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The Effectiveness of Hands-On and The Involvement of Dental Health Personnel on The Prevention of Cross Infections on Sangging in Bali
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. drg. I. A DewiKumala Ratih
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): 2021 Volume - 9 Issue - 2
Preliminary study on one of the mass teeth-cutting ceremony (metatah) places in 2019, it was known that Sangging (person in charge of cutting teeth) had not cut the teeth according to health rules, did not use gloves because it would reduce the essence of metatah. The general purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of giving hands-on and involvement dental hygiene on the prevention of cross-infection Sangging in Bali in 2020. The research design is a Quasi Experiment, with a Non-randomized Pretest-Posttest with a Control Group Design model and Multistage sampling. There are two mass metatah foundations that followed by Sangging or Sangging candidates from all over Bali. The data were analyzed univariately and to measure the effectiveness of Hands-on and the involvement of dental health workers, the ANCOVA test was used. The conclusion that there was no difference in the hands-on control group and the treatment group, proven there is an influence of the involvement of dental health workers on the success of cross-infection prevention efforts with hands-on, and changes in behavior in an effort to prevent cross-infection in Sangging are influenced by the knowledge possessed by respondents before and after hands-on, through counseling during the pandemic
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2. AiniU2014. Application of SQ3R learning to improvephysicslearningoutcomes of Class Xsciencestudents at SMAN 2 Aikmel. Department of physics education.FPMIPA. IKIPMataram.
3. CahyawanW.NugrohoWC. Efforts to prevent children from working on the streets: A qualitative application of the theory of Protection Motivation. J UlayatPsychol. 2018; 5(2):187-211.
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5. DiniartiYP.Dwiningsih K. Implementation hands-on and minds-on activity approach through guided inquiry on the subject matters of the factors that affect the reaction rate in the class of XI IPASMAN 1 sookomojokerto. UNNESA J ChemEduc. 2015; 4(2):401-8. Google Schoolar.
6. ChinJ. Infectious diseaseeradicationmanual. Jakarta: Imfomedika; 2000.
7. DwiastutiSAP.RatihDK.Wardani.SK2019. Designing Disposable Teeth Cutting Equipment in accordance with Health Rules in the Province of Bali in 2019. Report of the 2019 Domestic Cooperation Research.
8. RinendyD.Relationship between knowledge and attitude of professionalstudents with infectiousdiseasepreventionmeasures at the dental and oralhospital [thesis].University of Jember; 2012.
9. FieldA. Discovering statistics using IBMSPS Statistics.Thousand Oaks.CA: SAGE Publications; 2013. (p. 4thed).
10. HasanahU.SusiloH.SuwonoH. The effect of inquirylearning with portfolioassessment on criticalthinkingability and studentcognitivelearningoutcomes. J Educ. 2016; 1(10.October):1952-7.
11. JohnsonTR. Violation of the homogeneity of regression slopes; 2016.