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Effect of foot hand massage for reducing pain complaints and level of ?-endorphin in post sectio caesarean women
Corresponding Author(s) : Intan Putri Utami
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 3
Pain in post sectio caesarean can cause reducing pain. Mechanical foot hand massage is a suitable technique that can be used to treat pain. This therapy reduces anxiety and relaxes tense musclesby clocking gate control teory. The purpose of this study was determine the effect of foot hand massage on pain complaints and levels of ?-endorphin in postcaesarean mother.The research methodis quasi experimental design with pretest-posttest with control group. The number of respondenswas 34 respondents of post caesarean mother. The intervention group was administered by foot hand massage and measured levels of the hormone ?-endorphin in saliva. On the otherhand, the control group was administered by educational postpartum care.The results of further analysis of the decrease in pain scale after being given foot hand massage showed p = 0.000, the difference in decreasing the pain scale is 0.000. Levels of ?-endorphin after being given foot hand massage shows p=0.001, the difference in level of ? -endorphin p=0.002The study proved that giving foot hand massage effects in decreasing the level of pain and improving the level of ?-endorphin hormone for post caesarean mother.
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[2]. SDKI. Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia. Jakarta, 2017.
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[6]. Rasjidi I. Manual Seksio Sesarea & Laparotomi Kelainan Adneksa. Jakarta: CV Sagung Seto., 2009.
[7]. Chanif, Wongchan Petpichetchian WC. Acute Postoperative Pain of Indonesian Patients after Abdominal Surgery. 2012; 409–420.
[8]. Lewiset al. Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment and Management of Clinical Problems Volume 2. Mosby: ELSEVIER, (2011).
[9]. Abbaspoor Z, Akbari M, Najar S. Effect of foot and hand massage in post-cesarean section pain control: A randomized control trial. Pain Manag Nurs 2014; 15: 132–136.
[10]. Degirmen N, Ozerdogan N, Sayiner D. Effectiveness of foot and hand massage in postcesarean pain control in a group of Turkish pregnant women. Appl Nurs Res 2010; 23: 153–158.
[11]. Irani M, Kordi M, Tara F, et al. The effect of hand and foot massage on post-cesarean pain and anxiety. J Midwifwry Reprod Heal 2015; 3: 465–471.
[12]. Potter P. Fundamental Of Nursing: Concep Proses And Practice. Edisi 7. Vol 3. Jakarta: EGC, 2010.
[13]. Stillwell S.B. Pedoman Keperawatan Kritis. Jakarta: EGC, 2011.
[14]. Barbara & Kevin Kunz. Pijat Refleksi Sehat Lewat Pijatan. Jakarta: Grafika Multi Warna, 2012.
[15]. Solehati, Titi & Kosasih C. Konsep dan Aplikasi Relaksasi dalam Keperawatan Maternitas. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2015.
[16]. Constance S. Buku Saku Kebidanan. Jakarta: EGC, 2010.
[17]. Afianti, N., & Mardhiyah A. Pengaruh Foot Massage terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pasien di Ruang ICU. J Keperawatan Padjadjaran 2017; 5: 1.
[18]. Hariyanto, A., Hadisaputro, S. & S. Efektifitas Foot Hand Massage terhadap Respon Fisiologis dan Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut: Studi di Ruang ICCU RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. J Ilmu Keperawatan Dan Kebidanan; 2.
[19]. Sumarni S, Khafidhoh N, , Umaroh M, et al. Menstrual Gymnastics on Beta Endorphins Hormone Levels and Intensity of Pain in Premenstrual Syndrome. Indian J Public Heal Res Dev J Public Heal Res Dev 2018; 9: 6.
[20]. Fournier D, Feeney G MM-E. Outcoumes of Exercise Training Following the Use of a Birthing Ball During Pregnancy and Delivery. J Strength Cond Res 2017; 31: 7.
[21]. Kovalitskaya YA NE. Nonopiod Effect of Beta-Endorphine. Biochem; 76.
[22]. Sherwood L. Human Physiology. From Cell to System. 8 Th Edition Canadia. Int Thomson.
[23]. Adam S Sprouse-Blum, BA, Greg Smith, BS, Daniel Sugai, BA, and F Don Parsa, MD F. Understanding Endorphins and Their Importance in Pain Management. Hawa’i Med J 2010; 69: 1.
[24]. Mc Cullogh JE, Liddle SD, Close C, Sinclair M HC. Reflexology: A randomised Controlled Trial Investigating The Effects on Beta-Endorphin, Cortisol and Pregnancy Related Stress. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2018; 31: 84.
[25]. Novita Sari, Runjati DF. Combination Practices of Counter Pressure and Birth Ball Exercise Toward the Labor Pain Intensity. Int J Sci Res; 7.
[26]. Haruyama S. The Miracle of Endorphin. Bandung: PT Mizan Pustaka, 2015.