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Evaluation of Pharmacological activity of Tuber Extracts of SolanumTuberosum on Wister strain Albino Rats
Corresponding Author(s) : V.Palanivel
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 3
S.Tuberosum is mentioned for its anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory activities in Ayurvedic texts without an available scientific data. Hence the present study is planned to explore anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory activities of AETST and AQETST.Preliminary phytochemical investigations identified with tannins, carbohydrate, sterols, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloid and triterpines in both extracts. Acute oral toxicity studies revealed that there is no mortality with both the extracts even upto the dose level of 2000mg/kg.In pylorus ligation induced ulcer model, selected doses like low (100 mg/kg), medium (200 mg/kg) and high (400 mg/kg) doses (AETST and AQETST) of both the extracts significantly reduced the ulcers (P < 0.05*, 0.01** and 0.001***). In stress induced ulcers by cold water immersion model also both the extracts with the doses mentioned above significantly reduced the ulcers (P < 0.05*, 0.01** and 0.001***).In carrageenan, histamine and formalin induced inflammatory models both the extracts significantly reduced inflammation (P < 0.05*, 0.01** and 0.001***).
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[2]. Ahmed MKK, Rana AC, Dixit VK, Shivananda BG. Internet-implications for the future of phytopharmacological research. Indian J Exp Biol 2003; 41:1233-38.
[3]. WHO, 2002. World Health Organization fact sheet No.271. World Health Organization,Geneva.
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[5]. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA 1991: 25-51.
[6]. Mwale M, Bhebhe E, Chimonyo M, Halimani E. Use of herbal plants in poultry health management in the Mushagashe small-scale commercial farming area in Zimbabwe. Intern J Appl Res Vet Med 2005; 3(2):163-170.
[7]. Khare CP. Indian medicinal plants. 1st ed. Springer Science+Business Media Spring Street, New York, USA 2007:614-615. Mujumdar AM. Naik DJ, Dandge CN, Puntambekar HM. Antiinflammatory activity of Curcuma amadain albino rats. Indian J Pharmacol 2000; 32:375-377.
[8]. Paschapur MS, Patil MB, Kumar R, Patil SR. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Borassus flabellifer L male flowers (inflorescences) in experimental animals. J Medic Plants Res 2009; 3(2):49-54.
[9]. Dharmasiri MG, Jayakody JRAC, Galhena G, Liyanage SSP, Ratnasooriya WD. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of mature fresh leaves of Vitex negundo. J Ethnopharmacol 2003; 87:199-06.
[10]. Okoli CO, Akah PA, Ezugworie U. Anti-inflammatory activity of extracts of root bark of SecuridacalongipedunculataFres (Polygalaceae). Afr J Trad CAM 2005; 2(3): 54-63.
[11]. Akuodor GC, Idris-Usman MS, Mbah CC, Megwas UA, Akpan JL, Ugwu TC. Studies on anti-ulcer, analgesic and antipyretic properties of the ethanolicleaf extract of Gongronemalatifoliumin rodents. Afr J Biotech 2010; 9 (5):2316-21.
[12]. Puntero BF, Peinado II, Fresno AMVD. Anti-inflammatory and antiulcer activities of Teucrium buxifolium. J Ethanopharmacol 1997; 55:93-98.
[13]. Gregory M, Vithalrao KP, Franklin G, Kalaichelavan V. Anti-ulcer (ulcer- preventive) activity of Ficus arnottianaMiq. (Moraceae) leaf methanolic extract. Ame J PharmacolToxicol 2009; 4(3):89-93.