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January 17, 2022
January 17, 2022
Salam Leaf Nanoparticles Against Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte Hematocrit Levels Adolescent Girls Anemia
Corresponding Author(s) : Diana Rifka Yulia wahyuni
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): 2022 Volume - 10 Issue - 1
Adolescent girls are a vulnerable group who experience iron deficiency anemia. This is due to the high need for iron during growth and development physically, mentally and in daily activities.1 Bay leaves contain iron as much as 19.8 mg/100 g bay leaf extract and Vitamin C as much as 82.2 mg. /1 g salam leaf extract.The aim of the study was To determine the effect of giving salam leaf nanoparticles to increase hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte levels in adolescent girls with anemia. This type of research is True Experiment research with randomized pretest and posttest with control group design. The independent variables were salam leaf nanoparticles with a dose of 1500 mg, the dependent variables were hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocytes. The number of samples in this study were 30 anemic adolescent girls who were divided into 2 groups, 15 were the intervention group and 15 were the control group.The results of this study are the Salam leaf nanoparticles combined with Fe tablets given for 14 days were proven to increase hemoglobin levels (p = 0.019), hematocrit levels (p = 0.005) and erythrocyte levels (p = 0.011). Mean ±SD intervention group and control group hemoglobin 11.84±0.65 vs 11.04±0.79, hematocrit 34.71±1.74 vs 32.60±2.05 and erythrocytes 3.88±0.30 vs 3.56±0.20. The difference in increase was higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. The administration of salam leaf nanoparticles and Fe tablets can increase the hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte levels of anemic adolescent girls compared to the control group who were only given Fe tablets.
Salam Leaf Nanoparticles
Hematology Status
Diana Rifka Yulia wahyuni, Runjati, Aris Santjaka, Mardiyono. Salam Leaf Nanoparticles Against Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte Hematocrit Levels Adolescent Girls Anemia. Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];10(1):21-6. Available from:
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1. Akib A, Sumarmi S. Eating Habits of Adolescent Girls Associated with Anemia?: Positive Study Deviance Food Consumption Habits of Female Adolescents Related to Anemia: A Positive Deviance Approach. Amerta Nutr. 2017;1(2):105-116. doi:10.20473/amnt.v1.i2.2017.105-116
2. WHO. Anaemia Policy Brief. 2012;(6):1-7.
3. WHO. Worldwide Prevalency of Anemia 1993-2005. 2010;(WHO Global Database on Anemia).
4. Balitbangkes RI.2013 Basic Health Research Resutls Report. In: Batlibangkes RI; 2013. doi:10.1517/13543784.7.5.803
5. Satriani. Analysis of Anemia Determinants in Adolescent Girl (15-18 Years) in Tamalate District Janeponto Regency. Tesis. Published online 2018:1-179.
6. Ministry of Health of the republic of Indonesia. Main Results of Riskesdas 2018 Health [Main Result of Basic Heatlh Research]. Published online 2018. Riskesdas 2018.pdf
7. Apriyanti F. The Relantionship Between Nutritional Status and the Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent girls at Senior Highscool 1 Pangkalan Kerinci Base Pelalawan Regency in 2019. J Doppler Univ Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. 2019;3(2):18-21.
8. National Institutes of Health. Your Guide to Anemia. Natl Hear lung Blood Inst. 2011;(11-7629):2-48. file:///C:/Users/Courtney/Downloads/Introduction to Anemia _NIH.pdf
9. Citrakesumasari. For Adolescent Girl and Women of Childbearing age . Nutritional Anemia, Problem and Prevention. Published online 2012:1-16.
10. Chernecky C. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Precedure 5th Edition.; 2013.
11. Ministry of Health RI. Indonesian Micro Nutrion Media. Published online 2013:7-9.
12. Septiani W. Implementation of the Program for Giving Iron Tablets (Fe) to Pregnant women. J midwifery Sci. 2017;1(2):86-92.
13. Prastika DA, Setiani O, Sumarni S. The Effect of Comsumption of Long Bean Leaves on The Increase in Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women In the Second Trimester With Anemia in The Working Area of The Polanharjo Public Health Center Klaten Regency. J Kebidanan dan Kesehat Tradis. 2016;1(2):140-144. doi:10.37341/jkkt.v1i2.68
14. United States Department Agriculture (USDA). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Published online 2018., daun salam
15. Indonesian Nutritionist Association. Indonesian Food Conposition Table. In: PAGI; 2017.
16. Kato E, Nakagomi R, Gunawan MD, Kawabata J. Identification of hydroxychavicol and its dimers, the lipase inhibitors contained in the Indonesian spice, Eugenia polyantha. Food Chem. Published online 2018.
