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Effect Gymnastics Postpartum on Milk Production of Postpartum Mother
Corresponding Author(s) : Yessy Arisman
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 3
Breast milk is the main nutrient that must be given to babies. Optimal breastfeeding can prevent more than 823,000 children death and 20,000 maternal death per year(1) . Expenditure of breast milk is closely related to physical and psychological conditions. Exercising through light movements during the postpartum period can have both physical and psychological effect (2) . One type of exercise that is easy to do and can provide physical and psychological benefits to postpartum women is postpartum exercise.
The aimed of this study was find out the influence of postpartum gymnastics on the production of breast milk.
This research method is aquasy experiment with post test only approach. The technique of purposive sampling with a total sample of 32 respondents was divided into 2 groups. The intervention group performed puerperal gymnastics from 2 hours postpartum to 7th days postpartum. The control group received standard care during the postpartum period. Statistical tests used are repeated measure anova test and friedman test with a significance level of 5%.
The results showed that the volume of breast milk in each measurement was more in the intervention group compared to the control group, including day 1 > 11.25 ml, day 3 > 47.5 ml, day 5 > 73.9375 ml, day 7 > 89.1875 ml compared to the control group with an overall p value < 0.005.
So it can be concluded that gymnastics postpartum which starting from 2 hours postpartum to 7 days postpartum is one of the effective efforts to increase the production of breast milk.
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[2]. Triangto M. Healthy and Interesting Webinar with Exercise During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Indonesian Lactation Center; 2020.
[3]. Maryunani A. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breastfeeding and Lactation Management. Jakarta: Trans Info Media; 2012.
[4]. Indonesian Pediatric Association. Why Exclusive Breastfeeding is Highly Recommended for Under 6 Months [Internet]. IDAI. 2013. p. 1. Available from: Bawah-6-month#:~:text= Why Exclusive Breastfeeding is Highly Recommended for Under 6 Months,-25.06.2013&text=Many scientific evidence shows that babies grow
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[7]. TNP2K. 100 Districts/Cities Priority for stunting intervention [Internet]. 1st ed. Vol. 369, National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction. Jakarta: Secretariat of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia; 2017. 1689–1699 p. Available from: /10.1016/j.precamres.2014.12.018%0A /dx.
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[9]. Ginting KP, Pandiangan A. The Intelligence Level of Stunting Children. J Nurse Researcher Prof [Internet]. 2019;1(1):47–52. Available from:
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[14]. IAI. ISO Indonesia Volume 49. Jakarta: PT ISFI; 2015. 31 p.
[15]. Burcu K, Ilknur D, Remzye S, Seda S, Buket D KK. The relation between breastfeeding self-efficacy and starting times of supplementary food. Int J caring Sci. 2017;11(1):231–8.
[16]. Nabil Hussien N, Omar Refaat D, ElshahatArafa N. Alternative Feeding Techniques and Its Effect on Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy. J Fam Med Heal Care [Internet]. 2019;5(2):22. Available from:
[17]. Anggraeni, Herawati L, Widyawati MN, Leo IK. Systematic Review The Effect of Exercise on Postpartum Women's Quality of Life. 2019;14(3).
[18]. Savitri, Suryanti. The Effect of Postpartum Gymnastics in Increasing Breast Milk Production. Journal Midwifery. 2018;9(02):138. Available from:
[19]. Yang CL, Chen CH. Effectiveness of aerobic gymnastic exercise on stress, fatigue, and sleep quality during postpartum: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud [Internet]. 2018;77(September 2016):1–Available from:
[20]. Kusparlia andSundari. Effectiveness of Early Exercise Against Uterine Involution in Spontaneous Postpartum Patient. Aloha International Journal Health Advance. 2019;2(4):92–6. Available from:
[21]. Nurafifah D, Kusbiantoro D. Effectiveness of Early Exercise Against Uterine Involution in Spontaneous Postpartum Patients. J Masy Health. 2019;15(1):15–21.
[22]. Elvira M. the Implementation of Puerperal Gymnastics With the Process of Uterine Involution Post Partum Mother. Malaysian Journal Medical Resource [Internet]. 2017;1(3):46–51. Available from:
[23]. Hall, Guyton. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 12th ed. William Schmitt, editor. United States: Elsevier; 2011. 71–79 p.
[24]. Griwijoyo, Santosa and Sidik DZ. Sports Physiology (Sport Physiology). 2nd ed. Bandung: PT PemudaRosdakarya; 2013. 3- p.
[25]. Sherwood L. Introduction to Human Physiology. 8th ed. Australia, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, UK, United States: Brooks/Cole Cengange Learning; 2013. Available from:
[26]. RahayuNingtyas NW, Pujiastuti RSE, Indriyawati N. Effectiveness of Progressive Mobilization Level I and II on Hemodynamic Status and Decubitus Ulcer Risk in Critically Ill Patients. Belitung Nursing Journal. 2017;3(6):662–9.
[27]. Dewi V. Midwifery Care for Postpartum Mothers. Jakarta: SalembaMedika; 2011.
[28]. Kamariyah N. Psychological Conditions Affecting Production Of Breast Milk At BPS Aski Pakis SidoKumpul Surabaya. Journal Health Sciences. 2014;7(12):29–36.
[29]. Haruyama S. The Miracle of Endorphins [Internet]. Qanita. 2015. p. 89. Available from: alpha waves with the release of endorphins & f = fa
[30]. Vivian. Midwifery Care for Postpartum Mothers. Jakarta: SalembaMedika; 2013.
[31]. Astutik. Breast and Lactation. Jakarta: SalembaMedika; 2014.
[32]. Walker. Breastfeeding Management and the Clinician: Using the Evidence. London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2010.