Date Log
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
Papaya leaf extract (carica papaya) on breast milk and prolactin hormone in mothers
Corresponding Author(s) : Yurizki Telova
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 2021 No. 9 (4): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 4
Breastfeeding is the main food for babies, proper breastfeeding is done in an exclusive way, namely giving without food or complementary drinks from newborns to 6 months of age. Plant extracts currently really need to be used as a companion to increase the volume of breast milk for working mothers to continue breastfeeding exclusively who require daily intake such as papaya leaf extract which contains calcium and laktogogum, vitamins that increase breast milk and prolactin hormone.
To determine the effectiveness of giving papaya leaf extract on breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels in mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding.
This research design uses Quasy Experiment with pre test - post test with control group design. The research sample consisted of 32 mothers divided into 2 groups, namely 16 interventions and 16 controls. The intervention was given 800 mg/day of papaya leaf extract, the control group was given a placebo, the intervention was carried out for 7 days. Data analysis saw changes and differences in breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels using the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test.
Giving papaya leaf extract increased prolactin hormone levels in the mother by 117.66mg/dl with a p-value of 0.005 and could increase the volume of breast milk by 229.667ml with a p-value of 0.000 for 7 days.
Giving papaya leaf extract (Carica Papaya) increased breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels in nursing mothers.
Breastfeeding is the main food for babies, proper breastfeeding is done in an exclusive way, namely giving without food or complementary drinks from newborns to 6 months of age. Plant extracts currently really need to be used as a companion to increase the volume of breast milk for working mothers to continue breastfeeding exclusively who require daily intake such as papaya leaf extract which contains calcium and laktogogum, vitamins that increase breast milk and prolactin hormone.
To determine the effectiveness of giving papaya leaf extract on breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels in mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding.
This research design uses Quasy Experiment with pre test - post test with control group design. The research sample consisted of 32 mothers divided into 2 groups, namely 16 interventions and 16 controls. The intervention was given 800 mg/day of papaya leaf extract, the control group was given a placebo, the intervention was carried out for 7 days. Data analysis saw changes and differences in breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels using the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test.
Giving papaya leaf extract increased prolactin hormone levels in the mother by 117.66mg/dl with a p-value of 0.005 and could increase the volume of breast milk by 229.667ml with a p-value of 0.000 for 7 days.
Giving papaya leaf extract (Carica Papaya) increased breast milk volume and prolactin hormone levels in nursing mothers.
Papaya Leaf (Carica Papaya)
Breast Milk
Yurizki Telova, Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, Ta’adi, Kholifah. Papaya leaf extract (carica papaya) on breast milk and prolactin hormone in mothers . Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];2021(9):700-5. Available from:
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21. Ben-Jonathan N, Hnasko R. Dopamine as a prolactin (PRL) inhibitor. 2014
1. Taufan Nugroho- nuha medika. ASI dan Tumor Payudara,. 2011.
2. Umar MY, Kes M, Ifayanti H, Keb S, Kes M, Puspita L, et al. Dukungan Keluarga dengan perilaku ibu dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif. 2019
3. Sustamy RP, Pratiwi RD, Wahyuni S. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Science and Health 2019
4. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA WBG and the UNPD. Trends in Maternal Mortality?. 2019.
5. Lee S, Kelleher SL. Biological underpinnings of breastfeeding challenges: The role of genetics, diet, and environment on lactation physiology. 2016
6. Ratna Sari Hardiani. status paritas dan pekerjaan ibu terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu menyusui 0- 6 bulan. 2017
7. Ikhlasiah MI, Winarni LM. Pemberian Jus Daun Pepaya 2020
8. Haryati astuti. Efektfitas jantung pisang dan daun katuk terhadap produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui. 2020
9. Fatmawati Suci, Rosidi Ali, Handarsari Erma. Perbedaan Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif dan Susu Formula Terhadap Kejadian Konstipasi Pada Bayi Usia 6 - 12 Bulan. 2016;
10. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2019.
