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Development of radiation dosage risk model for android-based radiology patients
Corresponding Author(s) : Nyoman Supriyani
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 2020 Volume 8- Issue -2
Radiation for patients undergoing radiological examinations can have somatic and genetic effects. Somatic effects are effects that are directly felt by patients, while genetic effects arise due to damage to DNA molecules in the future as a long-term effect. Providing appropriate education is an effort to prevent the risk of radiation. Providing education orally only, the potential for misinformation is huge. The implication of this error causes the knowledge and attitudes of patients towards the risk of radiation to be lacking, so it is necessary to develop an educational model that can be attractive to patients who can ultimately improve the patient's knowledge and attitude. by giving treatment to the group being tested.
This type of research uses Research and Development (R&D). To prove the feasibility of the software, a quasy experiment pre-test control group design was used, with a total sample of 45 patients. Data collection tools are e-3Ramed applications, questionnaires and questionnaires. Univariate analysis uses frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis proves the effect of educational interventions on increasing patient's knowledge and attitudes about radiation risk by McNemar and Kruskal Wallis tests.
Based on statistical test results, it is known that the three educational models, oral, android, and android and oral combination are all effective in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of radiology patients about the risk of radiation dose with p-value <0.05. But the most effective educational model and has the highest ranking value is a combination of oral and android with a mean rank of 29.07.
An Android-based educational model has been developed, the e-3Ramed application which is effective in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of radiology patients about the risk of radiation doses.
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Nyoman S et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-8(2) 2020 [191-196]
Participants In My Research Study? An Bras Dermatol. 91(3), 2016, 326-330. Doi:10.1590/Abd1806-4841.20165254
[13]. Linda R, H, Rahmaputri Z. Interactive Multimedia Based On Autoplay Media Studio 8 For Chemistry Subjects, The Rate Of Reaction For Class Xi Sma / Ma. J Educator Kim. 2017, 341-346. Doi: 10.24114 / Jpkim.V9i3.8382.
[2]. Ferusge A, Berutu A. Factors That Influence The Safety Measures of X-Ray Radiation In Radiological Units of Princess Hospitals Introduction. 1(2), 2018, 264-270.
[3]. Madyawati L, Zubadi H, Yudi D, Magelang Um. Multiple Intelligence Games Model For Sharpening Children's Intelligence In Disaster Prone Areas In Central Java. 2nd Univ Res Coloquium. 2015, 66-77.
[4]. Pramesti A, Andiyanti L, Effendi A. Muhammadiyah Nursing Journal, J Muhammadiyah Nursing. 2(2), 2017, 104-107.
[5]. Goyena R. Beginning Android 4 Application Development. 53, 2019. Doi:10.1017/Cbo9781107415324.004
[6]. Murni K, Rosita L. Educational Effects Of Audio-Based Media (Sound Slide Combination) Against Student Learning Outcomes In Class X Geography Subjects In Sma Plus Al-Hannan Muaradua Oku Selatan. 2(1), 2017.
[7]. Mangusada Hr. Annual Report Rsd Mangusada 2018. Badung-Bali; 2018.
[8]. Mangusada Hr. Annual Report Rsd Mangusada 2019. Badung-Bali; 2019.
[9]. Murphy Dr, Singh H, Berlin L. Communication Breakdowns And Diagnostic Errors: A Radiology Perspective. Diagnosis. 1(4), 2014, 253-261. Doi:10.1515/Dx-2014-0035
[10]. P.Dr.Sugiyono. Alfabeta's 15th Printing Quantitative, Qualitative And R&D Methods; 2012.
[11]. Ikm P, Ugm Fk. Experimental Research Experimental Research. 1, 2011, 38.
[12]. Martínez-Mesa J, González-Chica Da, Duquia Rp, Bonamigo Rr, Bastos Jl. Sampling: How To Select
Nyoman S et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-8(2) 2020 [191-196]
Participants In My Research Study? An Bras Dermatol. 91(3), 2016, 326-330. Doi:10.1590/Abd1806-4841.20165254
[13]. Linda R, H, Rahmaputri Z. Interactive Multimedia Based On Autoplay Media Studio 8 For Chemistry Subjects, The Rate Of Reaction For Class Xi Sma / Ma. J Educator Kim. 2017, 341-346. Doi: 10.24114 / Jpkim.V9i3.8382.