17. Jumaat SR, Tajuddin SN, Sudmoon R, Chaveerach A, Abdullah UH, Mohamed R. Chemical constituents and toxicity screening of three aromatic plant species from Peninsular Malaysia. BioResources. 2017;12(3):5878-5896. doi:10.15376/biores.12.3.5877-5895
18. Adyani K, Anwar AD, Rohmawaty E. Increase in Hemoglobin Levels with the Administration of Salam Leaf Extract (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight) Walp) in Rats model of iron deficiency anemia. Maj Kedokt Bandung. 2018;50(3):167-172. doi:10.15395/mkb.v50n3.1390
19. Farinendya A, Muniroh L, Buanasita A. Relantionship Between Nutrient Adequacy Level and Menstrual Cycle With Anemia In Adolescent Girls. Amerta Nutr. 2019;3(4):298. doi:10.20473/amnt.v3i4.2019.298-304
20. Fitriany J, Saputri AI. Iron Deficiency Anemia. Oublic Health. 2018;4(1202005126):1-30.
21. S P. Nutrion for Adolescent Girls for the first 1000 Days of Life. Refika Aditama; 2017.
22. Rista Andaruni NQ, Nurbaety B. The Effectiveness of Giving Iron Tablets, Vitamin C and Guava Fruit Juice to Increase Hemoglobin Levels of Adolescent Girls at Muhammadyah University of Mataram. Midwifery J J Kebidanan UM Mataram. 2018;3(2):104. doi:10.31764/mj.v3i2.509
23. Nurhidayati.Effect of Breadfruit Comsumption to Help Absorption of Fe Tablets on Changes in Hemoglobin Levels of Pregnant Women. Published online 2018:1-10.
24. Damayanti DA.Effect of Giving Salam Leaf Nanoparticles (Syzygium Polyanthum) and Educational Media on Hemoglobin Levels and Behavior in Nursing Mothers with Anemia. TESIS. Published online 2020.
25. Nurjannah FW. Long Bean Leaf Extract Improves Hematological Status of Anemic Adolescent Girls Who Receive Fe Supplementation (Study at Senior High School 3 at SUkoharjo). Tesis. Published online 2020.
26. Noradina.Vitamin E and Tuak Exposure to Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility in Mice. In: Kodri, ed. Publisher Adab; 2021:25-26.
27. Atul M, Victor H. At a Glance Hematology. (Safitri A, Artikawati R, eds.).; 2006
1. Akib A, Sumarmi S. Eating Habits of Adolescent Girls Associated with Anemia?: Positive Study Deviance Food Consumption Habits of Female Adolescents Related to Anemia: A Positive Deviance Approach. Amerta Nutr. 2017;1(2):105-116. doi:10.20473/amnt.v1.i2.2017.105-116
2. WHO. Anaemia Policy Brief. 2012;(6):1-7.
3. WHO. Worldwide Prevalency of Anemia 1993-2005. 2010;(WHO Global Database on Anemia).
4. Balitbangkes RI.2013 Basic Health Research Resutls Report. In: Batlibangkes RI; 2013. doi:10.1517/13543784.7.5.803
5. Satriani. Analysis of Anemia Determinants in Adolescent Girl (15-18 Years) in Tamalate District Janeponto Regency. Tesis. Published online 2018:1-179.
6. Ministry of Health of the republic of Indonesia. Main Results of Riskesdas 2018 Health [Main Result of Basic Heatlh Research]. Published online 2018. Riskesdas 2018.pdf
7. Apriyanti F. The Relantionship Between Nutritional Status and the Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent girls at Senior Highscool 1 Pangkalan Kerinci Base Pelalawan Regency in 2019. J Doppler Univ Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. 2019;3(2):18-21.