11. Riskesdas 2018.
12. Kemenkes. info DATIN (Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementrian RI).2018
13. Ahmad Syafiq, Sandra Fikawati, Khaula Karima S. Gizi Ibu dan Bayi. ISBN: 9789897698225.2015
14. Rahmadani PA, Widyastuti N, Fitranti DY, Wijayanti HS. Asupan Vitamin a Dan Tingkat Kecemasan Merupakan Faktor Risiko Kecukupan Produksi Asi Pada Ibu Menyusui Bayi Usia 0-5 Bulan. 2020
15. Aprilia R, Rilyani, Arianti L. Pengaruh pemberian sayur daun pepaya terhadap kelancaran produksi pemberian sayur daun pepaya terhadap kelancaran produksi ASI pada ibu nifas. 2019
16. Kusumaningrum ID. Potensi Daun Pepaya ( Carica Papaya L ) Sebagai. 2017
17. Mawaddah S. Efektifitas Teh Daun katuk Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Post Partum Harike Ke 4-7. 2016;
18. Wiyani Ristu I. Pengaruh pemberian serbuk daun pepaya (Carica Papaya) terhadap kelancaran ibu Nifas. 2019
19. Karlinah N, Serudji J, Syarif I. Pengaruh Tehnik Akupresur dan TENS Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif. 2015
20. Tabares FP, Jaramillo JVB, Ruiz-Cortés ZT. Pharmacological Overview of Galactogogues. 2014
21. Ben-Jonathan N, Hnasko R. Dopamine as a prolactin (PRL) inhibitor. 2014
2. Umar MY, Kes M, Ifayanti H, Keb S, Kes M, Puspita L, et al. Dukungan Keluarga dengan perilaku ibu dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif. 2019
3. Sustamy RP, Pratiwi RD, Wahyuni S. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Science and Health 2019
4. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA WBG and the UNPD. Trends in Maternal Mortality?. 2019.
5. Lee S, Kelleher SL. Biological underpinnings of breastfeeding challenges: The role of genetics, diet, and environment on lactation physiology. 2016
6. Ratna Sari Hardiani. status paritas dan pekerjaan ibu terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu menyusui 0- 6 bulan. 2017
7. Ikhlasiah MI, Winarni LM. Pemberian Jus Daun Pepaya 2020
8. Haryati astuti. Efektfitas jantung pisang dan daun katuk terhadap produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui. 2020
9. Fatmawati Suci, Rosidi Ali, Handarsari Erma. Perbedaan Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif dan Susu Formula Terhadap Kejadian Konstipasi Pada Bayi Usia 6 - 12 Bulan. 2016;
10. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2019.
11. Riskesdas 2018.
12. Kemenkes. info DATIN (Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementrian RI).2018
13. Ahmad Syafiq, Sandra Fikawati, Khaula Karima S. Gizi Ibu dan Bayi. ISBN: 9789897698225.2015
14. Rahmadani PA, Widyastuti N, Fitranti DY, Wijayanti HS. Asupan Vitamin a Dan Tingkat Kecemasan Merupakan Faktor Risiko Kecukupan Produksi Asi Pada Ibu Menyusui Bayi Usia 0-5 Bulan. 2020
15. Aprilia R, Rilyani, Arianti L. Pengaruh pemberian sayur daun pepaya terhadap kelancaran produksi pemberian sayur daun pepaya terhadap kelancaran produksi ASI pada ibu nifas. 2019
16. Kusumaningrum ID. Potensi Daun Pepaya ( Carica Papaya L ) Sebagai. 2017
17. Mawaddah S. Efektifitas Teh Daun katuk Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Post Partum Harike Ke 4-7. 2016;
18. Wiyani Ristu I. Pengaruh pemberian serbuk daun pepaya (Carica Papaya) terhadap kelancaran ibu Nifas. 2019
19. Karlinah N, Serudji J, Syarif I. Pengaruh Tehnik Akupresur dan TENS Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif. 2015
20. Tabares FP, Jaramillo JVB, Ruiz-Cortés ZT. Pharmacological Overview of Galactogogues. 2014
21. Ben-Jonathan N, Hnasko R. Dopamine as a prolactin (PRL) inhibitor. 2014