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September 6, 2021
September 6, 2021
Effectiveness of combination hydrotherapy and inhalation aromatherapy on cortisol levels and blood pressure (Study on Pregnant Women with Hypertension in Region Cirebon Regency)
Corresponding Author(s) : Ade Iko Roviko
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 3
Pregnancy hypertension is the second leading cause of maternal mortality, with 44% of pregnant in Cirebon Regency having hypertension in 2019. Handling hypertension through complementary administration, which is considered safer, has minimal side effects, namely a combination intervention through physical (hydrotherapy) and psychosocial (inhaled aromatherapy). The aim was to determine effectiveness of combination Hydrotherapy and Inhaled Aromatherapy on Cortisol and Blood Pressure of Pregnant with Hypertension. The research design is pretest-posttest randomized control group. A sample of 40 pregnant with hypertension was selected by simple random sampling, there were 3 treatment and 1 control group. Measurement of blood pressure (sphygmomanometer), serum cortisol levels (ELISA KIT). Bivariate and multivariate data analysis. Result of research showed the combination group with delta mean of cortisol levels decreased by 27.30 ng/ml, systolic 25.2 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 14.9 mmHg. Cortisol levels hydrotherapy group increased by 7.90 ng/ml, decreased systolic by 15 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 9.1 mmHg. The cortisol levels aromatherapy group decreased by 21.7 ng/ml, systolic 13.1 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 8.0 mmHg. The control group increased cortisol levels by 0.6 ng/ml, decreased systolic by 4.4 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 3.2 mmHg. Cortisol levels between four groups did not have a significant difference p=0.217, while systolic and diastolic blood pressure had a significant difference p=0.000. The combination of hydrotherapy, inhaled aromatherapy, antihypertensive drugs and standard ANC care was the most effective treatment among the other groups, with the highest mean delta value in lowering cortisol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Blood Pressure
Cortisol Levels
Ade Iko Roviko, Krisdiana Wijayanti, Ari Suwondo. Effectiveness of combination hydrotherapy and inhalation aromatherapy on cortisol levels and blood pressure (Study on Pregnant Women with Hypertension in Region Cirebon Regency). Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];9(3):561-6. Available from:
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1. RI, K. K. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2014. (2014).
2. Sari, N. K., Hakimi, M. & Rahayujati, T. B. Determinan Gangguan Hipertensi Kehamilan di Indonesia. Ber. Kedokt. Masy. 32, 295 (2016).
3. Nagandla, K. et al. Prevalence and associated risk factors of depression, anxiety and stress in pregnancy. Int. J. Reprod. Contraception, Obstet. Gynecol. 5, 2380–2388 (2016).
4. Dewi, S. & Familia, D. Hidup Bahagia Dengan Hipertensi. (2010).
5. RI, K. K. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. in (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2013).
6. Ferayanti, N. M., Erwanto, R. & Sucipto, A. Efektivitas Terapi Rendam Kaki Air Hangat dan Relaksasi Nafas Dalam terhadap Tekanan Darah. Nurscope J. Penelit. dan Pemikir. Ilm. Keperawatan 3, 38 (2017).
7. Maisi, S., Suryono, Widyawati, M. N., Suwondo, A. & Kusworowulan, S. Effectiveness of Lavender Aromatherapy and Classical Music Therapy in Lowering Blood Pressure in Pregnant Women With Hypertension. Belitung Nurs. J. 3, 750–756 (2017).
8. Octa, A. R. & Febrina, W. Implementasi Evidence Based Nursing pada Pasien Rematik?: Studi Kasus. REAL Nurs. J. 3, 1–8 (2020).
9. Meiyana, R. P., Nekada, C. D. Y. & Sucipto, A. Pengaruh Hidroterapi dan Relaksasi Benson (Hidroson) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah dan Nadi. J. Penelit. dan Pengemb. Pelayanan Kesehat. 3, 86–93 (2019).
10. Ismail, S. et al. Keperawatan Holistik dan Aplikasi Intervensi Komplementer. (LPPM STIKES KENDAL, 2018).
11. Dilianti, I. E., Candrawati, E. & Adi, R. C. Efektivitas Hidroterapi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Panti Wreda AL-Islah Malang. Nurs. News (Meriden). 2, 193–206 (2017).
