pengaruh asupan Fe, vitamin A, vitamin B12, dan vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada remaja vegan. J Gizi Klin Indones. 2016;13(2):67. doi: 10.22146/ijcn.22921.
9. Alit KN, Yuniarti S, Enggusti NA. Konsumsi jus Wortel selama Kemoterapi meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pasien kanker Serviks stadium II-B. J Ners. 2017;2(2):1-4.
10. Sofiyetti DE, Rahfiludin MZ, W. NS, Afifah DN. Pengaruh suplementasi seng dan vitamin B6 terhadap Kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan indeks eritrosit pasien malaria Vivax yang anemia. Gizi Indones. 2014;5(1):20-5.
11. Hasanalita H, Amir A, Defrin D. Efektifitas ekstrak Jambu Biji terhadap Kadar hemoglobin pada tikus Bunting. J Kesehatan Andalas. 2019;8(2):290. doi: 10.25077/jka.v8.i2.p290-294.2019.
12. Yuniarti YKD. Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya Tujuan peneltian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh sari kurma pada remaja putri yang anemia defisiensi zat besi. Mahakam Midwif J. 2020;5(2):93-8.
13. Handayani TY, Tarigan KRA, Sari DP. Pengaruh jus Jambu Biji merah (Psidium guajava) terhadap meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri address: Phone. J Kesehatan. 2021;4(2):177-85.
14. Ratih RH. Pengaruh Pemberian Zat Besi (FE) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hematokrit pada Ibu Hamil yang mengalami anemia. J Ners Kebidanan (J Ners Midwif). 2018;5(1):034-8.
15. Agawemu CS, Rumampuk J, Moningka M. Hubungan antara viskositas darah dengan hematokrit pada penderita anemia dan orang normal. eBM. 2016;4(1). doi: 10.35790/ebm.4.1.2016.12485.
16. Nurjanah FW, Hadisaputro S, Fatmasari D. Long bean leaf extract for improving haematological status of female adolescent with anemia that gets Fe supplementation. Kemas. 2020;16(1):81-7. doi: 10.15294/kemas.v16i1.23203.
17. Truman-rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Danino D, Gutierrez L, et al. Ferritin is secreted via two distinct non-classical vesicular pathways ferritin Trafficking and Secretion. Am soc Hematol. 2017 (October).
18. Mardalena I, Darurat AKG. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru; 2019.
1. WHO. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia 1993-2005. Public Health Nutr. 2009;12:444-54.
2. Arnanda QP, Fatimah DS, Lestari S, Widiyastuti S, Oktaviani DJ, Ramadhan SA, et al. Hubungan Kadar hemoglobin, Eritrosit, dan Siklus Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran Angkatan 2016. Farmaka. 2016;17(2).
3. Mansyur A, Hematologi PP. Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. 2015;2015:3-4.
4. Respirologi DD. Jakarta: EGC; 2009.
5. Truman-Rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Belizowsky-Moshe S, Lifshitz L, Ma J, Li W, Kesselman E, Abutbul-Ionita I, Danino D, Gutierrez L, Li H, Li K, Lou H, Regoni M, Poli M, Glaser F, Rouault TA, Meyron-Holtz EG. Ferritin is secreted via 2 distinct nonclassical vesicular pathways. Blood. 2018;131(3):342-52. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-02-768580, PMID 29074498.
6. Kemenkes. Laporan Nasional Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Indonesia tahun 2018. Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018. Badan Penelitian Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2018:182-3.
7. Aulia DM, Kartasurya MI, Rahfiluddin MZ. Hubungan Asupan Zat Gizi dengan Status Gizi dan Kadar hemoglobin pada Remaja Putri Usia 13-15 Tahun dari Keluarga Nelayan (Studi di MTs. Anwar Pemalang Kecamatan Pemalang Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2017. J Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2017;6.
8. Siallagan D, Swamilaksita PD, Angkasa D. Pengaruh asupan Fe, vitamin A, vitamin B12, dan vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada remaja vegan. J Gizi Klin Indones. 2016;13(2):67. doi: 10.22146/ijcn.22921.
9. Alit KN, Yuniarti S, Enggusti NA. Konsumsi jus Wortel selama Kemoterapi meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pasien kanker Serviks stadium II-B. J Ners. 2017;2(2):1-4.
10. Sofiyetti DE, Rahfiludin MZ, W. NS, Afifah DN. Pengaruh suplementasi seng dan vitamin B6 terhadap Kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan indeks eritrosit pasien malaria Vivax yang anemia. Gizi Indones. 2014;5(1):20-5.
11. Hasanalita H, Amir A, Defrin D. Efektifitas ekstrak Jambu Biji terhadap Kadar hemoglobin pada tikus Bunting. J Kesehatan Andalas. 2019;8(2):290. doi: 10.25077/jka.v8.i2.p290-294.2019.
12. Yuniarti YKD. Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya Tujuan peneltian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh sari kurma pada remaja putri yang anemia defisiensi zat besi. Mahakam Midwif J. 2020;5(2):93-8.
