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A review study on traditional medicine in curing the kidney stones
Corresponding Author(s) : Aditya Sai Rama Krishna
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017): 2017 Volume 5- Issue -3
The greatest risk factor for kidney stones is making less than one liter of urine per day. Therefore, kidney stones are common in premature infants who have kidney problems. Kidney stones are most likely to occur between the age group of 20 and 40. Different factors can increase a risk of developing a stone in the kidney. Asians are more likely to have kidney stones than African s and Americans. Sex also plays a role, with more men than women developing kidney stones, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). A history of kidney stones can increase your risk, as does a family history of kidney stones. Other risk factors include Dehydration, Obesity, High-protein, salt, or glucose diet, hyper parathyroid condition, Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel diseases that increase calcium absorption taking medications such as diuretics, anti-seizure drugs, and calcium-based antacids.
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[2]. Anjoo kamboj1, ajay kumar saluja2 Bryophyllum pinnatum (lam.) Kurz.: phytochemical and pharmacological profile : a review article,pharmacognosy review, year : 2(6), 2009, 364-374.
[3]. Amabe o. Akpantah, kebe, the effect of ethanolic extract of bryophyllum pinnatum on the micro anatomy of the testes of adult males wister rats:( european journal of biology and medical science research 2(2), 2014, 37-44.
[4]. Yasir f, waqar ma. Effect of indigenous plant extracts on calcium oxalate crystallization having a role in urolithiasis. Urol res.39, 2011, 345–50.
[5]. mahendra yadav, vijay d gulkari,1 and manish m wanjari2 bryophyllum pinnatum leaf extracts prevent formation of renal calculi in lithiatic rats pmcid: pmc5382824 36(2), 2016, 90-97.
[6]. Williams re long-term survey of 538 patients with upper urinary tract stone. Br j urol 35, 1963, 416-37.
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