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Phytochemical, aphrodisiac and anti-hypertensive properties of Pausinystalia yohimbe
Corresponding Author(s) : Okolo R. U
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research,
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016): 2016 Volume 4- Issue -3
In order to investigate the folkloric and traditional use of Pausinystalia yohimbe (PY) in vivo experiments were conducted. Male rats weighing between 170 and 260gm were randomly chosen for the experiment for the in vivo study. Rats were lightly anesthetized with 20mg/kg im of ketamine and 30mg/kg of phenobarbitone intra peritonially. The anaesthesia was maintained with ketamine intravenously. The rats breathed spontaneously. The left femoral artery was catheterized using a PP50 polyethylene catheter and connected to a strain-gauge blood pressure transducer (connected to a Grass polygraph, model 7D) for BP measurement. A second catheter in the right femoral vein (PP50) was used for the injection of drugs or extract. A 24G needle placed in the corpus carvanosum tissue and connected to a strain-gauge pressure transducer was used to measure the intra-cavernous pressure. Normal saline was slowly injected through the femoral vein and recordings made for a period of 30 to 45 mins to serve as control. Eight rats were used for each set or group. The result from the in vivo study was a significant increase intra-cavernous pressure (ICP) indicating erectile potential of the PY crude extract. The mean arterial blood pressure was lowered significantly to below 80mmHg which latter rouse to 90mmHg for the PY treated group while that of the control remained above 110 mmHg throughout the experiment. Since PY extract could lower blood pressure and also enhance erectile functions it is likely to become novel drug in management of hypertensive patients with erectile dysfunction.
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[5]. Trease G. E, Evans W.C (1989) Textbook of Pharmacognosy. Balliere Tindall London pp 544 – 636.
[6]. Bep Oliver Medicinal plants in tropical West Africa Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2, 1986, 100 – 101
[7]. Goldberg MR, Hollister AS, and Robertson D. Influence of Yohimbine on Blood Pressure, Autonomic Reflexes, and Plasma Catecholamines in Humans. Hypertension 5(5), 1983, 772-8
[8]. Riley AJ yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br. J. Clin. Pract. 48, 1994, 133-136.
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[10]. Lebeouf M, Cave A, Mangeney P, Bouquet A, Alkaloids of Pausinystalia macroceras, Planta Medica, 41, 1981, 374-378.
[11]. Ang HH, Chan KL, Gan EK, Yuen KH. Enhancement of sexual motivation in sexually naive male mice by Eurycoma longifolia. International Journal of pharmacology 35, 1997, 144? 146.
[12]. Goldberg MR and Robertson D, Yohimbine: a pharmachological probe for study of the alpha 2-adrenoreceptor. Pharmacology Review, 35, 1983, 143-180.
[13]. Sala M, Braida D, Leone MP, Calcaterra P, Monti S, Gori E, Central effect of yohimbine on sexual behaviour in the rat. Physiology and Behaviour, 47, 1990, 165-173.
[14]. Ernst E, Pittler MH Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J. Urol 159, 1998, 433-436.
[15]. Sharabi FM, Daabees TT, El-Metwally MA and Senbel AM., Comparative effects of sildenafil, phentolamine, yohimbine and l-arginine on the rabbit corpus cavernosum. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 18, 2004, 187–194
[16]. Adeniyi AA, Brindley GS, Pryor JP, Ralph DJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction. Asian J Androl 9, 2007, 403–7
[17]. Vogt WP Tolerance and Education: Learning to Live with Diversity and Difference. Thousand Oaks, CA, London and New Delhi: Sage. 1997.
[18]. Guay AT, Spark RF, Jacobson J, Murray FT, Geisser ME, Yohimbine treatment of organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trial. International Journal of Impotence Research, 14(1), 2002, 25-31.
[19]. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition National Research Council (US) Committee for the Update of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011.
[20]. Hiroya M, Osamu I, and Osamu N Animal models for studying penile hemodynamics. Asian J Androl 2002, 225-228
Okolo R U and Egua M O et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-4(3) 2016 [400-406]
[21]. Chen K-K, Chan JYH, Chang LS, Chen M-T, Chan SHH. Intracavernous pressure as an experimental index in a rat model for the evaluation of penile erection. J Urol; 147, 1992, 1124 – 8.
[22]. Martinez-Pineiro L, Trigo-Rocha F, Hsu GL, Lue TF. Response Response of bladder, uretheral and intracavernosus pressure to ventral lumbosacral root stimulation in Sprague Dawley and Wister rats. J Urol; 148, 1992, 925 – 9.
