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December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
Differences in The Event of Dental Caries in Public Elementary School Students Based on The Role of Parents in Dental and Oral Hygiene in The Region of Public Health Center II Kerambitan Tabanan
Corresponding Author(s) : Ni Nyoman Dewi Suparini
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 2021 No. 9 (4): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 4
Dental caries is common in children because children tend to prefer sweet foods that can cause dental caries. Parents play an important role in guiding and disciplining children to practice maintaining oral health by brushing teeth properly and correctly. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the incidence of dental caries in elementary school students based on the role of parents in dental and oral hygiene at the Public Health Center II Kerambitan Tabanan. This research is an observational research with a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique was done by Proportional Random Sampling, using the formula from Murti as many as 120 people. Data analysis using Bivariate analysis using one way ANOVA test. The results of this study obtained that the highest child dental caries in the moderate caries category was 33 people, while the lowest was in the very low category as many as 21 people. The role of parents in dental and oral hygiene was mostly in the sufficient category, namely as many as 89 people (74.2%) while the least role was less, namely 14 people (11.7%). There is no difference between the incidence of dental caries in Public Elementary School students based on the role of parents in dental and oral hygiene in the Public Health Center II II Kerambitan Tabanan area.
Dental caries
Elementary school children
The role of parents
Ni Nyoman Dewi Suparini, Sagung Agung Putri Dwiastuti, I Gusti Ayu Raiyanti, I Nyoman Wirata, I Gede Surya Kencana, & Anak Agung Sagung Dyah Karuniadewi. (2021). Differences in The Event of Dental Caries in Public Elementary School Students Based on The Role of Parents in Dental and Oral Hygiene in The Region of Public Health Center II Kerambitan Tabanan. International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 2021(9), 725–729.
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[1] Angela A. 2005. Primary prevention in children at high caries risk. Maj Ked Gigi Jul:130-4
[2] Dahlan, MS. 2008, Statistics for Medicine and Health. Edition 5, Jakarta. Salemba Medika,Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2004. Work Guidelines for Public Health Centers, volume I. Jakarta: Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2009. Handbook of Dental and Oral Health Materials for MCH Activities at Posyandu. Jakarta: Directorate General of Medical Services, Directorate of Dental Health.
[3] Dodo, JV 2009. Relationship of Knowledge Level of Dental and Oral Nurses with Dental Caries Incidence, (Online). Available : Accessed August 5, 2016
[4] Gultom, M. 2009. Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions of Housewives on the maintenance of dental and oral health of their children under five, in Balige District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra.
[5] Istikanah, 2012. The role of parents with independent personal hygiene in pre-school children aged 3-6 years, Thesis, STIKES Nahdatul Utama Tuban.
[6] Kadir.Y,2015. The relationship between knowledge of children's dental health and caries status of permanent first molars in grades III-V SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea.
[7] Khotimah K, Suhadi P, 2013. Factors related to the incidence of dental caries in children aged 6-12 years at SD N Karangayu 03 Semarang, Available from:URL:hhtp://
[8] Agency for Health Research and Development.2013. Basic Health Research. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
[9] Machfoedz, I. and Zein AY 2008. Maintaining Dental and Oral Health for Children and Pregnant Women. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya.
[10] Notoatmojo, S. 2007. Health promotion and behavioral science. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta;2007.57-68
[11] Newman.DWA, Huriawati H, 2002. Dorlan Medical Dictionary. Jakarta: EGC.
[12] Putri MH, Herijulianti E, Nurjannah N. 2009. The science of preventing diseases of hard tissues and dental supporting tissues. Jakarta: EGC;, 59-60, 112-120
[13] Rijal.T, 2016, Paper on dental and oral health in children, Available from:URL:http://www/
[14] Riskesdas. 2013. Main Results of Basic Health Research in Bali Province. Jakarta: Health Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.
[15] Setiabudi. T, Hardywinoto, 2002. editor. Excellent child with excellent brain, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[16] Silaban.S, Gunawan.PN, Wicaksono.D,2013. The prevalence of caries in the permanent first molars in children aged 8-10 years at SD Kawangkoan Bawah Village. Journal of e Gigi,
[17] Soetjiningsih, 1995. Child Development. Jakarta: EGC.
[18] Supartini.Y. 2002. Children's Nursing Concept Textbook, Jakarta: EGC.
[19] Sriyono, NW 2009. Prevention of Dental and Oral Diseases to Improve Quality of Life. Yogyakarta: UGM
[20] Rijal, T, 2016. Children's Dental and Oral Health Paper, Available from:URL:
[21] Tarigan R, 2015. Dental Caries. Jakarta., ECG.
[22] Worang.TY, Pangemanan DHC, Wicaksono.DH, 2014, The relationship between the level of knowledge of parents with dental and oral hygiene of children in Kindergarten Tunas Bakti Manado, e-Gigi Journal.
[23] Yuriastin.E, Prawitasari.D, Dewi ABFK, 2009, Games therapy intelligence for infants and toddlers, Jakarta: Wahyu Media.
[1] Angela A. 2005. Primary prevention in children at high caries risk. Maj Ked Gigi Jul:130-4
[2] Dahlan, MS. 2008, Statistics for Medicine and Health. Edition 5, Jakarta. Salemba Medika,Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2004. Work Guidelines for Public Health Centers, volume I. Jakarta: Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2009. Handbook of Dental and Oral Health Materials for MCH Activities at Posyandu. Jakarta: Directorate General of Medical Services, Directorate of Dental Health.
[3] Dodo, JV 2009. Relationship of Knowledge Level of Dental and Oral Nurses with Dental Caries Incidence, (Online). Available : Accessed August 5, 2016
[4] Gultom, M. 2009. Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions of Housewives on the maintenance of dental and oral health of their children under five, in Balige District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra.