13. Handayani TY, Tarigan KRA, Sari DP. Pengaruh jus Jambu Biji merah (Psidium guajava) terhadap meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri address: Phone. J Kesehatan. 2021;4(2):177-85.
14. Ratih RH. Pengaruh Pemberian Zat Besi (FE) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hematokrit pada Ibu Hamil yang mengalami anemia. J Ners Kebidanan (J Ners Midwif). 2018;5(1):034-8.
15. Agawemu CS, Rumampuk J, Moningka M. Hubungan antara viskositas darah dengan hematokrit pada penderita anemia dan orang normal. eBM. 2016;4(1). doi: 10.35790/ebm.4.1.2016.12485.
16. Nurjanah FW, Hadisaputro S, Fatmasari D. Long bean leaf extract for improving haematological status of female adolescent with anemia that gets Fe supplementation. Kemas. 2020;16(1):81-7. doi: 10.15294/kemas.v16i1.23203.
17. Truman-rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Danino D, Gutierrez L, et al. Ferritin is secreted via two distinct non-classical vesicular pathways ferritin Trafficking and Secretion. Am soc Hematol. 2017 (October).
18. Mardalena I, Darurat AKG. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru; 2019.
2. Arnanda QP, Fatimah DS, Lestari S, Widiyastuti S, Oktaviani DJ, Ramadhan SA, et al. Hubungan Kadar hemoglobin, Eritrosit, dan Siklus Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran Angkatan 2016. Farmaka. 2016;17(2).
3. Mansyur A, Hematologi PP. Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS Makassar. 2015;2015:3-4.
4. Respirologi DD. Jakarta: EGC; 2009.
5. Truman-Rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Belizowsky-Moshe S, Lifshitz L, Ma J, Li W, Kesselman E, Abutbul-Ionita I, Danino D, Gutierrez L, Li H, Li K, Lou H, Regoni M, Poli M, Glaser F, Rouault TA, Meyron-Holtz EG. Ferritin is secreted via 2 distinct nonclassical vesicular pathways. Blood. 2018;131(3):342-52. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-02-768580, PMID 29074498.
6. Kemenkes. Laporan Nasional Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Indonesia tahun 2018. Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018. Badan Penelitian Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2018:182-3.
7. Aulia DM, Kartasurya MI, Rahfiluddin MZ. Hubungan Asupan Zat Gizi dengan Status Gizi dan Kadar hemoglobin pada Remaja Putri Usia 13-15 Tahun dari Keluarga Nelayan (Studi di MTs. Anwar Pemalang Kecamatan Pemalang Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2017. J Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2017;6.
8. Siallagan D, Swamilaksita PD, Angkasa D. Pengaruh asupan Fe, vitamin A, vitamin B12, dan vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada remaja vegan. J Gizi Klin Indones. 2016;13(2):67. doi: 10.22146/ijcn.22921.
9. Alit KN, Yuniarti S, Enggusti NA. Konsumsi jus Wortel selama Kemoterapi meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pasien kanker Serviks stadium II-B. J Ners. 2017;2(2):1-4.
10. Sofiyetti DE, Rahfiludin MZ, W. NS, Afifah DN. Pengaruh suplementasi seng dan vitamin B6 terhadap Kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan indeks eritrosit pasien malaria Vivax yang anemia. Gizi Indones. 2014;5(1):20-5.
11. Hasanalita H, Amir A, Defrin D. Efektifitas ekstrak Jambu Biji terhadap Kadar hemoglobin pada tikus Bunting. J Kesehatan Andalas. 2019;8(2):290. doi: 10.25077/jka.v8.i2.p290-294.2019.
12. Yuniarti YKD. Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya Tujuan peneltian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh sari kurma pada remaja putri yang anemia defisiensi zat besi. Mahakam Midwif J. 2020;5(2):93-8.
13. Handayani TY, Tarigan KRA, Sari DP. Pengaruh jus Jambu Biji merah (Psidium guajava) terhadap meningkatkan Kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri address: Phone. J Kesehatan. 2021;4(2):177-85.
14. Ratih RH. Pengaruh Pemberian Zat Besi (FE) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hematokrit pada Ibu Hamil yang mengalami anemia. J Ners Kebidanan (J Ners Midwif). 2018;5(1):034-8.
15. Agawemu CS, Rumampuk J, Moningka M. Hubungan antara viskositas darah dengan hematokrit pada penderita anemia dan orang normal. eBM. 2016;4(1). doi: 10.35790/ebm.4.1.2016.12485.
16. Nurjanah FW, Hadisaputro S, Fatmasari D. Long bean leaf extract for improving haematological status of female adolescent with anemia that gets Fe supplementation. Kemas. 2020;16(1):81-7. doi: 10.15294/kemas.v16i1.23203.
17. Truman-rosentsvit M, Berenbaum D, Spektor L, Cohen LA, Danino D, Gutierrez L, et al. Ferritin is secreted via two distinct non-classical vesicular pathways ferritin Trafficking and Secretion. Am soc Hematol. 2017 (October).
18. Mardalena I, Darurat AKG. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru; 2019.