[23]. Ernst, usage of complementary therapy in rhematology: A systemic review. Clinical Rheumatology 17, 1998, 301 –305.
[24]. Carey MP, Johnson BT Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: four meta-analytic integration. Arch. Sex Behav. 25, 1996, 341
[25]. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S et al. Effect of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex. Behav.25, 1996, 1-16
[26]. Lue TF Issues in the assessment and Treatment of Erectile
[2]. Toblli JE, Stella I, Inserra F, Ferder L, Zeller F, Mazza ON. Morphological changes in cavernous tissue in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am J Hypertens 13, 2000, 686–692
[3]. Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton PK, He J. Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. Lancet 365, 2005, 217–223.
[4]. Bunkill, H.M., In: Farinhes, A.-D. (Ed.), The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, 1(2), 1985, 346–349.
[5]. Trease G. E, Evans W.C (1989) Textbook of Pharmacognosy. Balliere Tindall London pp 544 – 636.
[6]. Bep Oliver Medicinal plants in tropical West Africa Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2, 1986, 100 – 101
[7]. Goldberg MR, Hollister AS, and Robertson D. Influence of Yohimbine on Blood Pressure, Autonomic Reflexes, and Plasma Catecholamines in Humans. Hypertension 5(5), 1983, 772-8
[8]. Riley AJ yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br. J. Clin. Pract. 48, 1994, 133-136.
[9]. Hunner M. In: A Practical Treatise on Disorders of the Sexual Function of the Male and Female, Philadelphia: FA Davis. 1, 1926.
[10]. Lebeouf M, Cave A, Mangeney P, Bouquet A, Alkaloids of Pausinystalia macroceras, Planta Medica, 41, 1981, 374-378.
[11]. Ang HH, Chan KL, Gan EK, Yuen KH. Enhancement of sexual motivation in sexually naive male mice by Eurycoma longifolia. International Journal of pharmacology 35, 1997, 144? 146.
[12]. Goldberg MR and Robertson D, Yohimbine: a pharmachological probe for study of the alpha 2-adrenoreceptor. Pharmacology Review, 35, 1983, 143-180.
[13]. Sala M, Braida D, Leone MP, Calcaterra P, Monti S, Gori E, Central effect of yohimbine on sexual behaviour in the rat. Physiology and Behaviour, 47, 1990, 165-173.
[14]. Ernst E, Pittler MH Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J. Urol 159, 1998, 433-436.
[15]. Sharabi FM, Daabees TT, El-Metwally MA and Senbel AM., Comparative effects of sildenafil, phentolamine, yohimbine and l-arginine on the rabbit corpus cavernosum. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 18, 2004, 187–194
[16]. Adeniyi AA, Brindley GS, Pryor JP, Ralph DJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction. Asian J Androl 9, 2007, 403–7
[17]. Vogt WP Tolerance and Education: Learning to Live with Diversity and Difference. Thousand Oaks, CA, London and New Delhi: Sage. 1997.
[18]. Guay AT, Spark RF, Jacobson J, Murray FT, Geisser ME, Yohimbine treatment of organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trial. International Journal of Impotence Research, 14(1), 2002, 25-31.
[19]. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition National Research Council (US) Committee for the Update of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011.
[20]. Hiroya M, Osamu I, and Osamu N Animal models for studying penile hemodynamics. Asian J Androl 2002, 225-228
Okolo R U and Egua M O et al / Int. J. of Allied Med. Sci. and Clin. Research Vol-4(3) 2016 [400-406]
[21]. Chen K-K, Chan JYH, Chang LS, Chen M-T, Chan SHH. Intracavernous pressure as an experimental index in a rat model for the evaluation of penile erection. J Urol; 147, 1992, 1124 – 8.
[22]. Martinez-Pineiro L, Trigo-Rocha F, Hsu GL, Lue TF. Response Response of bladder, uretheral and intracavernosus pressure to ventral lumbosacral root stimulation in Sprague Dawley and Wister rats. J Urol; 148, 1992, 925 – 9.
[23]. Ernst, usage of complementary therapy in rhematology: A systemic review. Clinical Rheumatology 17, 1998, 301 –305.
[24]. Carey MP, Johnson BT Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: four meta-analytic integration. Arch. Sex Behav. 25, 1996, 341
[25]. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S et al. Effect of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex. Behav.25, 1996, 1-16
[26]. Lue TF Issues in the assessment and Treatment of Erectile