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A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding first aid management of selected accidental emergencies in terms of knowledge and attitude among nursing students
Corresponding Author(s) : R. Aruna Anandhi
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): 2020 Volume - 8 Issue-3
Maintaining health is, without question, a worthy goal and the foundation of any situation. The intervention generally prevents complications and promotes recovery and saves a life. The increasing numbers of accidental emergencies in the society increase the need for first aid management and preventive services. These services help to reduce the mortality, morbidity, disability and impairments caused due to road traffic accidents – head injury, bleeding, fractures-spinal fracture, leg fracture, hip fracture, thermal and electrical burns and drowning. Thus, skilled management promotes a quality care and preserves the life.
The Aim and objectives
To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding first aid management of selected accidental emergencies in terms of knowledge and attitude among nursing students
The study made use of one group pretest posttest pre experimental design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 samples for the study. The tool used for the study was structured interview schedule and five points Likert scale. The data gathered was analyzed employing descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results and conclusion
Statistical analysis showed that the increased knowledge and attitude in posttest was highly significant at P<0.05 level. It is strongly supported that the teaching programme has significantly improved knowledge and attitude regarding first aid management of selected accidental emergencies among nursing students. Provision of such kind of structured teaching program (video simulation) will motivate the nursing students and help them to acquire knowledge and attitude to manage the accidental emergencies.
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. Heitkemper Lewis. ”Medical-Surgical Nursing”, 7, 2007, 483-507.
. Indrani, T.K., “First aid for nurses”, 1 2003, 118-147.
. Abhyankar shashikala,’’Nursing arts principle and practice”, 1, 2006, 373-380.
. Andrew,K., “First aid manual”, London: Dorling Kindersley, 13-25(7), 1993, 83-91, 136-163.
. Basavanthappa, B.T., “Medical- Surgical Nursing”, 1(842), 2003, 470-473.
. Black M. Joice, “Medical- Surgical Nursing”, St. Louis Missouri: Saunders, 1, 2005, 36-37.1433-1465.
. Clemen – Stone Susan, ‘’Comprehensive community health nursing’’, Missouri: Mosby, 5, 1998, 633-636.
. DU GAS. ’Introduction to patient care’’, New Delhi: Elsevier, 4, 2006, 11.
. Grant D. Harvey, “Brady Emergency Care”, Regents, 4, 193-200, 1990, 245-250,302-312.
. Samant, K., “First Aid Manual Accident and Emergency”, Mumbai: Vora medicals, 65, 2000, 109-123.
. Singh, A. “First aid and emergency care”, Indore, 8, 2000, 37-68, 85, 102-109.
. Adegbehingbe, O, “Osteoporosis Related Minimal Trauma Fractures: Awareness among health workers In Nigeria”, The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, 4, 2007, 21.
. Adekoya Sofowora, “Knowledge of first aid measures of avulsion and Replantation of teeth in Nigerian school children”, The Internet Journal of Dental Science”, 7, 2009, 1.
. Adrian skinner. “Burns Treatment for Children and Adults: A study of initial burns first aid and hospital care”, The New Zealand Medical Journal, 115, 2002, 13.
. Astrom, A, “Accident Analysis and Prevention”, Journal of Science Direct, 38(1), 2006, 1–2.
. Chris Rissel.,” Driver road rule knowledge and attitudes towards cyclists”, Australian Journal of Primary Health, 5, 2002, 66-69.
. Goel.,” Comparative Impact of Two Training packages on awareness and practices of first aid for injuries and common illnesses among high school students in India”, International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 7, 2008, 69 – 80.
. John F. Krogh., “Battle casualty survival with emergency Tourniquet use to stop limb bleeding”, The Journal of Emergency Medicine”, 4, 2009, 10.