8. National Institutes of Health. Your Guide to Anemia. Natl Hear lung Blood Inst. 2011;(11-7629):2-48. file:///C:/Users/Courtney/Downloads/Introduction to Anemia _NIH.pdf
9. Citrakesumasari. For Adolescent Girl and Women of Childbearing age . Nutritional Anemia, Problem and Prevention. Published online 2012:1-16.
10. Chernecky C. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Precedure 5th Edition.; 2013.
11. Ministry of Health RI. Indonesian Micro Nutrion Media. Published online 2013:7-9.
12. Septiani W. Implementation of the Program for Giving Iron Tablets (Fe) to Pregnant women. J midwifery Sci. 2017;1(2):86-92.
13. Prastika DA, Setiani O, Sumarni S. The Effect of Comsumption of Long Bean Leaves on The Increase in Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women In the Second Trimester With Anemia in The Working Area of The Polanharjo Public Health Center Klaten Regency. J Kebidanan dan Kesehat Tradis. 2016;1(2):140-144. doi:10.37341/jkkt.v1i2.68
14. United States Department Agriculture (USDA). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Published online 2018., daun salam
15. Indonesian Nutritionist Association. Indonesian Food Conposition Table. In: PAGI; 2017.
16. Kato E, Nakagomi R, Gunawan MD, Kawabata J. Identification of hydroxychavicol and its dimers, the lipase inhibitors contained in the Indonesian spice, Eugenia polyantha. Food Chem. Published online 2018.
17. Jumaat SR, Tajuddin SN, Sudmoon R, Chaveerach A, Abdullah UH, Mohamed R. Chemical constituents and toxicity screening of three aromatic plant species from Peninsular Malaysia. BioResources. 2017;12(3):5878-5896. doi:10.15376/biores.12.3.5877-5895
18. Adyani K, Anwar AD, Rohmawaty E. Increase in Hemoglobin Levels with the Administration of Salam Leaf Extract (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight) Walp) in Rats model of iron deficiency anemia. Maj Kedokt Bandung. 2018;50(3):167-172. doi:10.15395/mkb.v50n3.1390
19. Farinendya A, Muniroh L, Buanasita A. Relantionship Between Nutrient Adequacy Level and Menstrual Cycle With Anemia In Adolescent Girls. Amerta Nutr. 2019;3(4):298. doi:10.20473/amnt.v3i4.2019.298-304
20. Fitriany J, Saputri AI. Iron Deficiency Anemia. Oublic Health. 2018;4(1202005126):1-30.
21. S P. Nutrion for Adolescent Girls for the first 1000 Days of Life. Refika Aditama; 2017.
22. Rista Andaruni NQ, Nurbaety B. The Effectiveness of Giving Iron Tablets, Vitamin C and Guava Fruit Juice to Increase Hemoglobin Levels of Adolescent Girls at Muhammadyah University of Mataram. Midwifery J J Kebidanan UM Mataram. 2018;3(2):104. doi:10.31764/mj.v3i2.509
23. Nurhidayati.Effect of Breadfruit Comsumption to Help Absorption of Fe Tablets on Changes in Hemoglobin Levels of Pregnant Women. Published online 2018:1-10.
24. Damayanti DA.Effect of Giving Salam Leaf Nanoparticles (Syzygium Polyanthum) and Educational Media on Hemoglobin Levels and Behavior in Nursing Mothers with Anemia. TESIS. Published online 2020.
25. Nurjannah FW. Long Bean Leaf Extract Improves Hematological Status of Anemic Adolescent Girls Who Receive Fe Supplementation (Study at Senior High School 3 at SUkoharjo). Tesis. Published online 2020.
26. Noradina.Vitamin E and Tuak Exposure to Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility in Mice. In: Kodri, ed. Publisher Adab; 2021:25-26.
27. Atul M, Victor H. At a Glance Hematology. (Safitri A, Artikawati R, eds.).; 2006
2. WHO. Anaemia Policy Brief. 2012;(6):1-7.
3. WHO. Worldwide Prevalency of Anemia 1993-2005. 2010;(WHO Global Database on Anemia).
4. Balitbangkes RI.2013 Basic Health Research Resutls Report. In: Batlibangkes RI; 2013. doi:10.1517/13543784.7.5.803
5. Satriani. Analysis of Anemia Determinants in Adolescent Girl (15-18 Years) in Tamalate District Janeponto Regency. Tesis. Published online 2018:1-179.