12. Ilkafah. Perbedaan Penurunan Tekanan Darah Lansia dengan Obat Anti Hipertensi dan Terapi Rendam Air Hangat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Antara Tamalanrea Makassar. PHARMACON J. Ilm. Farm. 5, 228–235 (2016).
13. Nategh, M., Heidari, M. R., Ebadi, A., Kazemnejad, A. & Beigi, M. A. B. Effect of lavender aromatherapy on hemodynamic indices among patients with acute coronary syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Iran J. Crit. Care Nurs. 7, 201–208 (2015).
14. Christie, L., Deacon, S., Pickard, S. & Price, P. Pregnancy Guidelines. Int. Fed. Prof. Aromatherapists 1–7 (2013).
15. Seong, K., Hong, J. H., Hur, M. H. & Lee, M. S. Two-week aroma inhalation effects on blood pressure in young men with essential hypertension. Eur. J. Integr. Med. 5, 254–260 (2013).
16. Hartinah, D., Sofyan, A., Siswanto & Syafiq, A. N. The Effect of Hydrotherapy on Blood Pressure of the Hypertensive Patients in Public Hospital of RA Kartini Jepara. Adv. Heal. Sci. Res. 15, 96–99 (2019).
17. Varvogli, L. & Darviri, C. Stress management techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Heal. Sci. J. 5, 74–89 (2011).
18. SARI, D. N., Djamil, M. & Suwandon, A. Pengaruh Dzikir terhadap Kadar Kortisol dan Tekanan Darah pada Ibu Hamil dengan Hipertensi. (Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, 2018).
19. Khotimah, A. H. & Sulastri, E. Penerapan Rendam Kaki dan Pernapasan Diafragma (Napas Dalam) serta Aromaterapi Lavender untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. Proceeding of The URECOL 162–170 (2019).
20. Nopriani, Y., Primanda, Y. & Makiyah, S. N. N. Efektivitas Kombinasi Relaksasi Otot Progresif dan Rendam Kaki Air Hangat terhadap Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi. Din. Kesehat. 9, 627–636 (2018).
21. Mirbastegan, N., Ganjloo, J., Bakhshandeh Bavarsad, M. & Rakhshani, M. H. Effects of aromatherapy on anxiety and vital signs of myocardial infarction patients in intensive care units. Int. Med. J. Malaysia 15, 37–42 (2016).
22. Bingan, E. C. S. Pengaruh Prenatal Gentle Yoga dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. J. Kesehat. 10, 466 (2019).
23. Wahyuriko, P. E. The Comparison Between Physical Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy to Control Stress Among Hypertensive Patients. Atl. Press 395, 27–32 (2019).
24. Harnani, Y. & Axmalia, A. Terapi Rendam Kaki Menggunakan Air Hangat Efektif Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Lanjut Usia. J. Kesehat. Komunitas 3, 129–132 (2017).
25. Ummiyati, M. & Asrofin, B. Efektivitas Terapi Air Hangat terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Hamil Hipertensi. CIASTECH 163–170 (2019).
1. RI, K. K. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2014. (2014).
2. Sari, N. K., Hakimi, M. & Rahayujati, T. B. Determinan Gangguan Hipertensi Kehamilan di Indonesia. Ber. Kedokt. Masy. 32, 295 (2016).
3. Nagandla, K. et al. Prevalence and associated risk factors of depression, anxiety and stress in pregnancy. Int. J. Reprod. Contraception, Obstet. Gynecol. 5, 2380–2388 (2016).
4. Dewi, S. & Familia, D. Hidup Bahagia Dengan Hipertensi. (2010).
5. RI, K. K. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. in (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2013).
6. Ferayanti, N. M., Erwanto, R. & Sucipto, A. Efektivitas Terapi Rendam Kaki Air Hangat dan Relaksasi Nafas Dalam terhadap Tekanan Darah. Nurscope J. Penelit. dan Pemikir. Ilm. Keperawatan 3, 38 (2017).
7. Maisi, S., Suryono, Widyawati, M. N., Suwondo, A. & Kusworowulan, S. Effectiveness of Lavender Aromatherapy and Classical Music Therapy in Lowering Blood Pressure in Pregnant Women With Hypertension. Belitung Nurs. J. 3, 750–756 (2017).
8. Octa, A. R. & Febrina, W. Implementasi Evidence Based Nursing pada Pasien Rematik?: Studi Kasus. REAL Nurs. J. 3, 1–8 (2020).