[5] Istikanah, 2012. The role of parents with independent personal hygiene in pre-school children aged 3-6 years, Thesis, STIKES Nahdatul Utama Tuban.
[6] Kadir.Y,2015. The relationship between knowledge of children's dental health and caries status of permanent first molars in grades III-V SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea.
[7] Khotimah K, Suhadi P, 2013. Factors related to the incidence of dental caries in children aged 6-12 years at SD N Karangayu 03 Semarang, Available from:URL:hhtp://
[8] Agency for Health Research and Development.2013. Basic Health Research. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
[9] Machfoedz, I. and Zein AY 2008. Maintaining Dental and Oral Health for Children and Pregnant Women. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya.
[10] Notoatmojo, S. 2007. Health promotion and behavioral science. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta;2007.57-68
[11] Newman.DWA, Huriawati H, 2002. Dorlan Medical Dictionary. Jakarta: EGC.
[12] Putri MH, Herijulianti E, Nurjannah N. 2009. The science of preventing diseases of hard tissues and dental supporting tissues. Jakarta: EGC;, 59-60, 112-120
[13] Rijal.T, 2016, Paper on dental and oral health in children, Available from:URL:http://www/
[14] Riskesdas. 2013. Main Results of Basic Health Research in Bali Province. Jakarta: Health Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.
[15] Setiabudi. T, Hardywinoto, 2002. editor. Excellent child with excellent brain, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[16] Silaban.S, Gunawan.PN, Wicaksono.D,2013. The prevalence of caries in the permanent first molars in children aged 8-10 years at SD Kawangkoan Bawah Village. Journal of e Gigi,
[17] Soetjiningsih, 1995. Child Development. Jakarta: EGC.
[18] Supartini.Y. 2002. Children's Nursing Concept Textbook, Jakarta: EGC.
[19] Sriyono, NW 2009. Prevention of Dental and Oral Diseases to Improve Quality of Life. Yogyakarta: UGM
[20] Rijal, T, 2016. Children's Dental and Oral Health Paper, Available from:URL:
[21] Tarigan R, 2015. Dental Caries. Jakarta., ECG.
[22] Worang.TY, Pangemanan DHC, Wicaksono.DH, 2014, The relationship between the level of knowledge of parents with dental and oral hygiene of children in Kindergarten Tunas Bakti Manado, e-Gigi Journal.
[23] Yuriastin.E, Prawitasari.D, Dewi ABFK, 2009, Games therapy intelligence for infants and toddlers, Jakarta: Wahyu Media.
[2] Dahlan, MS. 2008, Statistics for Medicine and Health. Edition 5, Jakarta. Salemba Medika,Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2004. Work Guidelines for Public Health Centers, volume I. Jakarta: Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2009. Handbook of Dental and Oral Health Materials for MCH Activities at Posyandu. Jakarta: Directorate General of Medical Services, Directorate of Dental Health.
[3] Dodo, JV 2009. Relationship of Knowledge Level of Dental and Oral Nurses with Dental Caries Incidence, (Online). Available : Accessed August 5, 2016
[4] Gultom, M. 2009. Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions of Housewives on the maintenance of dental and oral health of their children under five, in Balige District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra.
[5] Istikanah, 2012. The role of parents with independent personal hygiene in pre-school children aged 3-6 years, Thesis, STIKES Nahdatul Utama Tuban.
[6] Kadir.Y,2015. The relationship between knowledge of children's dental health and caries status of permanent first molars in grades III-V SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea.
[7] Khotimah K, Suhadi P, 2013. Factors related to the incidence of dental caries in children aged 6-12 years at SD N Karangayu 03 Semarang, Available from:URL:hhtp://
[8] Agency for Health Research and Development.2013. Basic Health Research. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
[9] Machfoedz, I. and Zein AY 2008. Maintaining Dental and Oral Health for Children and Pregnant Women. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya.
[10] Notoatmojo, S. 2007. Health promotion and behavioral science. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta;2007.57-68
[11] Newman.DWA, Huriawati H, 2002. Dorlan Medical Dictionary. Jakarta: EGC.
[12] Putri MH, Herijulianti E, Nurjannah N. 2009. The science of preventing diseases of hard tissues and dental supporting tissues. Jakarta: EGC;, 59-60, 112-120
[13] Rijal.T, 2016, Paper on dental and oral health in children, Available from:URL:http://www/
[14] Riskesdas. 2013. Main Results of Basic Health Research in Bali Province. Jakarta: Health Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.
[15] Setiabudi. T, Hardywinoto, 2002. editor. Excellent child with excellent brain, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[16] Silaban.S, Gunawan.PN, Wicaksono.D,2013. The prevalence of caries in the permanent first molars in children aged 8-10 years at SD Kawangkoan Bawah Village. Journal of e Gigi,
[17] Soetjiningsih, 1995. Child Development. Jakarta: EGC.
[18] Supartini.Y. 2002. Children's Nursing Concept Textbook, Jakarta: EGC.
[19] Sriyono, NW 2009. Prevention of Dental and Oral Diseases to Improve Quality of Life. Yogyakarta: UGM
[20] Rijal, T, 2016. Children's Dental and Oral Health Paper, Available from:URL:
[21] Tarigan R, 2015. Dental Caries. Jakarta., ECG.
[22] Worang.TY, Pangemanan DHC, Wicaksono.DH, 2014, The relationship between the level of knowledge of parents with dental and oral hygiene of children in Kindergarten Tunas Bakti Manado, e-Gigi Journal.
[23] Yuriastin.E, Prawitasari.D, Dewi ABFK, 2009, Games therapy intelligence for infants and toddlers, Jakarta: Wahyu Media.