6. Ministry of Health of the republic of Indonesia. Main Results of Riskesdas 2018 Health [Main Result of Basic Heatlh Research]. Published online 2018. Riskesdas 2018.pdf
7. Apriyanti F. The Relantionship Between Nutritional Status and the Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent girls at Senior Highscool 1 Pangkalan Kerinci Base Pelalawan Regency in 2019. J Doppler Univ Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. 2019;3(2):18-21.
8. National Institutes of Health. Your Guide to Anemia. Natl Hear lung Blood Inst. 2011;(11-7629):2-48. file:///C:/Users/Courtney/Downloads/Introduction to Anemia _NIH.pdf
9. Citrakesumasari. For Adolescent Girl and Women of Childbearing age . Nutritional Anemia, Problem and Prevention. Published online 2012:1-16.
10. Chernecky C. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Precedure 5th Edition.; 2013.
11. Ministry of Health RI. Indonesian Micro Nutrion Media. Published online 2013:7-9.
12. Septiani W. Implementation of the Program for Giving Iron Tablets (Fe) to Pregnant women. J midwifery Sci. 2017;1(2):86-92.
13. Prastika DA, Setiani O, Sumarni S. The Effect of Comsumption of Long Bean Leaves on The Increase in Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women In the Second Trimester With Anemia in The Working Area of The Polanharjo Public Health Center Klaten Regency. J Kebidanan dan Kesehat Tradis. 2016;1(2):140-144. doi:10.37341/jkkt.v1i2.68
14. United States Department Agriculture (USDA). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Published online 2018., daun salam
15. Indonesian Nutritionist Association. Indonesian Food Conposition Table. In: PAGI; 2017.
16. Kato E, Nakagomi R, Gunawan MD, Kawabata J. Identification of hydroxychavicol and its dimers, the lipase inhibitors contained in the Indonesian spice, Eugenia polyantha. Food Chem. Published online 2018.
17. Jumaat SR, Tajuddin SN, Sudmoon R, Chaveerach A, Abdullah UH, Mohamed R. Chemical constituents and toxicity screening of three aromatic plant species from Peninsular Malaysia. BioResources. 2017;12(3):5878-5896. doi:10.15376/biores.12.3.5877-5895
18. Adyani K, Anwar AD, Rohmawaty E. Increase in Hemoglobin Levels with the Administration of Salam Leaf Extract (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight) Walp) in Rats model of iron deficiency anemia. Maj Kedokt Bandung. 2018;50(3):167-172. doi:10.15395/mkb.v50n3.1390
19. Farinendya A, Muniroh L, Buanasita A. Relantionship Between Nutrient Adequacy Level and Menstrual Cycle With Anemia In Adolescent Girls. Amerta Nutr. 2019;3(4):298. doi:10.20473/amnt.v3i4.2019.298-304
20. Fitriany J, Saputri AI. Iron Deficiency Anemia. Oublic Health. 2018;4(1202005126):1-30.
21. S P. Nutrion for Adolescent Girls for the first 1000 Days of Life. Refika Aditama; 2017.
22. Rista Andaruni NQ, Nurbaety B. The Effectiveness of Giving Iron Tablets, Vitamin C and Guava Fruit Juice to Increase Hemoglobin Levels of Adolescent Girls at Muhammadyah University of Mataram. Midwifery J J Kebidanan UM Mataram. 2018;3(2):104. doi:10.31764/mj.v3i2.509
23. Nurhidayati.Effect of Breadfruit Comsumption to Help Absorption of Fe Tablets on Changes in Hemoglobin Levels of Pregnant Women. Published online 2018:1-10.
24. Damayanti DA.Effect of Giving Salam Leaf Nanoparticles (Syzygium Polyanthum) and Educational Media on Hemoglobin Levels and Behavior in Nursing Mothers with Anemia. TESIS. Published online 2020.
25. Nurjannah FW. Long Bean Leaf Extract Improves Hematological Status of Anemic Adolescent Girls Who Receive Fe Supplementation (Study at Senior High School 3 at SUkoharjo). Tesis. Published online 2020.
26. Noradina.Vitamin E and Tuak Exposure to Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility in Mice. In: Kodri, ed. Publisher Adab; 2021:25-26.
27. Atul M, Victor H. At a Glance Hematology. (Safitri A, Artikawati R, eds.).; 2006