9. Meiyana, R. P., Nekada, C. D. Y. & Sucipto, A. Pengaruh Hidroterapi dan Relaksasi Benson (Hidroson) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah dan Nadi. J. Penelit. dan Pengemb. Pelayanan Kesehat. 3, 86–93 (2019).
10. Ismail, S. et al. Keperawatan Holistik dan Aplikasi Intervensi Komplementer. (LPPM STIKES KENDAL, 2018).
11. Dilianti, I. E., Candrawati, E. & Adi, R. C. Efektivitas Hidroterapi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Panti Wreda AL-Islah Malang. Nurs. News (Meriden). 2, 193–206 (2017).
12. Ilkafah. Perbedaan Penurunan Tekanan Darah Lansia dengan Obat Anti Hipertensi dan Terapi Rendam Air Hangat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Antara Tamalanrea Makassar. PHARMACON J. Ilm. Farm. 5, 228–235 (2016).
13. Nategh, M., Heidari, M. R., Ebadi, A., Kazemnejad, A. & Beigi, M. A. B. Effect of lavender aromatherapy on hemodynamic indices among patients with acute coronary syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Iran J. Crit. Care Nurs. 7, 201–208 (2015).
14. Christie, L., Deacon, S., Pickard, S. & Price, P. Pregnancy Guidelines. Int. Fed. Prof. Aromatherapists 1–7 (2013).
15. Seong, K., Hong, J. H., Hur, M. H. & Lee, M. S. Two-week aroma inhalation effects on blood pressure in young men with essential hypertension. Eur. J. Integr. Med. 5, 254–260 (2013).
16. Hartinah, D., Sofyan, A., Siswanto & Syafiq, A. N. The Effect of Hydrotherapy on Blood Pressure of the Hypertensive Patients in Public Hospital of RA Kartini Jepara. Adv. Heal. Sci. Res. 15, 96–99 (2019).
17. Varvogli, L. & Darviri, C. Stress management techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Heal. Sci. J. 5, 74–89 (2011).
18. SARI, D. N., Djamil, M. & Suwandon, A. Pengaruh Dzikir terhadap Kadar Kortisol dan Tekanan Darah pada Ibu Hamil dengan Hipertensi. (Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, 2018).
19. Khotimah, A. H. & Sulastri, E. Penerapan Rendam Kaki dan Pernapasan Diafragma (Napas Dalam) serta Aromaterapi Lavender untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. Proceeding of The URECOL 162–170 (2019).
20. Nopriani, Y., Primanda, Y. & Makiyah, S. N. N. Efektivitas Kombinasi Relaksasi Otot Progresif dan Rendam Kaki Air Hangat terhadap Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi. Din. Kesehat. 9, 627–636 (2018).
21. Mirbastegan, N., Ganjloo, J., Bakhshandeh Bavarsad, M. & Rakhshani, M. H. Effects of aromatherapy on anxiety and vital signs of myocardial infarction patients in intensive care units. Int. Med. J. Malaysia 15, 37–42 (2016).
22. Bingan, E. C. S. Pengaruh Prenatal Gentle Yoga dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. J. Kesehat. 10, 466 (2019).
23. Wahyuriko, P. E. The Comparison Between Physical Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy to Control Stress Among Hypertensive Patients. Atl. Press 395, 27–32 (2019).
24. Harnani, Y. & Axmalia, A. Terapi Rendam Kaki Menggunakan Air Hangat Efektif Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Lanjut Usia. J. Kesehat. Komunitas 3, 129–132 (2017).
25. Ummiyati, M. & Asrofin, B. Efektivitas Terapi Air Hangat terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Hamil Hipertensi. CIASTECH 163–170 (2019).
2. Sari, N. K., Hakimi, M. & Rahayujati, T. B. Determinan Gangguan Hipertensi Kehamilan di Indonesia. Ber. Kedokt. Masy. 32, 295 (2016).
3. Nagandla, K. et al. Prevalence and associated risk factors of depression, anxiety and stress in pregnancy. Int. J. Reprod. Contraception, Obstet. Gynecol. 5, 2380–2388 (2016).
4. Dewi, S. & Familia, D. Hidup Bahagia Dengan Hipertensi. (2010).
5. RI, K. K. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. in (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2013).
6. Ferayanti, N. M., Erwanto, R. & Sucipto, A. Efektivitas Terapi Rendam Kaki Air Hangat dan Relaksasi Nafas Dalam terhadap Tekanan Darah. Nurscope J. Penelit. dan Pemikir. Ilm. Keperawatan 3, 38 (2017).
7. Maisi, S., Suryono, Widyawati, M. N., Suwondo, A. & Kusworowulan, S. Effectiveness of Lavender Aromatherapy and Classical Music Therapy in Lowering Blood Pressure in Pregnant Women With Hypertension. Belitung Nurs. J. 3, 750–756 (2017).
8. Octa, A. R. & Febrina, W. Implementasi Evidence Based Nursing pada Pasien Rematik?: Studi Kasus. REAL Nurs. J. 3, 1–8 (2020).
9. Meiyana, R. P., Nekada, C. D. Y. & Sucipto, A. Pengaruh Hidroterapi dan Relaksasi Benson (Hidroson) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah dan Nadi. J. Penelit. dan Pengemb. Pelayanan Kesehat. 3, 86–93 (2019).
10. Ismail, S. et al. Keperawatan Holistik dan Aplikasi Intervensi Komplementer. (LPPM STIKES KENDAL, 2018).
11. Dilianti, I. E., Candrawati, E. & Adi, R. C. Efektivitas Hidroterapi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Panti Wreda AL-Islah Malang. Nurs. News (Meriden). 2, 193–206 (2017).
12. Ilkafah. Perbedaan Penurunan Tekanan Darah Lansia dengan Obat Anti Hipertensi dan Terapi Rendam Air Hangat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Antara Tamalanrea Makassar. PHARMACON J. Ilm. Farm. 5, 228–235 (2016).
13. Nategh, M., Heidari, M. R., Ebadi, A., Kazemnejad, A. & Beigi, M. A. B. Effect of lavender aromatherapy on hemodynamic indices among patients with acute coronary syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Iran J. Crit. Care Nurs. 7, 201–208 (2015).
14. Christie, L., Deacon, S., Pickard, S. & Price, P. Pregnancy Guidelines. Int. Fed. Prof. Aromatherapists 1–7 (2013).
15. Seong, K., Hong, J. H., Hur, M. H. & Lee, M. S. Two-week aroma inhalation effects on blood pressure in young men with essential hypertension. Eur. J. Integr. Med. 5, 254–260 (2013).
16. Hartinah, D., Sofyan, A., Siswanto & Syafiq, A. N. The Effect of Hydrotherapy on Blood Pressure of the Hypertensive Patients in Public Hospital of RA Kartini Jepara. Adv. Heal. Sci. Res. 15, 96–99 (2019).
17. Varvogli, L. & Darviri, C. Stress management techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Heal. Sci. J. 5, 74–89 (2011).
18. SARI, D. N., Djamil, M. & Suwandon, A. Pengaruh Dzikir terhadap Kadar Kortisol dan Tekanan Darah pada Ibu Hamil dengan Hipertensi. (Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, 2018).
19. Khotimah, A. H. & Sulastri, E. Penerapan Rendam Kaki dan Pernapasan Diafragma (Napas Dalam) serta Aromaterapi Lavender untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. Proceeding of The URECOL 162–170 (2019).
20. Nopriani, Y., Primanda, Y. & Makiyah, S. N. N. Efektivitas Kombinasi Relaksasi Otot Progresif dan Rendam Kaki Air Hangat terhadap Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi. Din. Kesehat. 9, 627–636 (2018).
21. Mirbastegan, N., Ganjloo, J., Bakhshandeh Bavarsad, M. & Rakhshani, M. H. Effects of aromatherapy on anxiety and vital signs of myocardial infarction patients in intensive care units. Int. Med. J. Malaysia 15, 37–42 (2016).
22. Bingan, E. C. S. Pengaruh Prenatal Gentle Yoga dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III. J. Kesehat. 10, 466 (2019).
23. Wahyuriko, P. E. The Comparison Between Physical Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy to Control Stress Among Hypertensive Patients. Atl. Press 395, 27–32 (2019).
24. Harnani, Y. & Axmalia, A. Terapi Rendam Kaki Menggunakan Air Hangat Efektif Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Lanjut Usia. J. Kesehat. Komunitas 3, 129–132 (2017).
25. Ummiyati, M. & Asrofin, B. Efektivitas Terapi Air Hangat terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Hamil Hipertensi. CIASTECH 163–170 (2019).